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[Coconutwarrior97] Jackrip - Banned for doxxing

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 5:07 am
by jackrip
BYOND account: Jackrip
Character name: Korol Konets
Ban type: In game, discord, and forum ban
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Joked about doxing an administrator and posted their social media account in another discord. This is not acceptable and per Rule 7,Doxing and SWATing: Doing it, encouraging it, or joking about it will lead to a permanent in-game, Discord, and forum ban.
Time ban was placed: 2021-05-27 02:04:22
Server you were playing on when banned: N/A
Round ID in which ban was placed: N/A
Your side of the story:
I was in several TG station unofficial discords. In one of them an admin's digg profile was posted after being found on the ss13 subreddit using the exact same name of the admin's byond account. After viewing a couple of posts I went into another discord I'm and said something along the lines of "Guess i'll dox _" and posted the link to the public profile. There were no personal details shared. Within a few minutes one of the discord's members let the admin know and I was contacted by the tg host and a couple of admins. They asked me where I got the profile from, and I didn't want to snitch so I told them I would rather eat a ban then tell. Which was dumb, as it was a publicly posted profile found on the space station 13 community subreddit using the admin's byond name. Instead of assuring the admins that this was not a doxx and telling them the profile was found on r/ss13 I decided to play the tough guy card. digg is where the account was found, and I should have just said that. At the time I wasn't thinking clearly, and a bit later I was banned from everything.
Why you think you should be unbanned:
I'd like to start by clarifying the actual ban reason. As I didn't actually dox anyone, I imagine it was for joking about it when I said "Guess I'll dox them" and then posted their very accessible digg profile. I'm going to assume this is the reason for the ban as the profile was not private in any way and was directly associated with ss13 and the admin's account. Doxxing is defined as "search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent." But this was not a doxx. There was zero private or personal information shared, I never attempted to find out who they were or associated the digg account with any other information. This was equivalent to posting my youtube profile. I posted it to laugh at it's contents and never had malicious intent. The post was deleted within seconds and I did not pursue it further, dropping the subject entirely.

I would never want to get doxxed, I take my security very seriously and beg others to do the same. The impact of a doxx on someone's life is detrimental and is not at all a laughing matter, I only wished I had realized at that time that joking about it wasn't appropriate. I have never doxxed someone before and I never will, it truly is despicable and clearly joking about it, even if you have zero intentions of doing it, is not acceptable.

I think the person who reported it thought I was being serious and that I was going to start posting details about the admin or something malicious. When I talked to them about it in private they said "If I had another chance, I would have handled this differently. I’m very sad how it played out. Anyways im really sorry it ended this way, I wish you luck in whatever you choose to do in the future". I believe they now know I had no ill intentions besides a bit of jest at some of the comments and posts on the profile.

If I had a chance to fix it I would, I deeply regret sharing the link and while I never saw anyone attempting to go further than laughing at the digg posts, you never know if someone will.

To the victim: I hope you are safe and that your personal information is secure. I don't know what kind of impact this had on your life or how bad the damage was, but I can only say I hope you are far more careful with your online information in the future. Using the same name for your accounts between social media and an online game filled with maniacs is a horrible idea. I want you to know that you don't need to worry about me in your life, I have zero interest and only wanted to laugh at some of the stuff I found with friends. I genuinely wish you the best with this situation and if you want to talk more about it or ask about online security please contact me, there is zero ill will from my side.

Anything else we should know: I have left all related discords and genuinely hope you can see this for the slip up it was, and not as some malicious attempt to extract personal information about the person. I will never be joking about doxxing again, be it personal discords or the official tg one. I'd also like to say I didn't realize that TG discord rules apply to all discord servers you are in. There is no discord wide policy on joking about doxxing, and I certainly didn't think this joke would get shared so quickly.

Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Jackrip - Banned for doxxing

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 6:27 am
by Hulkamania
A friendly reminder to any posts in this thread, admin or otherwise, that until the business is sorted out please refrain from using the victims name so as not to exacerbate the situation further.

Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Jackrip - Banned for doxxing

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 11:21 am
by iamgoofball
reposting MSO's ruling on doxxing

Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Jackrip - Banned for doxxing

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 12:08 pm
by Coconutwarrior97
I'll start off by breaking down what happened,
We were contacted regarding a potential dox, and upon learning this information we immediatly began an investigation, screenshots were shared with us, of which I will omit any names beyond your own,
We do not consider this a dox due to the nature of the account being shared, being that it was publically accessible and used in r/ss13. However, sharing it and saying "I guess I'll have to dox X to prove it to you" definetly violates Rule 7.

We later learned you messaged another administrator blaming them for telling us this information. And within that conversation stated,
After discussion with MSO we have decided to upgrade your permaban from Discord/Forums/In-Game to a blacklist. We have no room for this kind of behavior in our community, good riddance.

Headmin Votes:
Coconutwarrior97: Reject appeal and blacklist.
Jimmius: Reject appeal and blacklist.
Naloac: Reject appeal and blacklist

Host Vote:
MrStonedOne: Reject appeal and blacklist.