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[Paxilmaniac] TacticalSpacePilot-Note

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:18 am
by TacticalSpacePilot
Byond account: TacticalSpacePilot
Character name: Bob Joe
Ban type: Note
Ban reason: (Sybil Paxilmaniac 200h living playtime) Warned not to randomly search people, or search people for little reason.
Time ban was placed: 2021-07-29 18:11:37
Your side of the story: The admin claimed I unnecessarily searched people in multiple rounds while playing sec and only gave evidence of one incident (why was I not bwoinked the previous rounds) and the most recent one brought up was setting an assistant to arrest who was stowing weapons dropped by a heretic we were chasing, and due to me later dragging this heretic to security I was stunning I was unfortunately unable ask them for it, all while they were generally being unhelpful. After the warden brought the assistant to sec I had them released without any further incident.

The admin justified picking up a hatchet saying its a tool everybody can get, which is true, but its still dangerous and we primarily needed it for evidence (transmutation btw) and I hadn't seen them do any botany work, so I doubt they were desperately trying to chop down tower caps. The admin did not go through with me any other complaints in previous rounds when they happened so I hadn't a chance to talk about those. which I wanted to.

With all due respect, it just seems like the staff is tired of people breaking the law and getting in trouble, and then making adminhelps, and as a result getting tired of dealing with them, threaten me with a ban if I don't stop. If an admin got 100 complaints that were denied understandably you might have a chat with them, and I understand why its happening to me, but since its not accurate of how I treat searching, I'd like the note maybe removed or edited.

Re: [Paxilmaniac] TacticalSpacePilot-Note

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:26 pm
by Paxilmaniac
The admin claimed I unnecessarily searched people in multiple rounds while playing sec and only gave evidence of one incident
At no point did I claim it was over multiple rounds, all I said is that most people complain about you arresting people, or setting them to arrest, and getting them searched for no reason, or for reasons that really don't warrant all that.
(why was I not bwoinked the previous rounds)
Because you started playing again recently (in the past few days even), and nobody has decided to ahelp about it until now.
and the most recent one brought up was setting an assistant to arrest who was stowing weapons dropped by a heretic we were chasing, and due to me later dragging this heretic to security I was stunning I was unfortunately unable ask them for it, all while they were generally being unhelpful. After the warden brought the assistant to sec I had them released without any further incident.
I was tabbed out before I got the ahelp about this, but seeing as the moth was released immediately after, the situation was handled fairly enough, however...
The admin justified picking up a hatchet saying its a tool everybody can get, which is true, but its still dangerous and we primarily needed it for evidence (transmutation btw) and I hadn't seen them do any botany work, so I doubt they were desperately trying to chop down tower caps. The admin did not go through with me any other complaints in previous rounds when they happened so I hadn't a chance to talk about those. which I wanted to.
Again I did not see the situation, and I was never told *where* they picked the hatchet up, but if you're going to arrest someone for needing evidence, at least get your information right, considering that hatchets can't even be used by heretics for making anything.
With all due respect, it just seems like the staff is tired of people breaking the law and getting in trouble, and then making adminhelps, and as a result getting tired of dealing with them, threaten me with a ban if I don't stop.
With all due respect, if Bob Joe is the only name I see in dead chat, followed by complaints about overly aggressive and random searches, then eventually I am going to have to look into the situation and do something about it.

Considering all of that, until the complaints about you random searching stop or die down, I see no reason to remove or edit the note. Just calm down on the searches and there really won't be any problems with it.

Re: [Paxilmaniac] TacticalSpacePilot-Note

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 11:39 pm
by TacticalSpacePilot
You're telling me I treated the situation fair but now I'm at fault for the other "complaints" that may or may not be valid and the only time you look into it I was mostly justified.

So somethings telling me you should provide evidence of these complaints and dchat salt, and as I said, I am fully willing to explain my actions. You basically said you gave me a note because people say my name a lot, and even if I was right you don't care enough to investigate fully.

Re: [Paxilmaniac] TacticalSpacePilot-Note

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:56 pm
by Noodlecat
TacticalSpacePilot wrote: The admin justified picking up a hatchet saying its a tool everybody can get, which is true, but its still dangerous and we primarily needed it for evidence (transmutation btw)
Not to peanut post but isn’t metagaming heretic rituals a big no-no.

Re: [Paxilmaniac] TacticalSpacePilot-Note

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:41 am
by sinfulbliss
Noodlecat wrote:
TacticalSpacePilot wrote: The admin justified picking up a hatchet saying its a tool everybody can get, which is true, but its still dangerous and we primarily needed it for evidence (transmutation btw)
Not to peanut post but isn’t metagaming heretic rituals a big no-no.
If you don't already know someone is a heretic, metagaming their items is a no-no. If you already know they're a heretic, the knowledge their items are for a ritual can be used.

Re: [Paxilmaniac] TacticalSpacePilot-Note

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:57 am
by cSeal
Noodlecat wrote:
TacticalSpacePilot wrote: The admin justified picking up a hatchet saying its a tool everybody can get, which is true, but its still dangerous and we primarily needed it for evidence (transmutation btw)
Not to peanut post but isn’t metagaming heretic rituals a big no-no.
2. Do not use information gained outside of in character means.
I.e.. metagaming. This especially refers to communication between players outside of the game via things like Skype, known as metacomms. Characters are otherwise allowed to know everything about ingame mechanics or antagonists