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[MagmaExploiter2]Liljackrabbit25 - oh god help me i fucked up

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:36 pm
by liljackrabbit25
BYOND account: liljackrabbit25
Character name: Jenna Gray
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: As head of security, spent an entire round stunning people randomly and, in their own words, "torturing" people by dragging them to isolated rooms in cuffs and slapping them with very little provocation, on top of egregious OOC in IC despite being warned about it. Eventually came to blows with the captain and the rest of the security force for an attempted demotion, and when finally handcuffed, said "hail to the Syndicate or whatever" and disconnected mid-ticket. Considering your abysmal history of similar behavior, you don't seem to be learning.
Time ban was placed: 2021-05-13 00:10:30
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 162132
Your side of the story: Basically from what I can remember, I thought of shooting people and arresting them as security. I will admit I do definitely power game which you do not need me to admit if you looked at my previous ban reasons. I thought that being HoS would be fun because you have access to the, "Gamer Gear." I chose HoS and went on with my shift until I got my first arrest. I don't remember what I arrested them for but my Idioticity decided to bring them into the interrogation room and as the ban reason states, I would torture them. I did this because it looked funny to me but obviously to them it was a massive waste of time and they just wanted to get on with their game as I would just stun them for no reason. Obviously this was stupid and completely unacceptable so as any competent captain would do as soon as he heard of my sessions he went to demote me. I decided simply, "No" and thought it would be a good idea to try to cuff the captain. Look back at that it was obviously a stupid decision because its pretty much breaking rule 5 and the entire security expectations. As a security officer it would be very bad to do this but as the HoS it would be absolutely unacceptable and I know this. After my entire security team turned on me I got fed up with this and just thought "Fuck it" and said "Hail to the syndicate or whatever" and left. The reason I did this was because after what I did I thought they were going to execute me or perma me which they would definitely do. I shouldn't have left and I should've just stayed. The part where it says I left in the middle of an admin PM, I dont rember ever getting a notification of one and if I did I most likely was too ignorant blasting music in my headphones and attempting to take the CAPTAIN down as HOS.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I think that the reason I should be unbanned is because I fucked up bad. I know my record and I tossed it aside. After this permanent ban I will 100% get back into shape and stop breaking the damn rules. Im sorry, I should not have even thought of attacking captain.
References of good conduct: The only server that I was unbanned on and played was goonstation but I got banned a while ago because I said "retard." If I am correct, I do believe saying things like that on TG is fine.

- just a quick note, I know you said to come back with a voucher from my previous ban appeal and I acknowledge it would help me greatly but at this point I don't think that it is currently possible for me to get any type of voucher with my current record of me being banned on every server in the byond browser. If you were to decide to unban me. For one, thank you very epic. And two, I would at least recommend you to only unban me on the LRP servers and not manual because at this point it is obvious that I am incapable of following the god damn roleplay rules. Please forgive me even after my record. And if you need to go further I would possibly recommend unbanning me but with a ban on manual and any head roles. Thank you and have a good day.
Part of this appeal was generated by Banbus 0.12.0

Re: [MagmaExploiter2]Liljackrabbit25 - oh god help me i fucked up

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:57 pm
by bobbahbrown
it's worth pointing out that another user, Thetruehonker69, was banned for ban evading on your behalf a few weeks ago, though this may have been a false positive. perhaps brotherbeyond will comment!

the account was banned from /tg/ on 2021-07-28, as seen through centcom.


also i would point out that in this statement...
...I would at least recommend you to only unban me on the LRP servers and not manual because at this point...
/tg/station, at this time, does not support server-specific or roleplay-level-specific bans. this request would not be feasible.

bobbah 'bee' brown

Re: [MagmaExploiter2]Liljackrabbit25 - oh god help me i fucked up

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:15 pm
by liljackrabbit25
Yeah about that. Friend told me to just make a new account because he was bored. decided to try and see what would happen if I did, was still banned so just threw the account away. I'm sorry about that, it was stupid of me. I do believe it was more than a few weeks ago that i tried using that method. I obviously can see now that appealing would have gone way better instead of trying to do that. There was hundreds of other ways I could have gone about this instead of doing that. I will not attempt to evade this ban or any other ban again. I understand if you were to deny this ban appeal for that reason, but please don't.

Also I thought that you could ban on servers like manual only for people who cant roleplay.

Re: [MagmaExploiter2]Liljackrabbit25 - oh god help me i fucked up

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 1:13 am
by XivilaiAnaxes ... nry.23784/

You're currently halfway through a month ban on Yog.

Given that you evaded they're 99% going to say no. Perhaps you would be better served behaving on Yog after you ban wears out there and using that as your vouch on "every other server in the beyond browser".

Re: [MagmaExploiter2]Liljackrabbit25 - oh god help me i fucked up

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 1:17 am
by liljackrabbit25
so im going to guess that this is denied.

Re: [MagmaExploiter2]Liljackrabbit25 - oh god help me i fucked up

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 3:31 am
by MagmaExploiter
I'd want to give you another chance, but in the time since your last appeal, you've been permabanned from Fulpstation, monthbanned from Yogstation, and you tried to evade your ban here. It's very difficult to trust that you're acting in good faith so soon after all that, and it would set a poor precedent - we take ban evasion very seriously here.

I'm gonna have to deny this one, but please do come back in about six months or so - we do allow re-appeals on permabans after some time has passed (typically a year between attempts) and if you manage to stay out of trouble elsewhere until then, I'd be happy to give you a chance.

Re: [MagmaExploiter2]Liljackrabbit25 - oh god help me i fucked up

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:38 pm
by liljackrabbit25
oh ok i would love that. guess ill see you in 2022 thanks