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[Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:15 am
by Dat_Legion
BYOND account: Dat_legion
Character name: Robyn Sterling
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Rule eight permaban, participated in multiple instances of rule eight linetoeing behaviour with The Bamboozler (Aurora VF) including playing along with character backstories that include child abuse and not backing out of conversations with rather suggestive implications. We take rule eight very seriously on /tg/.

Time ban was placed: 2021-08-17
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: Round #167940
Your side of the story:

Alright, I’m going to keep this short and to the point as to spare the poor admins who have to deal with me. I don’t think there’s a point I could, in good faith, argue against for me being banned. No sin be barred or denied save for one point. I’m a bit spotty on the child abuse factor, and by god I should’ve been a bit more sane about all this in retrospect. However, I know when I’ve fucked up, and when to change how I act. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I regret them severely.

So I’m looking back through the logs of stuff that I typed and honestly I am finding this cringe. I’m not going to try to hide the fact that I acted so stupidly that attempting to find the right word without using “full blown brain non-activity” is going to be impossible.

Therefore, I’m simply going to say that I acted like a box of rocks, but the rocks were dropped on their head when they were still cooling lava being ejected from a volcano. Hell, I would’ve banned myself given the situation. My side of the story probably won’t change anything, I acted stupid, and I’ll admit that I acted stupid, that’s all there is.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

Regarding unbanning, I don’t know exactly what to put here. It’s up to the administrative team to choose my fate. I can only hope for something like a shortening from permanent.

I’m far from perfect, and far, far from the model player, but I don’t want my last interactions with a server I enjoyed being on to be a negative one. At the very least, I want to show that I can turn this around, and become a better, less brain damaged player.

Anything else we should know:

Lastly, as more of a demonstration of good faith towards the admin team, and as a Damocles against my idiocy, if this happens again *ahem rule eight* in the future, I request that I am permaban’d and stripped of appeal abilities, followed by a server blacklist. If I haven’t learned my lesson from this, I shouldn’t even have the chance of coming back. Although you probably would do that anyways.
Sorry in advance to the soon-to-be peanut thread and the admins dealing with my god-forsaken fwoosh-post-level ban appeal.

Re: [Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:00 am
by spookuni
Heya, thanks for making an appeal.

I'm glad you're understanding that your behaviour was a mistake, and not something we want to see on /tg/.

I won't be lifting this ban though, I do not believe you're deserving of a blacklisting, as your proposed probationary Damocles would warrant, and I believe that the ban is fairly applied given the circumstances leading up to the ban, so I'll be leaving it as is.

If you're still interested in playing on /tg/ in a year, come back with a good vouch from another server and that'll probably be enough.

I've still got the logs from multiple rounds that went into making the decision, but given that you already understand that you've made a mistake, I'm going to hold off on publicly breaking them down. If you want me to go over them with you anyway, let me know and I'll grab them when I get home later today.

Good luck in your future endeavours, and if you want to come back and can put this series of mistakes behind you, I'll see you in a year.

Re: [Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:19 pm
by Dat_Legion
Well, it's been a honor playing on /tg/. C'est la vie.

few things before I start playing goonstation or something:
Yea my ban appeal's basically nearly incomprehensible rambling, I've noticed that.

The whole "ban, blacklist and no appeal" thing was in case of a sequel to this event. So sue me, I don't trust myself. Although I would've doubled over laughing if you misread that and just strait up obliterated me completely.
I assure you, in the week gap between the ban and the ban appeal I've gone through about 2 weeks of logs, double checked the server rules, looked at incidents similar to my own and thought about the situation I put myself in. The ban should stand, yea.
And hell, my best case scenario out of this would be something like a 6-8 month ban at the least, with admittance only granted after good behavior demonstrated on a different server.

I'll see you in a year, with hopefully a flawless record from a good server. Spookuni, you deserve a promotion or something. Y'all bastards are great, I think it's time I improved as a person.

until then? Rip Bozo.

Re: [Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:38 pm
by Dat_Legion
And, very lastly, as the door gets shut on me and my failures, because I can't leave well enough alone.

To the- oh good lord that's triple digits on the people who've looked at this - swarm of manuel-ites looking at me and shaking their head in disapointment, and the LRP crowd laughing their asses off and going "look at this stupid mf, he turned himself into a permaban funniest shit I've ever seen."

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm sorry to anyone who had to get involved in this, expecially the admin team, you poor bastards do this for free.

Re: [Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:36 am
by Null0
me too buddy, me too. godspeed and goodnight.

Re: [Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:02 pm
by Dat_Legion
Ok not to drag this out, but what in the godamn is going on with my appeal. it's been what, three days?

I got MULTIBLE BASTARDS suggesting I play fucking SKYRAT of all servers, hell naw. The decisions that caused this ban were a mistake, an error in my mental process which I'm expunging from my life for good godamn reason. If I'm going down like the dumbass I am, I'll learn from this, mark my words.

If this is going to be the way I go out on /tg/ I at least wanted an open and shut case. How does this even work past a certain point. Can a admin inform me of any information regarding the lack of any further actions being taken on this? helllooooooo??

Re: [Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 12:59 am
by Vekter
We're in the middle of a headmin election and the three we've got right now are fairly busy with IRL stuff. I'll poke them for you, but your patience is appreciated.

Re: [Spookuni] Dat_Legion - I really messed it up now. Rip Bozo.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:01 am
by Jimmius
Given you don't seem to be contesting the ruling, with your main complaint being that the thread isn't closed, I guess I'll close this for the two of you involved.