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[Hulkamania] Nocturne#1292 - [DISCORD]

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 5:55 pm
by Bigmaneatchip555
Discord username: Nocturne#1292
Commonly used names: "Mean,moron,lean,"
Banning admin: Hulkamania#8663
Ban reason: "Immedietly after declaration of food gore isn't to be posted, posted food gore"
Time ban was placed: 2021-11-8 EST
Your side of the story:
So someone posted a shitty watermelon pizza sparking the whole "no gross food" (dubbed gore by hulk) i thought it was a silly joke since it was still food by definition i posted
a video of a cursed combo of beans and pasta with cheese whitch is far from such harsh "gore" term i thought this would be funny to accompany with "give me liberty or give me ~~death~~Bans"
While it was silly to post something said not to, There really wasn't any basis of me understanding it was a real rule considering it was a one time statement unpinned (last when i checked it)
Why you think you should be unbanned: Beauty is unto the. eye of the beholder, i saw the beans and rice as a form of food art, by all definitions

Code: Select all

 <it was everything but  "gore" but it surely was food>
i feel that we had a miscommunication in the humor level and would like to take more time to discuss if i truly caused any grievances as always i have salted my posts with a tinge of satirical nonsensical shitposting, I feel that a permanent ban in place is quite over the top and if you just let me know when I've seriously caused any trouble i will stop, and heed warnings if given a second consideration and contribute to the lovely #shitposts-gen with my horrific flood as always yours truly -bigmaneatchip

Re: [Hulkamania] Nocturne#1292 - [DISCORD]

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 6:28 pm
by Bigmaneatchip555
Amendment:"everything but gore" Changed from "Definition of gore" Dsylexic error on my part highlighted in green

Re: [Hulkamania] Nocturne#1292 - [DISCORD]

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:02 pm
by Hulkamania
Lets be clear here, the term is "food gore" and it's a general term used around the internet for food that is intentionally made to be gross or unappealing for the sake of shock value.

What you've posted is just that, by your own admission is a "cursed combo" of foods. I also included the words "gross" in my description on things that are not allowed, which you are also all but admitting you had.

Lets also include the entire fact that you flaunted the idea that you wanted to be banned by taking a stand, and your post was 100% made in bad faith in reaction to the new policy in food being posted. I offered everyone an outlet to post their gross out food in shitpost general instead of food general, meaning it isn't even banned it's just relegated to a new space.

I never said the ban was permanent and I was waiting on you to appeal before deciding on a length. I'll lift this three days from now (as of this post) but I will not be lifting it by appeal outright.

Re: [Hulkamania] Nocturne#1292 - [DISCORD]

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:21 pm
by Bigmaneatchip555
Hello it is 3 days, just making reply so i can be pinged

Re: [Hulkamania] Nocturne#1292 - [DISCORD]

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:23 pm
by Hulkamania