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[ MrAlphonzo] PwntQ - Misleading Ban Reason

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:32 am
by PwntQ
BYOND account: PwntQ
Character name: Scrunnngy
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 1 day
Ban reason: Killing a non-hostile sentient Beepsky, long after they had been arrested by it and subsequently released by security. You can't remove someone from the round permanently, because you held a grudge over them doing their job, regardless of them being a simplemob or not
Time ban was placed: 2022-05-29 00:48:43
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 183946
Your side of the story: Was hacking door to wardens office to steal mcgruff, round start sentient Beepsky wanders in brig and stuns/cuffs/bucklecuffs me to a chair. Ai ignores law 2 commands to turn beepsky off ( which is NOT a violation of silicon policy). Human officer wanders in and tosses me into a cell with a timer. IMMEDIATELY after being let out of brig, I begin to chase down Beepky. I see him but he outpaces me due to clown shoes. I then see a borg, which I law 2 into chasing beepsky for me and and turning him off. I then hit Beepsky with the clown dagger, which it turns out does actual damage and exploded him.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I am appealing not so much against the ban, because its a 1 day ban, but that the listed Ban reason is false. I did not go to kill Beepky long after I was arrested and let go, i went for him IMMEDIATELY after spending time in the can plotting revenge (honk!).

Re: [ MrAlphonzo] PwntQ - Misleading Ban Reason

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 1:41 am
by MrAlphonzo
I'm not even going to bother arguing. I'll change it to you killed him 15 minutes after he had arrested you, because that just makes it look so much better.

Re: [ MrAlphonzo] PwntQ - Misleading Ban Reason

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 3:39 am
by PwntQ
It wasn't 15 minutes, it was less than 5 minutes after being released from brig. It was also an admeme that you had created in for a ghost role, that you respawned in so they weren't removed from the round permanently.

I'll also argue that in any conflict with a player controlled beepsky, there is no way for the average crewmember to fight back except to destroy beepsky. You can't knock beepsky out, or stun/shove them and run away or restrain them. While not entirely pertinent to the conflict I engaged in, it would mean that no one can resist arrest from a player controlled Beepsky without permanently round removing them which is unfair.

Re: [ MrAlphonzo] PwntQ - Misleading Ban Reason

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 5:18 am
by MrAlphonzo
I'm so sorry you're still dissatisfied with the accuracy of the note.

To fix this, I will make it as accurate as possible, making it look even worse.

"15 minutes after a sentient Beepsky had arrested them and handed them over to another officer, which was five minutes after they were released from the brig, hunted down and killed Beepsky, who didn't even give them the long brig sentence to begin with. Beepsky was only guilty of arresting someone, you, for breaking into the warden's office."

I'm sure this reflects so much better than what you had originally.