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[NamelessFairy] HoundBlues - Ban for metacomms

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 11:05 pm
by HoundBlue
[NamelessFairy] HoundBlues - Ban for metacomms

BYOND account: HoundBlues
Character name: Im not sure, it was a while ago, maybe Abraham Wolf
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Metacommunications with (other players)
Time ban was placed: 2021-12-07 21:57:54
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 174377
Your side of the story: Met some cool people on the on the discord server not long after I just started playing ss13, made a discord group with the sole purpose of chatting from time to time but slowly started mettacommunicating during rounds until it was too much, got reported by one of us.
Why you think you should be unbanned: The ban was fair and im glad we got reported because if not we wouldnt have stopped and it was ruining everyones experience. I was pretty new on the game and some things were frustrating and new to me so I ended up metacommunicating. It wouldnt happen again tho.
References of good conduct: The only server I played regularly was tg, and even tho I got banned I belive I always have been respectful and polite to others. Theres not much else to say, I did metacomms and got banned, I regret it and I would like to have another chance, I know I dont have much to defend myself with of a permaban so If my ban appeal gets revoked Id understand.

Re: [NamelessFairy] HoundBlues - Ban for metacomms

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:22 pm
by NamelessFairy
I appreciate that your taking a more honest approach to your appeal then your original reaction to this ban, I am however still denying this appeal as it has been less than a year and you do not have a positive reference. I advise that you take some time to play on another server and gather a suitable reference of good conduct, If you can get a reference of good conduct I'm willing to give you an exemption to the one permaban appeal per year rule to have this ban reviewed.

Example of your metacommunications with Kapselgamer who appealed earlier this year:
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Re: [NamelessFairy] HoundBlues - Ban for metacomms

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:38 pm
by HoundBlue
Hello again and thank you for answering.

Sorry if my initial response was a bit rude, Its just that I found myself in a place where one of the members of our very very small server (like 4 or 5 members if I remember correctly) suddenly turned on us, but even then I dont think I denied the accusations or anything like that, I might be wrong tho, I barely remember it.

And about the ban and the positive reference. The reason I dont have any positive reference already its because I barely played in other servers, I simply dont enjoy it as much as playing in tg, I can say positevely that if TG didnt exist I prolly wouldnt have kept playing ss13. So if the only way to get unbanned is to start playing in servers I dont enjoy until I have a positive reference, then I think Im better off uninstalling BYOND and forgetting about ss13.
Is there not another way? This ban already outlasted the relationships I had with the people I metacommed with, it has been a long time since that happened, I know it is less than a year but it certainly feels like way more.
And in top of everything this was my first ban ever! I dont think I have a single warning or note or anything (I hope I dont) and im instantly permanently banned.

If thats the only way then just tell me and I guess Ill just move on despite of how much I liked this game

Re: [NamelessFairy] HoundBlues - Ban for metacomms

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:46 pm
by NamelessFairy
You're welcome to re-appeal this ban in a year as is standard with Permabans, you're not required to get a good reference from another server, I just recommend it and will let you appeal it before the normal 1 year downtime if you can get one.

Re: [NamelessFairy] HoundBlues - Ban for metacomms

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:56 pm
by Timberpoes
Permabans are a standard response for metacomms.

In practice, permanent doesn't mean forever. It's more a ban of indeterminate length that exists until overturned.

By default, you can only appeal a permanent ban once every 12 months after an initial appeal is rejected. Nameless has kindly carved out an exception to that 12 month period.

If you can play on another reputable server for a few months without breaking any rules, that server may be willing to tell us that you've done so. That would go a long way to showing you deserve a second chance and would merit an earlier review of your ban. Well known servers include places like Beestation, Paradise, /vg/. Look around, if they're generally populated and have reasonable rules they'll probably count.

If you don't want to do that, you're free to appeal again in 12 months regardless of that, where we'll re-assess whether enough time has passed to give you another chance.