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[Thunder12345] Kirbykraze2 - Generic ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:38 pm
by Kirbykraze
BYOND account: kirbykraze2
Character name: Whitaker Davis
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 2 days
Ban reason: As an engineer, built an unlabelled, exposed, disposals chute leading directly into the SM engine in the engineering foyer. This resulted in two other members of engineering getting dusted by it.
Time ban was placed: 2022-10-25 16:04:48
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 193067
Your side of the story: I suggested the idea of an SM chute, and the CE said it would be funny, so we worked together to make one. A couple people did walk in, yes, but when I walked in, I was not pushed into the SM - and I don't believe my magboots were enabled. I had ample time to walk right one tile and into a holofan.
Why you think you should be unbanned: The SM chute was a lot less dangerous than one would expect, as even when it launched me into the crystal, I wasn't dusted. For it to kill me, I had to manually walk into it. Any engineer that knew a single thing about their job would know that they could simply walk into the holofan right next to them and deconstruct the disposal outlet to simply walk out, so I have reason to believe that the people who walked in were intending to kill themselves - did you even ask them?

Re: [Thunder12345] Kirbykraze2 - Generic ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:18 pm
by Thunder11
You built a disposals chute pointing into the SM chamber.

You assumed this would not kill people because you knew of a specific way to get out based on your knowledge of the trap you set up, knowledge that other people who fell into it would not have.

This was not a reasonable assumption, and two people died as a result.

There really isn't anything more that needs to be said here.

Re: [Thunder12345] Kirbykraze2 - Generic ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:30 pm
by Kirbykraze
It was not a "specific way to get out based on my knowledge of the trap I set up", but rather walking through a door - no, really. The way to exit was literally just walking through a door. It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to NOT try to walk out the door unless they were trying to kill themselves.

Re: [Thunder12345] Kirbykraze2 - Generic ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 7:28 pm
by Scriptis
It's important to note that an active crystal pulls anything not bolted down towards it in a three-tile radius. This is usually fatal for anyone without magboots, doubly so if they're disoriented from suddenly being in the engine. Here's a video demonstrating how lethal this is. You'd need to have extraordinary luck to stand near the crystal for more than three seconds without mags without being atomized.

edit: For reference, every time you hear this sound, that's the engine pulling everything in by one tile.
edit 2: Since this isn't atmos, it also doesn't care if you're standing under a holofan--if you're within the radius, you're going in, and the space wind is probably going to make things worse. Odds are you're not going to be able to deconstruct something with the crystal moving you.

Re: [Thunder12345] Kirbykraze2 - Generic ban appeal

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:59 am
by iamgoofball
movement in the SM chamber used to be because of atmos, it wasn't always hardcoded to be from the SM itself and we don't really communicate that it's NOT because of atmos

i think it's a fair assumption that the atmos holofan would stop the supermatter pulls since it's assumed that the pulls are the result of the airflow around the SM and not the actual SM crystal itself

I've made a pull request to make this more clear to players

Re: [Thunder12345] Kirbykraze2 - Generic ban appeal

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:12 pm
by TheFinalPotato
In my defense it was added in 2017, the guy just implemented it wrong. I fixed it in 2020, so like 2 years ago now. It's not a matter of age, it's just a bit niche since people aren't in a running sm that often and don't get airflow

Re: [Thunder12345] Kirbykraze2 - Generic ban appeal

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:58 pm
by Vekter
Thunder said this was resolved on Discord.

E: By which I mean, he told me "this is resolved" on Discord, not that he resolved it via Discord. You know what I mean.