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[Iain0] RandomDudeFromTheRim - perma-ban lift request

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:48 am
by RandomDudeRim
BYOND account: RandomDudeFromTheRim
Character name: Grinds-For-Serum (Probably? was 3-4 months ago, dont remember that well)
Ban type: Role
Ban length: Permanent (was going to be 2 weeks)
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Botanist permanently - As botanist, threw some explosive lemons around the escape shuttle, removed one persons limb and breached the shuttle wall to space (minor breach). Placed 2 week botanist ban but player asked for longer; anything after the 2 weeks may be appealed without my involvement.
Time ban was placed: 2022-07-14 18:28:56
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 186636
Your side of the story: I was a brainless dumbass not caring about other people throwing explosive lemons around the escape shuttle. what other things shall i say?
Why you think you should be unbanned: I think i learned my lesson, now i just wanna chill with my botany men and grow 300u of growth serum and speedrun for floral somatoray and botanogenetic plant shears.
References of good conduct: Terry, Sybil. Used to play a LOT as perma roundstart, was always growing a nice farm and it only went once out of control when i kudzu'd the perma but then decided to kudzu brig (which is bad). Also as other jobs lately i have been trying to accomplish my 300u of growth serum challenge.

Re: [Iain0] RandomDudeFromTheRim - perma-ban lift request

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:55 pm
by iain0
Hey there, thanks for the appeal.

As per the ban reason, this was originally a shorter term role ban extended at your request thus I have no problems removing this and have done so, please let me know if you have any issues.
