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Harricross - Niceman47 - Permban appeal

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:57 am
by abdulshakur
BYOND account: Niceman47
Character name: Niceman47 or Abdul Shakur, unsure
Ban type: Server ban
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: As a non-antagonist medical doctor, trespassed into xenobiology and when confronted, shot the RD with a lexorin piercing syringe. Additionally, was told to tone down on slurs before and said things such as, "furfag" and "snitch fag". You've accumulated three notes in under two days and cannot see you improving or contributing to the server in any capacity.
Time ban was placed: 2021-11-20 04:50:45
Server you were playing on when banned: So long ago I am unsure but probably tg Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 173335
Your side of the story: It was so long ago but I was probably just being a troll and calling people slurs after being called out for it.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I was watching alot of "SS13 trolling/ban speedrun" type content and was just trying to follow in those kind of footsteps. I think I have had plenty of time to think on it and after playing on TG station servers before there really isnt any other substitute for it. I would really appreciate a second chance. I think I could make a good medic for the community.
References of good conduct: No references, just starting to get back to SS13 again and want to start here.
Anything else we should know: The ban has been very long and I hope to be back on the servers soon!

Re: Harricross - Niceman47 - Permban appeal

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:44 am
by Harricross
Hi, thanks for making an appeal.

I'll lift your ban as I believe a person can change positively within a year and I can clearly see you are appealing in good faith.

Have fun.