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Admin name: tterc (discord) - Player name: Moriih (deleted acc) Griefing in game, plead for ban removal

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:30 pm
by Mori
BYOND account: Moriih
Character name: Long time ago, can't really remember.
Ban type: "This ban applies to all servers".
Ban length: Permanent, i believe.
Ban reason: "Doing pretty much nothing but griefing pepople across multiple rounds. Appeal once you're ready to take the game a bit more seriously." By griefing, i believe it means killing player character unprovoked.
Time ban was placed: 12a - Sunday, December 19, 2021
Server you (me) were playing when banned: Can't tell.
Round ID: ID wasn't provided in the ban log.
Your (my) side of the story: I don't have any excuse, was stupid and ruined rounds for a lot of people.
Why i think i should be unbanned: I am willing to take the game more seriously, in a non-toxic way. I'll do my best to be a healthy player of the community.
References of good conduct: I don't really have any, to be honest. SS13 Goonstation was the only server that i really played before "going down hill", but i'll try to change that if the moderation team gives me a second chance.
Extra info: Nothing relevant in a logic way, but i think i grown up enough to not be a nuisance during the game, i hope you people consider my appeal.

Re: Admin name: tterc (discord) - Player name: Moriih (deleted acc) Griefing in game, plead for ban removal

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:48 pm
by Timberpoes
Just to double check, are you appealing a ban from SS13 Goonstation?

If so, you'll want to use their ban appeal forum at

This forum is for the SS13 tgstation codebase and servers.

Re: Admin name: tterc (discord) - Player name: Moriih (deleted acc) Griefing in game, plead for ban removal

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:11 pm
by Mori
oh well my bad, sorry

Re: Admin name: tterc (discord) - Player name: Moriih (deleted acc) Griefing in game, plead for ban removal

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:56 pm
by Timberpoes
No worries. Good luck with your Goonstation appeal!