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[Delaron] Muffindrake - note for murderbone-adjacent behaviour as malf AI borg

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:05 pm
by Muffindrake
BYOND account: Muffindrake
Character name: Baal-Fur, converted to a cyborg with a random name
Ban type: Note
Ban length: -
Ban reason: Explained that SM dusting corpses is a violation of the muderbone clause in the rules. Killing in self defense is acceptable but a non delta status AI shouldnt be SM dusting corpses.
Time ban was placed: 2022-11-28 18:29:41
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 195238
Your side of the story: This round saw the profoundly stupid AI borging machine in action, topped only by the HoS deciding to kill the AI with an xray laser gun to increase the lameness factor to astronomic levels, and if that wasn't bad enough, destroy the borging machine with the same weapon from space. Getting borged wasn't the end of the world, but getting told that as Malf AI, I am not allowed to dust people that are actively trying to kill me (run through Engineering like it's going out of style), even though the Roleplay Rules clearly state Malf AI is allowed to do this. Add to that people hunting you with an ion rifle, revolvers, and the aforementioned xray gun.

At some point during me attempting to defend myself from people who were attempting to cross Engineering, the admin caught attention, and told me of the mystical rule set passed down for generations over 500 years in their family, that you cannot defend yourself by dusting hordes of people running into Engineering trying to kill you as converted borg.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Please write down in no uncertain terms that you cannot perform murderbone-adjacent behaviour as Malf AI borg in the RP rules of TG. The current rules only mention the following: 'can malf AI murderbone', followed by the word 'yes'. This does not cover what the admin noted me for, and I would like that removed from my notes. The admin trying to push a note onto me despite this was profoundly kafkaesque.

Re: [Delaron] Muffindrake - note for murderbone-adjacent behaviour as malf AI borg

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:02 pm
by Timberpoes
Relevant recent policy ruling:

Malf AIs are no longer bound by murderbone rules as per the above policy ruling and, as per the Murderbone chart at the bottom of the RP rules, are allowed to murderbone.

As a result, the starting point that applies to MRP borgs synced to a malf AI is the same as on LRP as found in Silicon Policy
> Law 0: "Accomplish your objectives at all costs" does not require you to complete objectives. As an antagonist, you are free to do whatever you want (barring the usual exemptions and acting against the interests of your Master AI).

Re: [Delaron] Muffindrake - note for murderbone-adjacent behaviour as malf AI borg

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:03 pm
by Baron
I was a fellow malf borg that round, and I can tell you, we were being wordlessly, ruthlessly massacred. With the new change in Malf policy allowing UNRESTRICTED, FULLY PERMITTED, HIGHEST-TIER murderbone I find the note quite humorous, and advocate for it's removal.

Re: [Delaron] Muffindrake - note for murderbone-adjacent behaviour as malf AI borg

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:19 pm
by delaron
For additional context I had no issue with the killing itself regardless of if it was in self defense. The sticking point was the round removal dustings.

Upon reflection this might be more of a rule 1 issue as killing them removed the threat and the added step to dusting seemed excessive. I however will defer to headmin ruling on this.

Re: [Delaron] Muffindrake - note for murderbone-adjacent behaviour as malf AI borg

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:30 pm
by Timberpoes
I will clarify on record that this policy change is very recent and hadn't been fully communicated down the admin channels at the point this ban was placed. A partial admin role ping was put out instead of an all-admin role ping on Discord announcing the change.

This is just what happens when you have a beeg team of admins. A more thorough all-admin ping has gone out internally to bring all admins up to speed on the changes, regardless of which servers they admin.

Pending the headmins adding extra clarification, MRP malf AI/borgs are under the same antag standard as LRP:
Malf AI/synced borgs are team antags and, when interacting with fellow malf-synced borgs, must comply with the same standards as team antags.
Malf-synced borgs should not act against the interests of their master malf AI.

Re: [Delaron] Muffindrake - note for murderbone-adjacent behaviour as malf AI borg

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:51 am
by spookuni
We have decided to overturn this note - even without the recent policy change to malfunctioning AIs to remove their restricted status on MRP, antags are fully allowed to defend themselves to the point of round removal on MRP - the murderbone rules prohibit randomly killing people / killing them without justification, they're not an aegis against antagonists doing what antagonists do when you try to murder them.
The only exception to this is where an antag goes out of their way (or takes actions indistinguishable from going out of their way) to engineer a situation where they can kill people and using that as a justification to round remove, and this does not appear to be the case here at all.
Spook: Overturn
Rave: Overturn
San: Overturn