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[vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:38 am
by helplesscrane
BYOND account:helplesscrane
Character name:chowder asombroso
Ban type: note
Ban reason:Excessive greytiding as RD, used the flashbang relic to stunlock a bunch of people because they refused to give him access to Atmos instead of asking for what they wanted (a holofan).
Time ban was placed:[03:05:18
Server you were playing on when banned: sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed 195263
Your side of the story: i was trying to learn how to make maxcaps when i saw my two friends fighting eachother, encased in a table trap, i asked them to open the door so i could get oxygen. the hacking tab kept moving off of my screen every time my cursor hovered over it but they were so involved in their fight they ignored me so i flash banged them with my strange object until they opened it. and the admin gave me brain damage, deleted my tool from my bag, and killed me while i was being healed in medbay for my brain damage
Why you think you should be unbanned: it wasint intended to be grief i would not have done it if they werent already goofing around, also i do not believe it was excessive tiding since i was just trying to get into one room the whole shift because i had assumed that holofan from atmos was required for bomb making to not burn science to the ground incase of catastrophic failure, im sorry if anyone else got caught up in it without me realizing.
References of good conduct: no

Re: [vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:51 am
by Vekter
I didn't ban you, I noted you.

I'm not removing the note. I don't feel like it's not factual nor do I think it's worth removing. I actively watched you threaten an Atmos tech to open the door, then try to grab them and drag them over to do so. After you finally got someone to help you, you grabbed a locker, ran up to another Atmos tech, just said "holofan" and shoved him when he didn't open it within three seconds.

Use your words, damn.

Edit: Also because I know it will come up, I was messing with you in the hopes you would understand that you were being a dick and even expressly asked you if you had learned anything about talking instead of trying to force your way in, to which you responded "I've learned nothing" in character. So yes, I killed you while you were on the operating table then immediately healed you enough to be revived with a defib. You were dead for less than a minute.

Re: [vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:26 am
by toemas
hey i was the atmos tech
me and lucy are buddies and i didnt really mind
also nobody was negatively effected by this, this was in the engineering lobby and the only other people in the room were two assistants who were just fighting

it may have been a wise choice for you to just maybe bwoink them and ask them what they were doing, instead of griefing them with admin tools?

Re: [vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:33 am
by helplesscrane
the atmost tech that i pushed in atmos for the holo was my friend im sorry and i know this looks bad but just contextually it wouldint have happened if it was anyone else

Re: [vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:37 am
by helplesscrane

Re: [vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:50 am
by Timberpoes
While I appreciate the conversation that has happened so far, this appeal probably isn't the place for it. If needs be, certain issues can be discussed openly and freely in any peanut post(s) associated with this thread and I'd direct people to discuss it there: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=32852

Active appeals aren't the best place for these discussions, which tend to detract from the appeal itself.

As a result, I'm going to be deleting the chain of posts in a Kafkaesque display of Orwellian administration practices.

We don't have traditional ban requests. That aside, the headmin team do have the discretion to handle appeals however they see fit. This includes the ability to increase severity of any punishment if an appeal brings new information to light. This is of course an exceptionally rare event as we tend not to punish players for merely exercising their right to appeal - but it is not unheard of in certain special circumstances.

I have notified the Headmin team directly on Discord to direct their attention to this thread with a role ping in the admin backchannels. The headmins can see/read deleted posts. They can also... Further action certain reported incidents if they feel it is appropriate.

Please keep further posts strictly related to this appeal and/or the specific incident within this appeal.

Re: [vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:24 pm
by helplesscrane

Re: [vektar[ helplesscrane banned for flash bang

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 8:20 pm
by helplesscrane
i said i had learnt nothing because i thought that it was a joke. you gave me brain damage which was funny and then you killed me, deleted my things, and then noted me which was not funny