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[rageguy505] perm'd from ooc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:38 am
by serxule
BYOND account: serxule
Character name: doug hool
Ban type: ooc
Ban length: perm
"KILL YOURSELF" "FUCKING SHITTERTARD GUNNING DOWN ANYONE" "WORST FUCKING PLAYER" said they were aware it was agains the rules and still did ic/ooc
Time ban was placed: 2022-12-02 07:24:03
Server you were playing on when banned: sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 195471
Your side of the story: so i use an airlock auth card to get into CE's office for the locker, drag the locker to maints, hear someone coming so i run off and leave the locker and hide in a closet in dorms, after a little (maybe a minute or 2), i leave the locker and go south from holodeck into dorms, there jeremy was, who decided to randomly start lethalling me for walking past him, forcing me to use the desword i bought for future use, i died to the detective, then i ick ocked him for being a shitter
Why you think you should be unbanned: should i have ahelped it? yeah probably, but it was deserved ick ock, and yes i know its against the rules, but why does that mean its worthy of a permban? (they didnt give any reasonsing other than this) the last note (technically a ban in this case) for ick ock was over a year ago, almost 2 now, temp ban me or whatever you feel but a permban is stupid.
Anything else we should know: im tired of shitters, and jeremy repeatedly does shittery like this

Re: [rageguy505] perm'd from ooc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:31 am
by Rageguy505
Hey there, its not a good thing to say you're aware of what you're doing is breaking the rules, and then to keep on doing what you're doing.
I put a perma occ ban because of that and your previous history of ic in occ bans/notes which totals to around 11 notes including one ooc perma ban.
You clearly know that ic in ooc is against the rules with this history and still did it.

The appeal is denied.

Re: [rageguy505] perm'd from ooc

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:21 pm
by Vekter
You have over 1,000 hours played, we're not going to give you a warning when 1) we have already done so multiple times and 2) you're well aware that what you did was wrong.
but it was deserved ick ock
This isn't a thing.

Re: [rageguy505] perm'd from ooc

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:08 pm
by Rageguy505
If there isn't a response for this then ill close it in a day or so.

Re: [rageguy505] perm'd from ooc

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 3:23 pm
by Rageguy505
its be a day or so, so im locking it