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[thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 4:31 pm
by iansdoor
BYOND account: iansdoor
Character name: Deekin Scale
Ban type: Server
Ban length: one day
Ban reason: As captain, killed the CMO (Medeelel18) for no good reason. The CMO had a willing debrained patient, in a weird way. When I, iansdoor became involved, security had already resolved the situation peacefully. Proceeded to steal both patients brain and the CMO's crew pin pointer. When the CMO telebaton'ed and shoved twice to retrieve his crew pin pointer. I, iansdoor sabered him to death. In ahelps, I displayed an attitude that I was in the right to take his crew pin pointer without retaliation, it is on the victim to replace those items. Needless, to say this behavior is unacceptable in thunder12345 eye's.
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 196209
Your side of the story: I ahelped by Medeelel18/CMO in question before I even joined the shift. I walked to my office with a beepsky behind me, Then I hear CMO is bad from AI and others. So I walk over to brig, get some glasses and a dragnet. I walk by and see the janitors headless corpse with it cut out. I send security to bring him back to brig from chemistry and Lucia and few others did search there and let him go. While they emptied his pocket, I napped the pin pointer and He did that
for it have it back and I said.. hmm No, to which he baton and shoved me twice. I sent Beepsky on him and he continued to try to baton me and I brutally gutted him. Then I willing went with security to be held in a cell for 12+minutes then I had to wait 40 minutes for thunder12345 to touch base and talk. Barely went over any rules and was just hard stuck on if their pin pointer was stolen. Great job with the instant kick ban.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
MY big issue is that he (Medeelel18) should have not been in that round if there was someone looking at my ahelp first. Medeelel18 willing went to an outted tot (strange_boi) and planned to be hypnoflashed, cause he was not an antag to gain the status. There isn't admins in low population shifts and when it is early morning. I understand, everyone is a volunteer, I will not forget that point.
My own peanut for thunder12345 for booting me in the middle of my own ahelp. viewtopic.php?f=23&t=32957

Re: [thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:12 pm
by Thunder11
There doesn't seem to be any content in this appeal other than a rehashing of viewtopic.php?f=23&t=32957 with a new subforum and template.

I would provide a response to this appeal, but there is no substance to respond to as you have not raised a single argument in your defence.

If you wish to appeal this ban in good faith, please respond with an actual argument as to why your actions were reasonable and allowed under the rules.

Re: [thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:27 pm
by iansdoor
Then I'll have to ask for you to list our ahelp conversation and I want a headmin ruling. I believe what you did was not in good faith either. I believe like you said before. Admin is not obligated to look at other rounds once they were ended. If you bothered to look at my ahelp at start of the round, I wouldn't have ran into the issue of rule breaking CMO. Seems to me, you would prefer to sweep it under the rug.

Re: [thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:37 pm
by Thunder11
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Headmins have been pinged to review this

Re: [thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:40 pm
by iansdoor

Re: [thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 3:40 am
by medeelel18
"Hey, I got a question. So did the CMO suggest to the chemist to hypno them into syndie, validiating them into becoming an antag. after both of them were caught by HoS for contraband"

The chemist gifted me a cham kit at shiftsart, was cool about it, made healing mixes for cryo and made atropine patches. I had no intention of turning him over given the low player count and the kind/neutral state of him on addition with the medical bay only having two staff members, being myself and him. The hypnotize flash was as a result of my stupid ass being tricked to being on a surgery table in where I told him if he was going to turn me into a syndie agent, I woulnd'nt let him give me paranoid brain trauma, (In the logs it said "... puts suspicious disk in hte bag" or something like that. So, being cornered I just suggested that if he were to be really adamant about it, to just use the hypnotic flash on him. Ratting him out at this point, would have been morally bnakrupt on my end, and would have been a violation at least in my eyes, of good faith playset since he obviously never done this before as was shown in his poor understnading of how the sleeper, flash, and brainwash disks work.

Re: [thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 4:19 am
by NoxVS
Actual ban reason, as the one in your appeal is modified
As captain, killed the CMO for no good reason. The CMO had debrained a willing patient, albeit in a slightly non-standard way. When Iansdoor became involved, security had already resolved the situation peacefully. Proceeded to steal both the patient's brain, and the CMO's crew pinpointer. When the CMO telebatoned them to retrieve these items, they sabred him to death. In ahelps, displayed the attitude that it was his right to steal things without retaliation, and the victim's responsibility to replace those items. Needless to say, this kind of behaviour is unaccepable.

Re: [thunder12345] iansdoor.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:34 am
by Thunder11
This thread's been sitting for over a week with no headmin response, and when I asked about the thread yesterday the only reply I got was an expression of disinterest.

Safe to say at this point the headmins have no desire to take this up, so I'm going to call it resolved.