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[BrotherBeyond] RandallRondall - Metacomming

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:25 pm
by RandallRondall
BYOND Account: RandallRondall
Character Name: Melvin Morgan
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: Permanent
Ban Reason: Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (RandallRondall) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: Metacomming with JoeMamaSon. Denied it when bwoinked. This ban (BanID #51392) was applied by BrotherBeyond on 2020-12-13 03:19:36 during round ID 152067. This is a permanent ban.
Server: Sybil
Round ID: 152067
My side of the story: Hi there. Its been a while since I've played on TG and id really like to do so again. Its been around 2 years since and I would really like to play here again. I'm sorry for metacomming and I havent done so in a while. I appealed this ban about a year ago and tried to use bee station as a reference not even aware that I was banned for the same reason, which I'm not even sure if I was metacomming that round. As a response to that appeal BrotherBeyond said "Appeal in another 6 months time after playing on a server and not metacomming." Which was deserved and rightfully so. But I'm back and I've done my time playing Yogstation with a fairly good record excluding last night and I would love to come back to TG. It is up to you and I understand if it is denied. Cheers.
References: YogStation

Re: [BrotherBeyond] RandallRondall - Metacomming

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:50 pm
by Timberpoes
I've poked the banning admin on Discord. I think they're on a break or hiatus at the moment, so if they don't respond in the next couple of days I'll invoke the Rite of Appealies Stealies from Admin FNR Guideline 3 and look into this on their behalf.

Re: [BrotherBeyond] RandallRondall - Metacomming

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:09 pm
by Timberpoes
I have asked our headmin team to reach out to Yogstation and find out a bit more about your time there.

BrotherBeyond's last response to you had the following:
BrotherBeyond wrote:Appeal in another 6 months time after playing on a server and not metacomming.
So I'll be looking to handle this appeal on that basis. If your history there isn't terrible and especially if you've not been metacomming, I think I should be okay to unban you.

Thanks for your patience and I'll get back with a final response based on what feedback we get from Yogstation.

Re: [BrotherBeyond] RandallRondall - Metacomming

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:37 am
by RandallRondall
Thank you, I really do appreciate it.

Re: [BrotherBeyond] RandallRondall - Metacomming

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:09 am
by Timberpoes
Yogstation are actually super cool and have some details about your account's history public on their website:

Eyes were raised that you appealed your ban here around the time you picked up a ban there. And you have been described as, quote, "kinda stupid in the head".

But your history, while not perfect, is enough that we're satisfied we can offer you that second chance.

A warning I give to anyone that gets banned somewhere else and appeals here within a very short timespan is that second chances are cheap. Third chances are not.

The joy is that tgstation hosts a unique set of servers. We have a community and playstyle that experienced players know how to exploit for maximum fun and profit. It's part of what makes us a popular destination for players of all types. But it's all too easy to get wrapped up in and end up falling foul of shitter culture.

Keep your conduct clean, observe our ever-expanding list of rules at and welcome back.

Your ban should now be removed. If you encounter any difficulties connecting, let me know what the errors/reasons are and we'll work from there.

Re: [BrotherBeyond] RandallRondall - Metacomming

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:24 am
by RandallRondall
thank you. Me try not be stupid. :)

Re: [BrotherBeyond] RandallRondall - Metacomming

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:24 am
by Timberpoes