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[Jaredfogle] Wandermu - ban evasion missunderstanding

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:03 am
by W4ndermu
BYOND account: Wandermu
Character name:
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Ban evasion of Hamurlik
Time ban was placed: 2022-02-15 08:06:30
Server you were playing on when banned:
Round ID in which ban was placed: 178440
Your side of the story: I do not visit tgstation servers very often, as far as I remember last time was me doing bad staff on an alt-account Wholesomeimpostor last January, when I got drunk and slightly punched people in game for no reason (I'm very sorry about this), but don't quiet think that I visited servers on February and further, so this ban was completely unnoticed by me since today, when I tried to connect for some gaming.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I am, in fact, not in a possession of account named Hamurlik and wasn't committing any ban evasion for person who owns it.
References of good conduct: I play SS13 from time to time, my account has over a 2000h in-game age at a foreign server Taucetistation with even an adminship status. And I also admire tgstation codebase and community very much :)
Anything else we should know:

Re: [Jaredfogle] Wandermu - ban evasion missunderstanding

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:13 pm
by Vekter
Hey, I'm sorry this has gone so long without anyone touching it. Jared isn't an admin at this time so I'll take this over.

Having looked into the issue, I can confidently say that you are ban evading on this account. I'm unable to specify as to how we know this, as we don't discuss specifics on ban evasion so those who do it can't bypass our detection methods.

The good news is that you're not blacklisted, so you can appeal these bans. How this usually works is you'll need to appeal the original ban on Hamurlik (which was for multi-keying, aka using multiple accounts at once), then you would need to appeal the ban for ban evasion. Having looked at your history on other servers, I can say that I'd be willing to give you another chance on the Hamurlik key if you succeed at appealing that ban, the catch being that I would expect you to admit that you made a mistake and evaded your ban instead of trying to claim you did not.

E: See viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33166 for the resolution to this appeal.