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[Haricross] icequibe - Unusual and Unfair ban

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:05 am
by icequibe
BYOND account: Icequibe
Character name: Flimbo
Ban type: Server
Ban length: One Day
Ban reason: For opening two N2 valves as clown on lower levels of train (Service and Engineering Gas room)
Time ban was placed: 2023-01-09 05:53:18
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 6429
Your side of the story: I was asked why i opened two n2 canisters in the lower levels of tram. i explained why and how i did it purposely away from the tram and did not intend for it to reach the tram area. (hence why i did it downstairs) He then removed the gas and explained its not cool and completely unfun. I continued on with the round and said ok, i have seen clowns do much more lethal and invasive things in rounds and i didnt see n2 gas as that bad in a small environment. The admin then was not impressed by how i didn't agree with them in regards to it being an issue. I said i wasnt doing it again and left the area and did not continue it. I said that i personally didnt see it as an issue but i understood. He then proceeds to state that he is banning me for a day due to 'bad notes'. My issue ive found is my notes arent that bad and one of the notes was a false ban and was resolved and the other was dealt by haricross himself. Once again with an issue where we disagreed and felt i had no voice in the matter. If you look at my notes it does state that im responsive and understanding with a helps. Whilst its only a day i dont see why this was needed and honestly feels relatively personal as it was such a small issue. I feel as a player i can disagree with an issue but still follow the rules. That shouldnt be an issue
Anything else we should know:

Re: [Haricross] icequibe - Unusual and Unfair ban

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:07 am
by icequibe
Nothing i did that round was malicious i might add (Minus what was considered malicious in a minor gas of n2) The only other thing i did that round was keep to myself and build a little clown base for myself. If i was griefing i feel i wouldnt have stopped at 2 canisters when i had access to over 12

Re: [Haricross] icequibe - Unusual and Unfair ban

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:01 am
by Harricross
Hi, thanks for making an appeal.

In short, this appeal is denied.

Releasing N2O (not N2 like you've stated) into the air as a non-antagonist with the reasoning you specifically stated to me, "Clwoning around," no matter how you spin it, is malicious. It also did get to the tram as gas travels between z-levels if they are not walled/blocked off.

Clowns have leeway in the level of mayhem they can cause. If you take the risk of eating a ban for a gimmick that may end up with people dying for example, it's up to the players in question and the current admins on as the audience to judge whether or not it was funny enough to handwave. Opening up a canister of N2O is subjectively a lazy attempt at clowning and unimpressive to the current admins at the time. Know your audience.

In regards to your notes/bans, you have six notes and four bans where your most recent one was for bombing medical as a non-antagonist which is quite poor for having 355 hours on TGstation. You should really know better if you have to constantly speak with admins about your behavior. I've taken a look at your notes and while you were cooperative in one, in another note involving you spreading an annoying virus as a Captain, it's stated that you had lied to them in ahelps - it does not do you any favors to cherry-pick notes.

I'd like to reiterate that the gas you released was not N2, but N2O. If you do not know the difference between the two gases, make sure to read up on them beforehand.

You can disagree with an issue, but if your action was blatantly just to piss people off with unprovoked grief you shouldn't be doing it.

Re: [Haricross] icequibe - Unusual and Unfair ban

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:51 pm
by icequibe
Harricross wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:01 am Hi, thanks for making an appeal.

In short, this appeal is denied.

Releasing N2O (not N2 like you've stated) into the air as a non-antagonist with the reasoning you specifically stated to me, "Clwoning around," no matter how you spin it, is malicious. It also did get to the tram as gas travels between z-levels if they are not walled/blocked off.

Clowns have leeway in the level of mayhem they can cause. If you take the risk of eating a ban for a gimmick that may end up with people dying for example, it's up to the players in question and the current admins on as the audience to judge whether or not it was funny enough to handwave. Opening up a canister of N2O is subjectively a lazy attempt at clowning and unimpressive to the current admins at the time. Know your audience.

In regards to your notes/bans, you have six notes and four bans where your most recent one was for bombing medical as a non-antagonist which is quite poor for having 355 hours on TGstation. You should really know better if you have to constantly speak with admins about your behavior. I've taken a look at your notes and while you were cooperative in one, in another note involving you spreading an annoying virus as a Captain, it's stated that you had lied to them in ahelps - it does not do you any favors to cherry-pick notes.

I'd like to reiterate that the gas you released was not N2, but N2O. If you do not know the difference between the two gases, make sure to read up on them beforehand.

You can disagree with an issue, but if your action was blatantly just to piss people off with unprovoked grief you shouldn't be doing it.

As said earlier you have already made your mind up. Buy how was it to grief and just to piss people off? I did it so I could steal more things for my little hidey hole. Nothing more. As stated I could've used more if I wanted to grief. Anyways thankyou for your response