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[Discord] OKCOOL#4907

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:16 am
by LoveMirror
Discord username: OKCOOL#4907
Commonly used names: LoveMirror, Lovecraft
Banning admin: Absolutely no idea, it was a moderator, I think (yellow/gold name, perhaps? Plus it was sometime ago.) EDIT: hulkamania
Ban reason: None provided, or none that I am able to remember. The ban was instant. EDIT: Reason: Just being an overall intentionally toxic person over the course of their time here.
Time ban was placed: Sometime between 2020-2021? Possibly Q1-Q2 of 2021.
Your side of the story: Arguing with a moderator and expressing my distaste with an admin in either general or some other subchat. I was kicked from the server without warning multiple times by the admin I got in conflict with, which only escalated the situation and led me to take jabs at both the moderator and the admin themselves, which ended up getting me banned.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Kicking a user from the Discord, making them have to go in game and re-verify every single time purely due to a disagreement about how they handle things, felt unfair, like a way for the admin to get back at me for upsetting them and posting in their complaint thread. I do faintly remember the admin posting some anti-white racial slurs at the time, the "mayo" type, so the whole environment was already charged from the get-go. There was no attempt at de-escalating the situation (from both parties, but I, as a user, was obviously not in a position to even do much past type my displeasure out). There was no warning of "stop or you're getting banned", it was like a dumpster fire that just ramped up with intensity. It's understandable that you'd expect a kick to mean "stop doing this", obviously, but all it took was a reply of "Hello again" to them saying "byebye" to repeat the process.

Regardless, the ban happened a long time ago and I no longer remember all the details, or what exactly was said. I do know that I flared up and typed things I'd regret if I saw them again, but I also feel like a permanent ban for a single altercation is too extreme, given I was not posting illegal material or acting like a shitposting troll. I am sorry it happened and I am sorry I engaged and caused it in the first place, but do consider blame to lie on all 3 sides of this.
I was never banned (or kicked) from any TG server, I do not touch the other ones (with over 400+ rounds played since 2019, only 3 notes that were caused by miscommunication and acting without thinking). I can still play the game just fine, but I do miss the element of everyone explaining what was going on in the chat when a round ended, along with funny screencaps.

I apologize if my recollection of the events is flawed in any way, but I genuinely do not recall everything. If I were to get unbanned, I would definitely never engage in any sort of wordsy slapfight again. It just makes everyone look stupid and no one walks away happy.

On a final note: I went through a lot since then and have grown as a person, as I am sure did the other party did, too. I do not hold any past grudges towards them because people change. Maybe we'll even be friends one day, all it takes is one good interaction, after all.
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Re: [Discord] OKCOOL#4907

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 11:51 am
by Timberpoes
Banning admin is hulkamania.

Reason: Just being an overall intentionally toxic person over the course of their time here.

I've let hulk know of this appeal.

Re: [Discord] OKCOOL#4907

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:06 pm
by LoveMirror
Hey Timber,

Thanks for the quick response.

In my defense against the toxic allegation: I can definitely agree with the fact I could be extremely acidic in certain situations, but it was never an intentional thing done just to upset others, but a way to bite back at something that stung me. Like a self-protective mechanism which shifts a bruised ego onto someone else.
From what I can remember, it (conjecture) could've also been related to me calling Hulk out (rudely) for dubbing something irrelevant to on-topic politics (which I thought should've stayed there), then deleting it or something, which prompted me to say they're a "power tripping e-janitor", something along those lines but probably cruder and more heated. It either happened the same day as the above, or a few days after.

I apologize and hope they find it in them to forgive me so I can consume ss13 memes while disturbing nobody or being disturbed myself.

Re: [Discord] OKCOOL#4907

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:55 pm
by Hulkamania
One thing of particular concern that I have here is your proclivity to calling americans "mixed mutts" and things of that nature.

The kicking incident is another thing all its own, in which an administrator kicked you and you proceeded to go on a rant about it, insulting them in the process. You also claimed that "My style of comedy is acting like a completely unredeemable idiot"

This is generally what I refer to as the "I was merely pretending to be stupid" conjecture and that sort of thing really doesn't make you get a pass just because it was on purpose.

It has in fact been a while since the ban occurred but I'd like to hear you address these things before I come to a decision

Re: [Discord] OKCOOL#4907

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 11:50 pm
by LoveMirror
Hulkamania wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:55 pm One thing of particular concern that I have here is your proclivity to calling americans "mixed mutts" and things of that nature.
I thought it was funny, I'm a "mixed mutt" myself, although not from the US. No racism/xenophobia was intended whatsoever (only that americans trace their ancenstry in 1/4ths, 2/8ths, etc, which I found ridiculous at the time) and I apologize if it genuinely upset you or other people. I've seen worse terms hurled either at me or at others in the channels (and I understand it's no excuse) so I thought it's the kind of environment where nobody will care if you make edgy jokes like that. An example was the admin referring to whites as "mayo". When an admin does it, it makes the user think it's okay or at least not actionable. I was wrong, however.
Hulkamania wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:55 pm The kicking incident is another thing all its own, in which an administrator kicked you and you proceeded to go on a rant about it, insulting them in the process. You also claimed that "My style of comedy is acting like a completely unredeemable idiot"
The administrator was acting toxic themselves, I've already explained the situation in the first post and do not feel like that incident is exclusively my fault. Some, sure, maybe the majority, but not all of it. Regarding the style of humour, I don't even remember saying that, but if you claim it was there, then maybe I did, but it's still not the case anymore.

To summarize: I apologize for utilizing the overused "it will be funny if I make outlandish dented takes and see how many people react to it" method of dopamine gathering. It was immature and hurt people and I won't do it again.

Re: [Discord] OKCOOL#4907

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:47 pm
by Hulkamania
Lifted, be good