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[Mindstormy] Critilius- Perma Ban Appeal

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:42 am
by Mr Gandalf
BYOND account: Critilius
Character name: Max Butkus
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Released a death virus as a non-antag and left the round before they could be questioned. This is unacceptable behavior. (I do not want to be argumentative just stating here that I was in the game controlling another mob there was some confusion in that part that is all)
Time ban was placed: 15:20:17 2022/02/01
Server you were playing on when banned:Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 177670

Your side of the story: I will place here what I have written when I first received the ban in my appeal as though what happened which is as follows #Hello, I was never bwoinked by the admins so I could not explain myself in-game. I was learning virology I accidentally drank some virus when I was putting it into the PANDEMIC Machine I vent to medbay to get healed but some guy decapitated me from there the virus spread through the station. I never intentionally released this virus. Admin note says I left the game but I was playing as HOP after being decapitated a message popped up saying do you want to play as HOP I clicked yes.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Just over a year ago, I was permanently banned, over this time I’ve also had a lot of time to think about what I have done and why I was in the wrong. I never got a chance to properly explain myself in detail and now I understand how at first sight it appeared as if I was intentionally griefing the station as a non-antag. But now that I have the chance to explain my wrong doing, I will; I never had any intention of spreading the deadly virus I had created. I made the virus because I found the idea of being a skilled virologist very appealing, for I found it to be a rather niche and unexplored part of the game, but I was in the wrong when I infected myself with the virus to see its effects as it was evident at the time that this could eventually cause a massive outbreak; it was obvious that this mistake would pose a huge risk to the station and other players, and I was not thinking properly when I infected myself, but it should also be mentioned that I never had the intention of even exiting virology outside of seeking medical treatment but the virus breached containment because I was decapitated by another player who was in the medbay at the time and was likely the antagonist, after decapitating me he then caught the virus and spread it around the station, for it was airborne. I understand my lapse in judgment but I was not intentionally attempting to spread the virus as a non-antag. I would also like to include the fact that I never received a bwoink by the admins which is why I couldn’t explain my actions and that I didn’t leave the round but instead played as Head of Personnel after the game gave me a message asking if I wanted to play HOP, which I accepted. After acknowledging my mistake and learning from it, I believe that I should be given a second chance to redeem myself and rejoin the TG community. It has been a year, and I love playing in TG and garnered many memories and friends from my experiences. I believe my unban would be fair, for I have served my time away, acknowledged and learned from my mistake and I shall never repeat such a mishap in judgment again after thinking long and hard about the issue at hand. I want to conclude by also apologizing for my mistake and once again reaffirming the fact that I will never repeat it again. Thank you for your time and I hope my sincere apology and explanation will reach you in a positive light and reconnect me with the TG community once again.

References of good conduct:I do not play other servers other than TG although I have tried the dead space server I am not a regular there

Anything else we should know: as I have stated above, I have written down everything that has gone over throughout what has occurred during my terrible lapse of judgment as a virologist. I understand that Bans are there to keep bad influences out and improve the enjoyability of the server and ensure that other people are having fun. I have received a perma ban meaning that I stepped over the line quite big last which is unacceptable. I apologize to the community and admins for annoying them during this round and other ones here I broke rules intentionally and unintentionally but I would like to say that I understand what is it to play this game no, it is about preserving the enjoyment of others and yours and have a fun experience with the others which is Space Station in general. I do hope this goes through but if it does not I understand my mistake thank you.

I have also successfully appealed my Ban Evasion and you can find the link here:viewtopic.php?f=34&t=32225&p=649459&hil ... 26#p649459

Re: [Mindstormy] Critilius- Perma Ban Appeal

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:18 pm
by mindstormy
Thanks for appealing. Now that the evasion has been cleared up I am more than happy to remove this permaban. Welcome back and have fun spessman!