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[scones] KingGrimlock - Tunnel Snakes murder spree

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:26 am
by KingGrimlock
Post Content: As far as I knew, the Tunnel Snakes business was a gang wars type event - I joined in because I figured that with the HoP and Captain joining in, it was fine.
Byond account and character name: KingGrimlock1, Jean Blancy
Banning admin: scones
Ban type (What are you banned from?): CKey/IP
Ban reason and length: "Unspeakingly teaming up with 2 other people and murdering a huge portion of the station."; Perma.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 12:20 am EST, 4/8/2015
Your side of the story: As far as I knew, the Tunnel Snakes business was a gang wars type event - I joined in because I figured that with the HoP and Captain joining in, it was fine.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I fucked up, admittedly, but with some many people (at least 4 or 5, I know that) joining in on the Tunnel Snakes gang - all without any communication outside the game - I figured it was sanctioned in some way? Mistakes were made, at any rate.

Re: [scones] KingGrimlock - Tunnel Snakes murder spree

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:47 am
by Rolad
At the time that I saw this Tunnel Snakes gang thing kick up I had gone into the startup to this brutal massacre of everyone was beyond me. All I know is that when I come back...I go to research only to see the HoP, and quite a few others, including an officer, an engineer, and someone dressed in Captain's armor standing outside as the HoP ordered me to get beat. Those individuals then flooded in with the obvious intent to beat/kill me off. I dove into disposals and was able to slide in under the flaps in the mail room before they burst into the room, hence escaping to disposals room. I then re-entered the system only to come back out into the mail room...watching this large group beat the Cargo guy to death...and then being lasered by the HoP to death. As I observed this "gang" I noticed it was all new names I hadn't seen and there were quite a few new ckeys on the server. Not to mention they were all traveling in a group. At that point, I jumped over to Sybil to grab an admin.

First of all, gang wars mode with 12 or so people doesn't happen or rarely happens. Second, just because you see other crewmembers participating in rampant murder and chaos...does not make it okay to do the same. This is the basic mindset behind assistant "greytiding", which is not allowed in most cases. At no time did I see any of the participants stray from this path. To me, it seemed like coordinated metaganging.

I know you aren't completely new...your ckey is kinda familiar to me. However, I just can't believe that this metagang just randomly chose to run with you and kill everyone else with impunity. It very much seemed like you were a part of the group, through and through.

Re: [scones] KingGrimlock - Tunnel Snakes murder spree

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:54 am
by Scones
A couple questions spring to mind, so please answer them:

Why did you, a Security Officer, join a roving gang of murderers and support them in their actions?

Why did you think there was an event going on when 1.) Gang is not a supported gamemode currently and 2.) There were no admins online?

And finally - Everyone in the gang had IPs originating from the same state, yourself included. I'd really like an explanation on that part.

Re: [scones] KingGrimlock - Tunnel Snakes murder spree

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:04 am
by KingGrimlock
Scones wrote:A couple questions spring to mind, so please answer them:

Why did you, a Security Officer, join a roving gang of murderers and support them in their actions?

Why did you think there was an event going on when 1.) Gang is not a supported gamemode currently and 2.) There were no admins online?

And finally - Everyone in the gang had IPs originating from the same state, yourself included. I'd really like an explanation on that part.
First part, that was a major failing in judgement - when it started, we weren't going around murdering people, and by the time it ended, shit had gotten real. Secondly, that last time I played Gang WAS a mode - though admittedly it was during April Fools, I didn't think A.F. turned unsupported modes on, so I figured it was part of the rotation; secondly, I had no idea if any admins were on or not. As for the last bit, I honestly can't explain that - I don't know why that is, but the fact is that it took a bit of persuading to get to join them. I honestly had no communication with them outside of ingame chat, but I fully understand if you can't believe that - I'm not sure HOW to prove it, frankly.

Re: [scones] KingGrimlock - Tunnel Snakes murder spree

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:41 pm
by Scones
It's been a while, and although I'm still not terribly compelled to believe your story, I think you've had more than enough time to think things over - Ideally, playing elsewhere as well.

You're welcome to come back and try again, although I'd honestly prefer that you stay away from Security roles to prevent something like this from happening again.

I apologize for the long delay in handling this, it won't happen again.

Re: [scones] KingGrimlock - Tunnel Snakes murder spree

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:54 pm
by KingGrimlock
Scones wrote:It's been a while, and although I'm still not terribly compelled to believe your story, I think you've had more than enough time to think things over - Ideally, playing elsewhere as well.

You're welcome to come back and try again, although I'd honestly prefer that you stay away from Security roles to prevent something like this from happening again.

I apologize for the long delay in handling this, it won't happen again.
Of course, yes! I'll make a point of staying away from Sec from now on, for sure. And it's no problem - at least you responded!