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Appearance ban - Coconutwarrior97

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 10:37 pm
by Macaronipizzas
BYOND account:Macaronipizzas
Character name:Boof Weedington
Ban type:Appearance
Ban length:1 week
Ban reason:Banned from Roles: Appearance for 3 days - Used the name "Boof Weedington ''asked to choose more believable names for the future. Since you have a couple previous name notes Ill make this an appeareance ban for a few days.
Time ban was placed:2023-03-07 23:01:20
Server you were playing on when banned:Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed:201405
Your side of the story:I was playing as boof weedington, Coconutwarrior messaged me saying that my name was inappropriate, despite having that name for a good 4-5 months without a problem. I said I dont want to change my name because its semi well known on sybil and I really liked the character. He basically said tough shit and I said i wasnt changing it so he just appearance banned me. I fucked around like an idiot and changed my name with the id console and started yelling that i was in fact boof weedington, partly because i was mad and mostly because i thought it was funny
Why you think you should be unbanned:Ive changed my name several times over the course of me playing this game and through trial and error I landed on boof weedington which stuck for a while with no problems. The name is relatively well known, at least enough to where a good few players interact with me with more familiarity. I feel since it has posed no problem up until that point that I should be able to keep Boof Weedington as a character.
Anything else we should know:I know I wasn't being the most mature about it by changing my id to be boof and autistically screeching about it in game and on discord, though most of that was for comedic effect.

Re: Appearance ban

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 10:48 pm
by Timberpoes
Just to be clear, what are you appealing specifically? The appearance ban, the ban on using Boof Weedington as a name, or both?

Re: Appearance ban - Coconutwarrior97

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 2:30 am
by Macaronipizzas
The ban on using Boof Weedington as a name.

Re: Appearance ban - Coconutwarrior97

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:00 am
by Coconutwarrior97
Boof Weedington is a pretty clear Rule 3 issue,
Excessively OOC names fall under rule 3. Make a minimum effort to have your name fit in a setting involving a wacky space station in the future. A firstname lastname minimum is required for humans and felinids; other species may instead choose to use the default names assigned to them, such as those given through random names, or otherwise any name that is species-appropriate. Honorifics and nicknames are allowed as long as only one additive is used at a time, i.e "James Williams Jr." or "James "One-Eye" Williams". Admins may get involved if your name is dumb and can approve or disallow names at their discretion while in-game.
How long you've had the name doesn't matter, it doesnt fit for a spaceman.

Re: Appearance ban - Coconutwarrior97

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:58 am
by Macaronipizzas
well lets look at an objective fact with boof weedington, It follows the Firstname Lastname standard for humans, therefore its species appropriate. The reasoning behind it not being "allowed" is that an admin found it dumb. Which is a subjective issue at most. I highly doubt that the reason for the original ticket was as a result of a report, if that was the case ill drop the issue entirely but i severely doubt it. I just would like some other admins to weigh in on the problem because my character "Boof Weedington" is an established character that follows the species naming standards that you quoted and that any issue with it is purely subjective and you clearly hold bias, being the original person involved in the appearance ban.

Re: Appearance ban - Coconutwarrior97

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:39 pm
by Timberpoes
This may work as a Clown name, since they have more relaxed naming policy in general (Annoying Bastard is one of the default clown names for example).

However, 5 hours after this appearance ban was placed, you picked up the following server ban:
Banned from the server for 1440 minutes - Got a RD to change his name via ID to Boof Weedington after being given an appearance ban for it. Don't try to evade the appearance ban.
So we're to uphold Coco's ruling and we are not overturning this name ban, with the following comments:

Kieth4: "I'm not the biggest fan of depriving people of long standing static names, if you had been a good faith player and not tried to skirt around your appearance ban in other ways I probably would have argued to defend you, you should really think about how your actions impact outside perception of you"
Misdoubtful: "Not even in the hood in a municipality with the worst school system imaginable would you find someone with a name even resembling this, nor in the wackiest TV show you've never seen. You wouldn't find anything like it in any media that isn't meant to be comedic either, like say, for a clown."
Timberpoes: "Lol"