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[conrad thunderbunch] - cheeseromancer - god i hate naming policy

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 9:36 pm
by cheeser0mancer
BYOND account: cheeseromancer

Character name: John McTide

Ban type: appearance

Ban length: Permanent

Ban reason:
2023-04-27 16:22:02 | Sybil | Round 204553 | Conrad Thunderbunch | 441h Living Playtime

Banned from Roles: Appearance permanently - Ahelped to ask about suitable names. After having options "John McMaint", "John Maintson" and "Gray T. Ide" refused, proceeded to discuss in circles about it, refusing suggestions and advice from other admins I consulted with. Decided to stand his ground. I don't think they'll be able to reach a middle ground.

Time ban was placed: 2023-04-27 16:22:02

Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil

Round ID in which ban was placed: 204553

Your side of the story: here is the ahelp ticket copypasted from mothbus:

whats a better name, John Maintenance or Gray T. Ide
cheeseromancer ➡ Admins
Both of those names are awful. Your current name is actually cool.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
bruh Gray T. Ide tho
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Names that are very blatantly "Inspired By The Videogame" with no rhyme or reason are tagged as NRP, hence why they are bad. It's like being called "Steve President" in real life.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
and by awful do you mean awful in a funny way or like awful awful
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Awlful awlful. John McTide is still bad, but it's funny.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
how is john mctide diff from gray t. ide if anything i think gray t. ide is better cause its like a play on words
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
mind you a really shit play on words but still
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
'cos McTide is a beliavable name. I think of a fancy scottish gentleman. Gray T. Ide just stinks of lazy.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
ok i guess this is a matter of opinion then, since i personally think just putting mc before tide is lazier than gray t. ide, and personally like gray t. ide more since its within the realm ofpun names like pepper oni and gay johnson
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
It's a combination of factors. A name that's awful, lazy and way too inspired by the videogame gets tagged as NRP. John McTide is an actual real name, it's absolutely fine. What do you think of, say, Grayson McTider?
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Not John, but Mary, which means McTide is an actual IRL family name.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
you fucking bamboozled me for a sec there shame on you
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
I'm not even joking, totally real
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
bruh lmao
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
also is what you said about gray t. ide your personal opinion or admin stance?
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Ok, so, that's tricky. It's just "my opinion". What I am saying is, by definition admin stance. But, that being said, I checked. General admin stance is that it's awful. Don't use it.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
I mean't to say "it's NOT just my opinion" but I ate words lmao, soz
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
ate your words? so admins actually said its ok?
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
No no I mean that I mistyped lmao. Forget what I said. It's both my stance, the rules as written and, for good measure, the stance of other admins.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
so how about John ''Gray'' T. Ide?
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
The issue is with the "T. Ide" bit. Also the smack to the face "Gray" in the middle of it. I suggest embelishing that part, instead of just adding "john" to it.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
so john ''john'' T. Ide?
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Are you being serious?
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
no you said add a ''john'' to it i thought thats what you meant
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
I meant making it beliavable, RATHER THAN just adding John in front of it. Johnny Tiderson, Greyson McTide, those are names that are beliavable. T. Ide is...painful to look at, not my words.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
well i feel that t. ide is within the same realm as tiderson tho
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
I'm afraid that it's the consensus with admins that it doesn't fall even within the standards of LRP for names.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
hm well fug
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
so how about john McMaint?
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Hm, how about John Maintson?
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
John McMainteNICE
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Ok the ticket is starting to create a scroll wheel on my screen. I want you to either settle with John McTide, which is fine, or take one of the names I suggested. I think I'm being pretty generous here.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
minor issue: TRIALMIN HAHA NO AUTHORITY HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA LOL DEEZE NUTS#so ima go with john mcMaint that okay?
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Right, so first I would like to thank you for this ticket! It's massive, so I can now parade it as a sign of pride. Also, yeah, it seems we're heading nowhere. So I'll be applying a permanent appearance ban on you. Also, it seems you need to cool off some, so I'm gonna give you an hour for that.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Conrad Thunderbunch/(Ricky Paxton) has created a permanent role ban from 1 roles for Cheeseromancer.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
i hate you so much
cheeseromancer ➡ conradthunderbunch
Client disconnected
➡ cheeseromancer
Conrad Thunderbunch/(Ricky Paxton) has created a temporary 1 hour server ban for Cheeseromancer.
conradthunderbunch ➡ cheeseromancer
Resolved by Conrad Thunderbunch
conradthunderbunch ➡ Admins

as you can see here, i ask by ahelping about what is a good name between some two i thought of, conrad says both bad, says my current name is cool, says two names i suggested are too "inspired by the videogame" and are NRP, compares it to an occupation based name (yeah lets just ignore extremely common surnames like "smith" and "carpenter" mmhmm yup sure) i ask if bad in funny way or bad bad and he says bad bad, says john mctide is funny bad, i say how i personally think gray t. ide is a better name since itan albeit shit one a play on words, he says how mctide is a believable name, i say how i feel this seems like a matter of opinion, he explains some of his reasoning, reccomends grayson mctider as a name, i am shocked that he said theres a real person with a mctide last name, he says "but mary", i shame him for bamoozling me like that, i go on to ask him if its his personal opinion or admin one, says what i just said is a tricky question, says its by definition admin stance, says the general admin stance is that its bad, and tells me not to use it (i didnt), says he ate his words, tells me to forget what he said and then says its rules and other admins stance, i ask about john "gray" t. ide, he says the issue is the t. ide bit, tells me to embelish the gray part instead of adding john to it, confused by this i take it as him telling me to make the nickname also john, he asks me if im serious, i tell him i thought thats what he meant, he explains what he meant a bit, i say how i feel t. ide is on the same level as tiderson, he says the admin consensus is that its bad, i suggest a name john mcmaint, he suggests john maintson, i jokingly say john maintenice and then am ready to continue talking to him seriously, he makes an ultimatum because hes impatient, forces me to choose one of the names he suggested, declares his supposed """""generosity""""" even though he is gonna force me to choose a name he wants, i think its funny how he wants to end the ahelp even though if i remember correctly the shuttle was not even called, so the round was not being held up or anything, so i make a trialmin joke, not even insulting him personally (specifically saying his name, using any actual bad language or such), in fact not even insulting in general, and he then thanks me, tells me this ticket is now his mark of honour, tells me he is gonna ban me, then bans me from the server for one hour under the guise of """cooling off"""" and then appearance bans me, i show my shock at this, declare my hatred for him, shortly after i get banned from server like he said and come back to an appearance ban

Why you think you should be unbanned: cannot quote now since the previous wine appeal is locked so copypasting it is:

"If the concern is brand recognition on Sybil, I'm even willing to go with Johnny Maintenance since that sounds like a kickass rockstar-turned-wageslave stage name." <---- from conrad himself

"9. Johhny maintenance is a pretty good name and its very close to john maintenance so i like it yeah, if the headmins final ruling is that i cant use john maintenance as a name ill use johhny maintenance since its pretty good." <- a part of my message after, saying that i like this johnny maintenance name and would be totally fine with using it if i cant use john maintenance.

so there you go, im doing what the admin wants, if you want me to expand upon why i show be unbanned please do so and i will.

Anything else we should know: "Feel free to open a separate appeal if you want to further discuss this out of wine's thread. In the meantime, I'll throw the ball back in the headmins' ballpark to settle the note." <- once again a copypaste of a thing conrad said, after my big 123456789 message, telling me to open an appeal. also here is link to the previous appeal for some context: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33930&p=682477#p682477

Re: [conrad thunderbunch] - cheeseromancer - god i hate naming policy

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 9:54 pm
by conrad

This has reached a stage where I am not convinced you can decide on a proper name. Considering your demeanor, I can't even assume good faith that you'll actually stick to it. This appeal is denied. You are welcome to appeal again in a year's time, or shorter if you can get a vouch from another server.

Re: [conrad thunderbunch] - cheeseromancer - god i hate naming policy

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 10:09 pm
by cheeser0mancer
i am not waiting a year, i am now requesting headmin review of this

Re: [conrad thunderbunch] - cheeseromancer - god i hate naming policy

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 10:17 pm
by conrad
I'm not sure of the deliberation on the other thread extends to the permanent appearance ban. I have notified the headmins.

Re: [conrad thunderbunch] - cheeseromancer - god i hate naming policy

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 10:18 pm
by kieth4
You were given a chance.

You just had to say "yeah, I accept."

You instead continued your unhinged ramblings to a point where people were questioning that you were even 18.

There's a perception that you are immature and cannot be trusted, thus, the denial from the other thread carries over.

Appeal when you feel that you can act in a way that doesn't have everyone questioning your age.