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(Vekter) BloodyChristmasMiracle: Two service men dead at the hands of the dreaded IC ISSUE.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:19 am
by dukenukemsucks
BYOND account: BloodyChristmasMiracle

Character name: Joe Colada

Ban type: Server Ban

Ban length: 32 Hours

Ban reason: The ban reason is: Was killed by a Chaplain for constantly repeating some story about being insane and rats. After being told this was an IC issue (the Chaplain warned him he would kill him if he continued), turned around and spaced the Chaplain on the shuttle with no further escalation. Extended due to another note this month for self-antagging. This ban (BanID #66279) was applied by Vekter on 2023-06-20 01:53:28 during round ID 208603.

Time ban was placed: 2023-06-20 01:53:28

Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel

Round ID in which ban was placed: 208603

Your side of the story: This story takes place in a GREENSHIFT crazy i know the shift was going well all things considered until... this happened

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12:25:07	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) used secret tripleAI		
12:27:07	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) checked antagonists.		
12:27:36	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) has triggered an event. (Station-wide Human-level Intelligence)		
12:30:16	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) has triggered an event. (Stray Syndicate Cargo Pod)		
12:32:20	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) has triggered an event. (Curse of Madness)

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01:06:01	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(87, 184, 2)	Prison Wing
01:06:04	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(88, 184, 2)	Prison Wing
01:06:08	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(89, 184, 2)	Prison Wing
01:08:21	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(86, 183, 2)	Prison Wing
01:08:31	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(86, 183, 2)	Prison Wing
01:08:42	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(81, 185, 2)	Prison Wing Cells
01:08:45	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(81, 182, 2)	Prison Wing Cells
01:10:08	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(84, 188, 2)	Prison Wing
01:10:11	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(82, 188, 2)	Prison Wing
01:12:20	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(76, 192, 2)	Prison Garden
01:12:25	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(75, 191, 2)	Prison Garden
01:12:28	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(73, 191, 2)	Prison Garden
01:12:30	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(74, 191, 2)	Prison Garden
01:12:34	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(76, 191, 2)	Prison Garden
01:14:09	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(73, 191, 2)	Prison Garden
01:14:12	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) spawned 1 x /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/regalrat/controlled	(74, 191, 2)	Prison Garden
So much for greenshift i suppose, not only was i given an uncontrollable voice of god (which riled up some people) the station was quickly turned into a rat ridden hellscape, a man had gone mad and kept repeating these words: "Crazy? I was crazy once, they put me in a room, a rubber room, a room with rats, rats drive me crazy. Crazy? etc..." I at this point had grown bored and started to mimick his words along with a janitor, we both repeated the same words over and over and over... and over again.

(Un)fortunately telecommunications had gone down, and with my spare bounced radio i kept spewing the same nonsensical mad banter, until someone interjected: Solomon Bragg.

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01:33:19	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "joe i'm gonna kill you"	(88, 143, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:33:45	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "fuck you citrus"	(88, 121, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:40	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "god"	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:45	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "crush him"	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:27	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "hey neat he had this"	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:39	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "think he was evil?"	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:36:19	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "yes"	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:36:22	SAY	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) "illegal throwing stuff"
Here Mr. Solomon threatens to kill me, i didn't catch wind of this as again, comms were down when he said that. Oh and as a little side note he didn't say that if i kept speaking he would kill me, which is mentioned in the ahelp

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He says he told you he'd kill you if you said it again...
vekter ➡ bloodychristmasmiracle
These next logs refer to the cold blooded murder of my character, the subsequent looting, and me getting crushed by a mulebot under orders of Solomon.

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01:34:24	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: 87.2)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:24	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: 75.5)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:25	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: 63.8)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:26	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: 52.1)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:27	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: 38.6)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:28	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: 25.1)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:29	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: 10.2)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:30	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: -1.5)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:31	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: -13.2)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:32	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) attacked BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) with god hand (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BURN) (NEWHP: -24.9)	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:37	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) has thrown the station bounced radio	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:54	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) is stripping *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the beer goggles.	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:34:57	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) has stripped *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the beer goggles.	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:08	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) is stripping *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the satchel.	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:15	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) has stripped *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the satchel.	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:35	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) is stripping *no key*/(Joe Colada) of Joe Colada (Bartender).	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway

01:35:36	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -282)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:37	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -318.1)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:37	ATTACK	*no key*/(Joe Colada) suffered: Joint Dislocation to left arm | Damage: 10.725 (rolled 25/27.7049)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:37	ATTACK	*no key*/(Joe Colada) suffered: Hairline Fracture to chest | Damage: 39 (rolled 101/168.846)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:39	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -375.1)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:39	ATTACK	BaronOBeefdip/(Solomon Bragg) has stripped *no key*/(Joe Colada) of Joe Colada (Bartender).	(108, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:43	ATTACK	AnotherAdvent/(Graham Steele) is pickpocketing *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the station bounced radio (left)	(108, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:44	ATTACK	AnotherAdvent/(Graham Steele) is pickpocketing *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the �Zippo lighter (right)	(108, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:47	ATTACK	ExtremelyDooDooWaterPlayer/(David Dave) is pickpocketing *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the station bounced radio (left)	(109, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:47	ATTACK	ExtremelyDooDooWaterPlayer/(David Dave) is pickpocketing *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the �Zippo lighter (right)	(109, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:47	ATTACK	AnotherAdvent/(Graham Steele) has stripped *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the station bounced radio.	(108, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:48	ATTACK	AnotherAdvent/(Graham Steele) has stripped *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the �Zippo lighter.	(108, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:49	ATTACK	ExtremelyDooDooWaterPlayer/(David Dave) is stripping *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the service radio headset.	(109, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:49	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -391.6)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:51	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -416.4)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:51	ATTACK	*no key*/(Joe Colada) suffered: Compound Fracture to chest | Damage: 36 (rolled 126/150.947)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:53	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -449.4)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:53	ATTACK	ExtremelyDooDooWaterPlayer/(David Dave) has stripped *no key*/(Joe Colada) of the service radio headset.	(109, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:54	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -471.4)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:35:59	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -477.3)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:36:07	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) grabbed *no key*/(Joe Colada) passive grab (NEWHP: -477.3)	(107, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:36:10	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -477.3)	(107, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:36:16	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -477.3)	(107, 110, 2)	Aft Primary Hallway
01:36:46	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) grabbed *no key*/(Joe Colada) passive grab (NEWHP: -477.3)	(108, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:36:47	ATTACK	Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over *no key*/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -477.3)	(107, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:36:47	ATTACK	*no key*/(Joe Colada) suffered: Hairline Fracture to left arm | Damage: 10.725 (rolled 21/27.7049)	(107, 114, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:37:25	ATTACK	WhiteGoodness/(Father Pack) grabbed *no key*/(Joe Colada) passive grab (NEWHP: -477.3)	(106, 75, 2)	Aft Primary Hallway
01:37:26	ATTACK	WhiteGoodness/(Father Pack) grabbed *no key*/(Joe Colada) aggressive grab (NEWHP: -477.3)	(106, 75, 2)	Aft Primary Hallway
At this point i have been killed... stripped of my possesions and lying cold on the station floor, fortunately someone carried me to medbay and i was promptly revived, at this point i had ahelped and the situation went from bad to worse. IC ISSUE. I was fucking ASS MAD, so i took my gun, found my satchel with my bullets and pda inside, and when the moment was right i shot Solomon and tossed him out of the escape shuttle, along with myself. I don't think the logs here are needed, it was pretty cut and dry. Vekter once again had bwoinked me asking if i did what i had done just a few seconds prior. Unfortunately for me, this time he didn't bother with waiting for my response, as he banned me while i was writing him a PM.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I don't expect to be unbanned, it's a small day ban, whoever i don't think Vekter's decisions were on point in this situation:
  • He did not bother to check any sorts of logs for what was actually said by Solomon
  • He completely ignored the part where the chaplain looted my corpse and left me on the floor, instead he focused on the mulebot, and Solomon threatening me before he murderized me
  • He banned me before i could completely explain myself
  • (According to him) my murder was justified because i was threatened once over cut out comms
  • I was warned for bringing OOC memes to IC (something i was not aware of and that i thought was completely IC as two other people had been saying that, and now after the fact i know that TheBibleMelts was also involved in the gimmick itself

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i just got killed an looted by what i assume is a non antag chaplain and a mulebot... for being a little crazy
bloodychristmasmiracle ➡ Admins

Define "a little crazy".
vekter ➡ bloodychristmasmiracle

i was reciting a speech, a speech about crazyness, crazy? i used to be crazy once, then they locked me in a room, a rubber room.... a rubber room filled with rats, rats make me crazy....
bloodychristmasmiracle ➡ vekter

Okay, don't refer to OOC memes IC, please.
vekter ➡ bloodychristmasmiracle

i didn't know that was an OOC meme, and how does that make me valid
bloodychristmasmiracle ➡ vekter

It doesn't, I'm just telling you offl.
vekter ➡ bloodychristmasmiracle

you make me cry sometimes vekter, but you are a fair man
bloodychristmasmiracle ➡ vekter

He says he told you he'd kill you if you said it again...
vekter ➡ bloodychristmasmiracle

comms were out i didn't notice
bloodychristmasmiracle ➡ vekter

I would recommend you don't do things you are told not to if it would result in your death
vekter ➡ bloodychristmasmiracle

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12:33:54	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the floor in Bay #1 (193,68,1) to /turf/open/floor/plastic		
12:33:55	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the floor in Bay #1 (193,67,1) to /turf/open/floor/plastic		
12:33:56	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the floor in Bay #1 (192,69,1) to /turf/open/floor/plastic		
12:33:56	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the floor in Bay #1 (192,68,1) to /turf/open/floor/plastic		
12:33:56	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the floor in Bay #1 (192,67,1) to /turf/open/floor/plastic		
12:33:56	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the plastic floor in Bay #1 (192,67,1) to /turf/open/floor/plastic

12:34:15	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (195,66,1) dir to 2		
12:34:16	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (195,68,1) dir to 2		
12:34:16	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (194,68,1) dir to 2		
12:34:16	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (193,67,1) dir to 2		
12:34:16	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (194,65,1) dir to 2		
12:34:16	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (195,65,1) dir to 2		
12:34:16	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (197,65,1) dir to 2		
12:34:17	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) modified the mouse's (195,67,1) dir to 2

12:38:48	COMPAT	ADMIN: Build Mode: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) copied Wayne Murphy to Bay #1
12:41:14	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) jumped to Bay #1	(194, 67, 1)	
12:41:29	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) checked the player panel.		
12:42:29	COMPAT	ADMIN: DSAY: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) "a rubber room."	(115, 127, 2)	Command Hallway
12:44:55	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) checked the individual player panel for CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy).		
12:45:43	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) checked the individual player panel for CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy).		
12:47:01	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) gave Wayne Murphy a hallucination. (Type: /datum/hallucination/body/weird/bones)		
12:48:26	COMPAT	ADMIN: TheBibleMelts/(Xemo) has traumatized CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy) with Stalking Phantom
Rubber room.... rats... crazyness?

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12:27:36	SAY	CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy) "Crazy?"	(133, 148, 2)	Locker Room
12:27:41	SAY	CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy) "I was crazy once"	(133, 148, 2)	Locker Room
12:27:43	SAY	CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy) "They put me in a room"	(133, 148, 2)	Locker Room
12:27:46	SAY	CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy) "A rubber room"	(133, 148, 2)	Locker Room
12:27:49	SAY	CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy) "A rubber room with rats"	(133, 148, 2)	Locker Room
12:27:52	SAY	CoIoneISanders/(Wayne Murphy) "Rats make me crazy"
What i did at the end was just me raging, but keep in mind that none of this would've happened if the situation had been properly handled in the first place, instead of just ending it with a quaint little "IC issue" due to improper investigation
Oh and also, would you kill a man for being a little insane?
We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules
To wrap it up, i don't think the situation was handled correctly on the admin's part. And to the people reading this, i apologize for any spelling mistakes or the logs being messy, i'm not an expert on this kinds of stuff

Re: (Vekter) BloodyChristmasMiracle: Two service men dead at the hands of the dreaded IC ISSUE.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:44 am
by Vekter
Thanks for appealing.

Per escalation policy:
If a conflict leads to violence and either participant is incapacitated, the standing participant is expected to make an effort to treat the other, unless they have reason to believe the other was an antagonist. Once treated the conflict is over; any new conflict with either individual must escalate once again. If you get into a conflict again with that individual, they may be removed permanently from the round.
While it can be argued that the Chaplain should have been more emphatic and direct about their warning, I can argue that him killing you was valid based on the fact that you were just being plain irritating to literally everyone around you. You repeated that same series of lines 17 times before being killed, to the point where, had I been made aware of the matter, I would have told you to stop as it's basically copypasta at that point.

I'm not willing to bonk someone for you constantly irritating them and then them - understandably - wanting to put an end to it.

I feel like the only mistake I made here was that the Chaplain made no effort to heal you, to which I'll be more than happy to admonish him next time I see him online.

The reason you were banned is that you took that interaction with him and immediately escalated to throwing him off the shuttle. I get that you were upset about the situation, but you can't turn around and jump straight to lethals like that against someone once your conflict has ended.

I'm going to reduce the ban to 12 hours since I did indeed miss that he made no attempt to revive you, but given your recent history of self-antagging I'm not willing to lift it. You need to sit down and re-evaluate how you view the game and interact with others and I think some time off is appropriate here.

Re: (Vekter) BloodyChristmasMiracle: Two service men dead at the hands of the dreaded IC ISSUE.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:00 am
by dukenukemsucks
i appreciate the quick response, i'm actively trying to change the way i play, i've done it before and i'm sure i can do it again. Good evening.

Re: (Vekter) BloodyChristmasMiracle: Two service men dead at the hands of the dreaded IC ISSUE.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:10 am
by sinfulbliss
Escalation Rules wrote:[…] a player who uses the state of incapacitation to take further action against the downed party chooses to extend the ongoing conflict past its original endpoint, and opens themselves up to further reprisal to avenge damage or recover stolen possessions
This would include things like: being stripped of your possessions, and being further mutilated after already being killed.

Re: (Vekter) BloodyChristmasMiracle: Two service men dead at the hands of the dreaded IC ISSUE.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:05 am
by Vekter
sinfulbliss wrote: Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:10 am
Escalation Rules wrote:[…] a player who uses the state of incapacitation to take further action against the downed party chooses to extend the ongoing conflict past its original endpoint, and opens themselves up to further reprisal to avenge damage or recover stolen possessions
This would include things like: being stripped of your possessions, and being further mutilated after already being killed.
The Chaplain did order the MULE to run over him when he was in soft crit, so you're correct there.
01:34:37 ATTACK Maja57/(Leaping Rabbit) run over BloodyChristmasMiracle/(Joe Colada) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -24.4)
I'm going to remove the note and ban. It's clear that the grounds I placed it on are questionable enough that keeping it would just be more problematic than trying to have a headmin uphold it.

The reason I didn't give him longer to respond is that it was close to the end of the round, situations where it's justified to just come straight back from being revived and hurl someone out of an airlock are pretty rare in general, and the majority of the crew spent that greenshift acting up and causing a lot of extra work. I was admittedly frustrated having already had to ban two people for assorted matters and wanted to be done with it. I'll take this as a lesson to better read logs in the future and listen closer to players without assuming a situation is as simple as it looks at first glance.

I do still want to stress that I don't think the Chaplain was in the wrong for critting you, though - all 17 instances of you repeating that were over the radio and I can't blame him for wanting to put a stop to it. Where he made a mistake was having the MULE run you over and stealing your gear.