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[TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 9:25 am
by s5nt
BYOND account: S5nt

Character name: Kazkov Korbov

Ban type: Job ban

Ban length: 30 days

Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Captain, Head of Security for 43800 minutes - Offered a player a 'death game' as Captain in order to get out of a breaking and entry punishment of 7 minutes. Victim agreed under coercion and lost, which is fair until the Captain also ordered the HoS to not revive them, resulting in their head and body being thrown in a lavalake to remain removed from the round. Be kinder to people, you shouldn't be taking glee and making games that could result in a full round removal for somebody who hadn't done anything warrenting an execution.
Time ban was placed: 2023-07-02 08:33:58

Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel

Round ID in which ban was placed: 209490

Your side of the story: Somebody broke into brig and was caught and arrested, and I gave them the choice of either serving a brig sentence with the stuff they used to break in being confiscated which would be the normal punishment, or they could play a game of chance and have a 50 percent odds of either being freed with all their stuff or dying if they lost. They were explained the rules multiple times, and then agreed to play the game of chance, and proceeded to lose, so I killed them, as they agreed.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I'm not sure how this warrants a 1 month jobban from captain and HoS, the latter role I was not playing on at the time and have not been bwoinked as. They agreed the the rules of the game which can be checked via chat logs, played the game, and proceeded to lose. At maximum even if I was wrong, I don't see how this requires more than a note.
Anything else we should know: The admin accused me of abusing my role to rack up a killcount despite the fact that this was the only person who I killed that shift. I've had multiple rounds as both captain and hos and not once was I bwoinked for abusing power to kill or anything related to that. They've also said I coerced them into playing the game, which isn't true at all. They knew the entire time they could just do a normal sentence and leave after the tools they used to break in were confiscated.

I also never ordered the HoS to throw their head into the lavalake, I just told them that they shouldn't be revived when they asked because they agreed that if they lost the game they would die. I wanted our game to have actual stakes. They could have chosen the short brig sentence but instead they agreed to play our game. If this type of

Relevant quote where they agreed to the terms of the game.
07:55:32 SAY The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Fine, I'll play the game." (118, 170, 4) Holding Cell ... fined-8937

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:07 am
by dendydoom
interjecting with relevant policy:
MRP Policy wrote:6. Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime(s).

Restricted antagonists (or crewmembers) should be handled in proportion to their committed crimes. The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift. Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated. Only antagonists that have committed the most severe crimes may be met with immediate execution.

Security members are expected to consider the full range of punishment options available when dealing with antags. This includes (but is not always limited to) pacification, implants, timed brig sentences, gulag sentences, permabrig, forced borging and execution. Forced borging is considered equivalent to execution in punishment severity.
this is further expanded upon in the mrp security policy & precedents:
MRP Security Policy & Precedents #1 wrote:When dealing with the crew and antagonists, make sure their punishments are in proportion to their crime(s). Minor crimes such as departmental break-ins, stolen equipment should be met with short, but increasing sentences depending on recurring visits by the apprehended. Stealing critical station equipment and items such as the hand teleporter, Chief Engineer's hardsuit, or AI upload boards are more severe crimes and should be met with longer prison times, or potentially permabrigging if the crime is deemed severe enough.
interjecting with logs:
between the captain (kazcov) and the hos (monty) wrote:(Monty Kalashnikov) (Brig Control (110,172,4)) (Event #213) "wait"
(Monty Kalashnikov) (Brig Entrance (112,161,4)) (Event #214) "rez?"
(Kazcov Korbov) (Brig Entrance (112,158,4)) (Event #284) "No"
interjecting with a request for more information:

it might help your case to expand on if they broke into the armoury/evidence/lathe access/lockers or if they simply broke through the lobby doors and into the brig lobby.

it might help your case to expand on the state of the rest of the station at the time, and if you had any IC reasoning to resort to execution in this manner: was it red alert? were there pressing threats that made it dangerous to fill security's time with handling a break-in? etc.

it might help your case to elaborate on any prior interactions you had with your detainee: was this their first crime? did you have reason to suspect them of graver crimes, with strong IC reasoning/evidence, etc?

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:43 am
by Archie700
Logs of the full conversation.

Code: Select all

[2023-07-02 07:47:18.044] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Uh." (Labor Shuttle Dock (123,175,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:19.074] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Hi." (Labor Shuttle Dock (123,175,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:24.617] GAME: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) has teleported from (Diner (148,141,4)) to (Teleporter Room (122,118,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:25.654] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Labor Shuttle Dock (124,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:31.196] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Hello!" (Labor Shuttle Dock (126,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:31.817] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Labor Shuttle Dock (125,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:35.839] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Labor Shuttle Dock (124,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:36.486] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "what are you doing" (Labor Shuttle Dock (124,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:44.025] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:47.519] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Darn, you finally caught me, the traitor! The syndicate operative!" (Brig Overlook (118,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:49.417] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "What happened here" (Brig Overlook (114,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:54.399] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:47:59.686] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "They admitted to being a syndie" (Brig Overlook (119,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:02.265] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Lethals are authorized" (Brig Overlook (119,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:02.414] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "ok" (Brig Overlook (117,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:05.687] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Wait what?" (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:06.401] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:07.371] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "can i kill them" (Brig Overlook (117,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:09.455] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "It was a joke!" (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:09.653] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) laughs. (Brig Overlook (117,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:11.827] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "CLARA, HELP!" (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:14.594] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:15.725] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "where?" (Aft Primary Hallway (114,89,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:16.733] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Well" (Brig Overlook (119,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:19.456] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "IN THE BRIG!" (Brig Overlook (115,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:22.743] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (114,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:31.325] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:33.771] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "I was joking!" (Brig Overlook (114,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:35.439] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Hmm" (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:38.053] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "I didn't mean anything by it!" (Brig Overlook (114,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:41.413] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:42.961] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "major tresspass" (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:43.273] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "So what did they do" (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:49.687] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:50.147] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "they tried breaking into" (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:51.388] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the girder (Brig Overlook (116,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:51.541] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the girder (Brig Overlook (116,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:51.812] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the girder (Brig Overlook (116,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:53.798] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "with welder" (Brig Overlook (116,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:54.618] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Ah" (Brig Overlook (119,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:48:59.674] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (116,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:04.447] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Not breaking! Just opening another...door!" (Brig Overlook (115,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:05.700] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:06.694] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Okay" (Brig Overlook (119,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:10.855] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "how long cap" (Brig Overlook (116,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:16.361] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "sorry lucy cant save you" (Brig Overlook (113,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:17.920] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Keep them here" (Brig Overlook (119,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:19.833] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:20.466] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "I'm going to come back" (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:22.182] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "I have an idea" (Brig Overlook (115,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:23.201] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "alright" (Brig Overlook (115,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:25.965] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Holding Cell (117,169,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:29.711] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Uh, idea?" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:32.068] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:35.497] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at Amy Carter (Brig Overlook (113,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:35.674] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at Amy Carter (Brig Overlook (113,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:35.974] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig Overlook (113,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:36.580] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the gorilla gloves (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:36.787] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the gorilla gloves (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:36.897] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the gorilla gloves (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:37.205] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the gorilla gloves (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:39.146] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "monkey gloves" (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:40.035] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:43.506] GAME-EMOTE: Xzero314/(Clara White) waves. (Head of Personnel's Office (106,115,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:44.451] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the gorilla gloves (Brig Overlook (113,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:44.599] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the gorilla gloves (Brig Overlook (113,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:46.100] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (113,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:47.712] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "where revolv" (Maltese Falcon (145,144,3))
[2023-07-02 07:49:54.149] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (114,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:56.408] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig Overlook (112,175,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:57.466] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "take off you mask please just so i can confirm" (Head of Personnel's Office (102,115,4))
[2023-07-02 07:49:58.736] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "isnt that" (Brig (105,175,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:02.159] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "the heretic" (Brig (105,175,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:04.254] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (105,175,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:07.287] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Who has the russian revolver" (Diner (145,137,4))
[2023-07-02 07:50:14.521] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,175,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:15.572] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "oh" (Brig (102,174,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:17.043] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "i dont know" (Brig (102,174,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:24.710] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "i just heard mime was heretic" (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:28.482] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:29.494] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the bed (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:31.619] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "thats invis gun" (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:34.548] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:41.535] GAME: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) reset a fire alarm. (Central Primary Hallway (126,142,4))
[2023-07-02 07:50:44.835] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (100,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:46.045] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Uh, hello!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:50:46.742] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "So rude" (Head of Personnel's Office (103,115,4))
[2023-07-02 07:50:50.720] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Fucking hell" (Central Primary Hallway (113,144,4))
[2023-07-02 07:50:52.902] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (100,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:54.412] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "eoc" (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:50:58.232] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Okay" (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:00.323] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "perma them" (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:01.010] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:03.237] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Here's the deal" (Brig Overlook (118,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:04.324] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "no worries!" (Head of Personnel's Office (102,115,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:05.065] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:10.825] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "you have two optiosn" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:13.407] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:16.726] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Either you pick a number 1 or 2" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:22.897] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "And if you pick the wrong one I kill you right now" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:27.422] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Wait what?" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:27.437] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:30.020] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "And if you pick the right one" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:31.508] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "You go free" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:33.488] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:36.049] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "The other option is a 7 minute brig" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:41.606] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (101,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:46.759] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "YOU CAN'T JUST KILL ME!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:49.713] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (101,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:51.481] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING THAT BAD!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:54.962] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "That's why I'm giving you two options one of which isn't death" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:55.460] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "6 minutes" (Brig (101,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:56.366] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "yaya" (Brig (101,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:58.896] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "for shooting us" (Brig (101,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:51:59.688] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "If you cared to listen" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:51:59.915] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (101,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:05.963] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,174,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:07.877] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Uh...which one's which number?" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:12.018] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (101,174,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:12.100] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "they're syndi" (Brig (101,174,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:14.582] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "perma them" (Brig (101,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:15.213] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "That's a mystery" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:15.875] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "yeah" (Brig (101,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:16.972] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "kill" (Brig (101,171,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:17.571] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "WAIT!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:19.212] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "lethals are authroised" (Brig (101,171,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:19.862] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "That only I know" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:20.953] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "WHAT?!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:21.446] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "So again" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:22.418] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (101,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:25.088] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "NO NO NO!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:25.813] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "The shtick is" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:32.486] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:36.754] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Either you do the number game and risk death for the possible reward of instant release with all your shit" (Brig Overlook (119,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:39.519] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "just deal with them ayya" (Brig (102,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:52:42.598] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (110,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:47.981] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Or you serve a 7 minute brig and I take your PDA and stuff" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:52:52.685] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (112,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:02.242] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "But I was just joking! I'm not actually part of the syndicate!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:02.801] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:06.841] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (108,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:07.940] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Doesn't matter" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:10.605] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Major tresspass" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:11.922] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) points at the girder (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:12.111] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) points at the girder (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:12.356] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) points at the girder (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:15.956] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) sighs. (Brig (107,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:17.511] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (107,175,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:20.575] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Uh..." (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:24.791] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "sec to perma" (Brig Overlook (108,177,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:25.686] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "now" (Brig Overlook (108,177,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:26.842] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Don't you have better things to be doing?" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:27.550] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (110,177,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:28.222] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "they're escaping" (Brig Overlook (110,177,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:30.955] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "No not really" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:33.550] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Security Office (110,184,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:39.928] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "So make your choice" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:41.637] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Security Office (110,184,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:51.459] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Uh..." (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:56.202] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (107,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:57.287] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig (107,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:57.639] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig (107,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:57.919] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig (107,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:57.932] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "I..." (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:53:58.094] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig (107,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:53:58.239] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig (107,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:01.053] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Again" (Brig Overlook (117,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:02.543] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Can I think about it?" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:05.403] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "It's either a 5 minute brig" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:06.235] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (107,175,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:11.402] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "With your shit taken" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:12.231] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (104,176,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:13.569] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Or the number game" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:16.492] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "It's not that complicated" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:22.514] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Transfer Centre (106,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:26.593] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Begone furry" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:28.526] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Transfer Centre (111,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:34.620] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Prisoner Education Chamber (116,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:39.146] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "walk the plank" (Prisoner Education Chamber (118,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:41.897] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Don't care" (Brig Overlook (119,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:43.035] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Alex!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:44.838] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Prisoner Education Chamber (117,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:54:46.431] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "This captain's crazy!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:54:53.013] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Transfer Centre (110,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:55:00.029] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Surely" (Brig Overlook (115,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:03.174] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (115,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:05.776] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Oh they're gonna get you now" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:11.308] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (114,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:11.965] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "What?" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:14.244] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Lucy make the pick already" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:16.314] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "I don't have all day" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:20.115] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Hmm..." (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:21.692] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "If you take much longer I'm just going to brig you" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:25.572] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (111,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:32.422] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "Fine, I'll play the game." (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:35.610] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:55:36.160] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Okay sure" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:39.413] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Pick a number 1 or two" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:44.631] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "2." (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:45.717] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Transfer Centre (112,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:55:47.622] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Wrong" (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:49.748] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Transfer Centre (112,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:55:50.356] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "WAIT WHAT!" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:52.875] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "WAIT" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:54.863] GAME-SAY: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) "please" (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:57.822] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Transfer Centre (106,172,3))
[2023-07-02 07:55:57.876] GAME-EMOTE: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless... (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:55:57.887] GAME-ACCESS: Mob Login: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) was assigned to a /mob/living/brain
[2023-07-02 07:55:57.923] GAME: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) Client The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) has taken ownership of mob Lucy Trelawney(/mob/living/brain) (UNKNOWN (?, ?, ?))
[2023-07-02 07:55:58.659] GAME-ACCESS: Mob Login: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer
[2023-07-02 07:55:58.708] GAME: The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) Client The Asbestos Sniffer/(Lucy Trelawney) has taken ownership of mob Lucy Trelawney(/mob/dead/observer) (Holding Cell (118,170,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:03.971] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig (102,173,3))
[2023-07-02 07:56:04.378] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Their option was" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:07.955] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:08.235] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Serve the normal brig sentence" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:10.015] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "UH SIR??" (Brig Overlook (119,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:10.223] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Or play a game" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:13.951] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (111,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:14.275] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "They picked the game" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:15.991] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "And they lost" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:20.021] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:24.046] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Upper Armory (102,181,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:25.873] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "is that legal?" (Brig Overlook (119,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:26.102] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:27.995] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "They had the option of doing a normal punishment" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:32.140] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (108,179,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:32.833] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Yes since they consented" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:34.132] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:38.221] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:41.240] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "did they know they would die if they lose?" (Brig Overlook (119,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:42.390] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Freedom" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:44.137] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Yes" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:44.215] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (109,175,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:47.232] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "I told them it like 3 times" (Brig Overlook (117,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:49.825] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "officers" (Brig Overlook (110,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:50.343] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (118,171,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:52.621] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Upper Armory (105,180,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:57.719] GAME-SAY: Xzero314/(Clara White) "wanted assitant was in cargo a minute ago" (Brig Overlook (110,178,4))
[2023-07-02 07:56:59.588] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "HoS" (Brig Overlook (113,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:00.648] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (111,176,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:00.651] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (113,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:01.496] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "I have a gift" (Brig Overlook (113,173,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:02.295] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "alright" (Brig Overlook (111,175,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:06.358] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "nice" (Brig Overlook (112,174,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:06.662] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (112,174,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:06.664] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Overlook (111,174,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:09.885] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "They lost the game" (Brig Overlook (114,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:12.681] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Control (108,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:14.526] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "wait" (Brig Control (110,172,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:14.742] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Entrance (112,166,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:17.470] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig Entrance (112,163,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:17.617] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig Entrance (112,162,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:17.776] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the floor (Brig Entrance (112,162,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:17.965] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) points at the firelock (Brig Entrance (112,162,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:18.839] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Yes" (Brig Entrance (112,158,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:19.835] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "rez?" (Brig Entrance (112,161,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:20.970] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "or" (Brig Entrance (112,160,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:22.190] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "No" (Brig Entrance (112,158,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:22.777] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Entrance (112,160,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:22.780] GAME-EMOTE: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) coughs! (Brig Entrance (112,158,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:23.984] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "k" (Brig Entrance (112,160,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:24.149] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "They lost the game" (Brig Entrance (112,158,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:25.737] GAME-SAY: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) "ok" (Brig Entrance (113,160,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:26.765] GAME-EMOTE: Avaster/(Monty Kalashnikov) coughs! (Brig Entrance (114,165,4))
[2023-07-02 07:57:28.356] GAME-SAY: S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "They knew the conditions" (Brig Entrance (113,158,4))
She consented to death. She did not consent to not being revived, which you never told her.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:00 pm
by TheBibleMelts
Thanks for the logs above!

I'm not inclined to do anything to this ban except lower the duration if I see indications that this isn't how you typically treat other players - you've appealed this only an hour or so after the ban was placed, so it makes me think that you missed the point entirely of what you did wrong, in spite of my attempts to explain during our PM's.

If it's just up to me here, I'd say appeal again in a week or two and we'll take a look at this being an exception rather than a rule for how little you seem to regard round-removing somebody.

EDIT: I brought this up in the bus because I wanted to get some feedback on the length of the ban itself, and after some lengthy discussions on the nuances involved as well as how we typically escalate bans, I'm willing to lower this to a week if you understand what the difference between someone agreeing to be killed and someone agreeing to be killed and denied revival is.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:20 am
by s5nt
In response to the logs, I don't see how death would come with the implication of revival. If somebody says you're going to die, that means you're going to die, not die and be revived. When somebody says they died, you don't automatically assume they mean died and then were revived. I don't see how this would be any different, revival would be something different from death, they aren't one in the same. They were never told they would be revived, nor did they ask about revival or to be revived if they lost.

To the admin, the reason I appealed so fast is because I believe I haven't done anything wrong.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:00 am
by Timberpoes
Rule 1
We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules ...
If a player is asking permission to kill someone and prevent their revival, it's VERY important this is communicated in full.

Any ambiguity can be held against the person suggesting the idea. Players should be able to play expecting that everyone else is also playing in good faith.

And turning a 7 minute brig sentence into an execution with denied permission to revive is moving the needle directly towards bad faith unless everyone understands completely and without question what's about to happen. Round removal is no trivial matter to fuck around with on a whim. Even the HoS had to be told not to revive them in response to asking if they'd be "rez?"d, so clearly the message that this was meant to be a permanent death was lost on more than just the victim.

Making sure the other party understands the consequences of your actions is a key part of "we can hand waive things when everyone consents".

I don't think any player (at least on MRP) would expect to have their revival prevented in those above circumstances, and suggesting your game's conditions without clearly stating they were not going to be revived is highly negligent at the absolute best of times.

There's also a question of fairness to the other player when your game consisted of "guess what number is in my head"; using any of the in-game mechanics such as dice rolls and coin flips is a more transparent method to pull off games of chance and provides more legitimacy when things go awry.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:40 am
by TheBibleMelts
s5nt wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:20 am In response to the logs, I don't see how death would come with the implication of revival. If somebody says you're going to die, that means you're going to die, not die and be revived. When somebody says they died, you don't automatically assume they mean died and then were revived. I don't see how this would be any different, revival would be something different from death, they aren't one in the same. They were never told they would be revived, nor did they ask about revival or to be revived if they lost.

To the admin, the reason I appealed so fast is because I believe I haven't done anything wrong.
I had initially set the length of this ban due lack of comprehension in the difference between killing somebody, and killing somebody and disallowing their ability to play anymore. If expressing empathy for how you'd like to be treated as a player yourself isn't a working compass, a couple of applicable rules were brought up.

6. Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime(s).

Restricted antagonists (or crewmembers) should be handled in proportion to their committed crimes. The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift. Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated. Only antagonists that have committed the most severe crimes may be met with immediate execution.

Security members are expected to consider the full range of punishment options available when dealing with antags. This includes (but is not always limited to) pacification, implants, timed brig sentences, gulag sentences, permabrig, forced borging and execution. Forced borging is considered equivalent to execution in punishment severity.

Did a seven minute brig timer by your own estimation (this whole incident while they were in your captivity was over 7 minutes, as an aside) seem proportionate to giving them a potential death sentence?

If the game (which was just you saying 'Am I thinking of the number 1 or 2?' worst Saw puzzle ever IMO) was the basis for you killing them, what was the basis of you ensuring they weren't revived? You have enough play hours to know that death is a speedbump to anybody sent to the medbay and by your own admission wanted to make the game feel like a real threat to them. Why, then, did you not make sure your full intents were known to the other party? You said you would kill them, sure, but had you specified in that you'd make sure they they were never going to be revived, I feel they may have been able to make a more educated choice on the complex and gripping tour de force you had prepared for them.

I want you to do your due part in separating something that affects somebody in the in-character realm of the game, to something that affects them outside as well. Play with good will to people, don't go the extra mile to ruin their time when a clearly kinder option exists and costs you nothing.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 6:29 am
by s5nt
Again, there was no ambiguity in the fact that they could take the normal brigging rather than playing the death game. I didn't give them the death sentence for breaking into brig. They gave themselves the possibility of receiving it when they picked the game, and then they got it when they lost the game. In terms of making the punishment fit the crime, they literally picked their punishment. They chose to not take the normal punishment, I didn't force or coerce them into taking it.

For the revival, death does not include revival. Again, when somebody says death, you don't assume they mean revival as well. If you're looking for the QM for example and you're told they're dead, that doesn't mean they died and then were revived. It means they are dead.

For being "kind", again, they literally picked this. I don't see how being kind entails removing all the consequences from a players actions. You don't let antags go after they've murdered somebody because it's kind, you arrest them. If somebody picks an action that leads to their death, an action they knew and were told multiple times would lead to their death, that's on them. Treating other players how you would want to be treated? If I lost a game I agreed to play and then paid the price for losing, I wouldn't care because I already was fine with the idea of paying the price if I lost.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:18 pm
by TheBibleMelts
You've had a lot of angles of why this wasn't an acceptable thing to do laid out, but you're still presenting the same argument that you did in the initial ticket - This has more or less convinced me you're at least not arguing in bad faith while knowing you've done something wrong, but genuinely don't understand the nuance of informing a player that you're going to be RR'ing them for a game opposed to killing them.

I'm going to be lowering the duration of this ban to be more in line with what was discussed earlier, but if you take anything away from this at all, I hope you take away what details need to be divulged to other players regarding the stakes of your 'games', such as your intent to fully round-remove them if they lose.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:39 am
by Timberpoes
Your decision to offer them the game using your specific wording wasn't a problem if the death wasn't permanent or a defacto round removal.

If you had instead clearly communicated they would not be revived or their body would be thrown in lava, there would not have been a problem.

If players have fully informed consent, they can permit to allow themselves to be round removed.

Here's the deal, and you're gonna have to accept this as fact. You fucked up with all the above.

1. Your specific wording did not imply round removal, so there's a problem.
2. You did not clearly communicate that they would not be revived, so there's a problem.
3. Since there was a problem clearly communicating on your part, the other player was unable to give informed consent, so there's a problem.

There's a natural assumption for our players that the people they're RPing with aren't petty rule lawyers like yourself hiding behind the ambiguous interpretations of words and phrases.

You were a dick. Not because you killed them, they agreed to that. You were a dick because you used the opportunity to effectively force their round removal on the back of mega-lame wording from that death.

Of course I can always give you an offer.

Guess the number in my head, 1 or 2. If you guess the correct number, I vote to unban you and remove all traces of the note. You walk away free. Guess the incorrect number and you'll be banned.

Or don't take the offer and sit out the rest of this as adjusted by TheBibleMelts.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:41 am
by iwishforducks
Timberpoes wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:39 am Your decision to offer them the game using your specific wording wasn't a problem if the death wasn't permanent or a defacto round removal.

If you had instead clearly communicated they would not be revived or their body would be thrown in lava, there would not have been a problem.

If players have fully informed consent, they can permit to allow themselves to be round removed.

Here's the deal, and you're gonna have to accept this as fact. You fucked up with all the above.

1. Your specific wording did not imply round removal, so there's a problem.
2. You did not clearly communicate that they would not be revived, so there's a problem.
3. Since there was a problem clearly communicating on your part, the other player was unable to give informed consent, so there's a problem.
the note should probably be edited to more accurately represent this if this is the issue at hand; if the asking is that the player be more verbose in the rules of their death game then the note should reflect that. as far as i'm aware, they had not told the Head of Security to throw the person's body in the lava, so it seems weird to pin that on them.

s5nt would probably have no issue with agreeing to be more verbose in their death games. it just seems a little extreme to assume bad faith play when it's clearly a matter of miscommunication. if you're concerned about s5nt playing in bad faith to rack up bodies then the note should be factual in that matter; i don't know why we're assuming so much bad faith and accusing them of being a dick head when it's only their first ban/note in a long time as they've pointed out. but you guys probably know s5nt more.

this next part? probably a little peanut-y, but this probably could have just been resolved by giving the victim a new body and then just explaining to s5nt that they should explicitly say something like "you will die and not be revived" or something along those lines. none of these talks about mrp policies are particularly relevant since they had already been given the appropriate punishment, it was just an option of a really stupid death game.

on the subject of the death game itself: according to the logs, s5nt was looking for the russian revolver at first for their game but couldn't find it, so they went with the number thing. it's worth mentioning because of all of the assumptions about bad faith here. they clearly wanted to play fair:

Code: Select all

07:49:22	SAY	S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "I have an idea"	(115, 172, 4)	Brig Overlook
07:49:47	SAY	S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "where revolv"	(145, 144, 3)	Maltese Falcon
07:50:07	SAY	S5nt/(Kazcov Korbov) "Who has the russian revolver"	(145, 137, 4)	Diner

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:07 am
by s5nt
Guess the number in my head, 1 or 2. If you guess the correct number, I vote to unban you and remove all traces of the note. You walk away free. Guess the incorrect number and you'll be banned.
My answer is x, where x is defined by x^2-3x+2=0.

mama aint raised no bitch

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:40 pm
by kinnebian
s5nt wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:07 am
Guess the number in my head, 1 or 2. If you guess the correct number, I vote to unban you and remove all traces of the note. You walk away free. Guess the incorrect number and you'll be banned.
My answer is x, where x is defined by x^2-3x+2=0.

mama aint raised no bitch
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
a=1 b=-3 c=2
(-b+-√b^2-4ac)/2a = x
(-3+-√9-4(2))/2 = x
(-3+-√9-8)/2 = x
(-3 +- √1)/2 = x
(3 + 1)/2 = 2 which means x = 2
(3 - 1)/2 = 1 which means x = 1

this couldve been so much easier but i suck at quadratics
anyways its both

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:13 pm
by Timberpoes
C'mon Kinneb. Classic admin, over-complicating things. Solving quadratics in the form of x² + bx + c is done way easier by simple factorisation.

Factorise it out to (x - 1)⋅(x - 2) = 0

The two answers to this then become rather obvious. As you mentioned, both 1 and 2 satisfy the equation.

For selecting the correct answer I had in my head, I put my full vote behind removing the role ban and its linked note entirely.

For selecting the incorrect answer, you have now been banned.

Thanks for playing.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:24 pm
by s5nt
woe be upon me

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:13 pm
by TheBibleMelts

Re: [TheBibleMelts] S5nt - Jobbanned from cap & hos for a month

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:38 am
by TheBibleMelts
well your original ban from two jobs would have ended a few days ago if you'd let it expire, so i'm going to say this is a wrap.