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[Fayrik] Xarvox - Silicon Jobban

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:05 pm
by xarvox
Byond account and character name: Xarvox, Dick Scale (SALT-E as a borg)

Banning admin: Fayrik

Ban type: Silicon

Ban reason and length: Violating Server rule one, permanent

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2015-04-02 09:40:27, Central time zone.

Your side of the story: Randy Savage uploaded an AMERICA lawset, which went something like this. I haven't got it memorized except for the first two laws, and the second one's a bit fuzzy.

Law one: Randy Savage is president of the station, protect him and yada yada yada.
Law two: Something about ensuring the right to bear arms, freedom of speech and religion, and freedom of movement.

Okay, I decided to play the borg as autistic and as literal as possible. Right to bear arms? Welp, better bolt open the armory. Captain said not to bolt it open? That's okay, emergency access works too. Wait, freedom of movement. Doesn't say how, or where to. Better turn off gravity. Now they can move all they want, in any direction!

I do remember the lawset had a distinct lack of "DON'T KILL ANYONE" in it, along with several typos.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Well, I am aware that being as unhelpful as possible was a total dick move, as hilarious as it was to me. The ban is totally deserved. But, i've sort of sat on it for a while, and I understand the reason for the ban, and agree that I totally should have been banned for being a giant jackass. I won't be such a colossal douche from now on, though I may still be sort of a prick. Not in a "violating server rule one" way, though.

Re: [Fayrik] Xarvox - Silicon Jobban

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:21 pm
by Fayrik
You say you've learned your lesson, and the only way I can tell if that's true or not is to see you playing a silicon role again.

So yeah, ban's been lifted.
So long as you're not actively trying to fuck with stuff whenever you get half a chance, you should be fine.