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[MrrFiish] lawlolawl - Double banned?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:20 am
by Lawlolawl
BYOND account: lawlolawl
Character name: Terry Thomas / Duncan Sawyer (brain transfer to ssd body post death)
Ban type:Server (all servers)
Ban length: 7 days
Ban reason: As a non-antagonist in the round 210339 threw several chem nades killing several crewmembers on the station and emergency shuttle. Do not bomb innocent crew as a non-antagonist, even if you are aiming for threats such as dragons or nukies. (NOTE: the admin put in the wrong round number? I got the correct logs from round 210334, 210339 was the following round where the ban was applied.)
Time ban was placed: 2023-07-16 07:31:34
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 210339 (as written, but this should be a typo as it was actually 210334, I was already banned and unable to join the game by 210339 which was the following round)

Screenshot here: Image

Real nice that the one month ban was casually omitted by MrrFiish during the whole appeal thing. Not sure if someone happened to "forget" that an additional ban was placed but ok. Any reason why I'm banned from THE WHOLE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT?

Also pls clean up the notes for duplicates thanks, as well as the round number. This was already mentioned in the last appeal.

Re: [MrrFiish] lawlolawl - Double banned?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:23 am
by MrrFiish
I assumed you had known about the job ban and were appealing both together, that is my bad if it doesn't show you anywhere. This will have the same appeal as the last so I still deny it but headmins may overturn this as I'm not sure if *they* are aware either, I messed up there and thought it made it obvious. I will alert headmins and clean up the notes now.

As for why you are banned from all of medical, it is to give you a break from having easy access to chemical grenades.

Re: [MrrFiish] lawlolawl - Double banned?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:36 am
by Lawlolawl
MrrFiish wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:23 am I assumed you had known about the job ban and were appealing both together, that is my bad if it doesn't show you anywhere. This will have the same appeal as the last so I still deny it but headmins may overturn this as I'm not sure if *they* are aware either, I messed up there and thought it made it obvious. I will alert headmins and clean up the notes now.
There is literally a form you fill with the contents:
Ban length: and Ban type:, neither of which reflected my knowledge of the additional ban, so ok.

Re: [MrrFiish] lawlolawl - Double banned?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:30 pm
by Timberpoes
To clarify, the banning panel is mutually exclusive between server and role bans. You can't place both at the same time.

We usually place the role bans first so the player can see them, then any server ban after. But it's easily forgotten in the moment and our banning tools are quite ass for UX.

Re: [MrrFiish] lawlolawl - Double banned?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:53 pm
by Timberpoes
Kieth and myself have agreed to uphold this ban as well.

The original ruling from viewtopic.php?p=694476#p694476 still applies to this ban.

I've spoken to Fish about this in the admin channels, and there were basically 2 issues here.

The first is he forgot to tell you he was placing a role ban as well as a server ban.

The second is the order the bans were placed.

The server ban was placed 2023-07-16 07:31:35
The role ban was placed 2023-07-16 07:32:44

So he basically did the server ban first, then quickly filled out the details for the role ban afterwards and placed it like a minute later.

We advise admins to do role bans first, server bans after. That way the player can see information about all the bans, instead of getting the role ban after they're disconnected and have no way to know about it.

This is a mistake we all make from time to time, and these learning experiences are expected during trial, so there's nothing to really worry about here as far as we're concerned with Fish's conduct in placing the bans etc.