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[Thedragmeme] Bob Schrubbery

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:17 pm
by BobSchrubbery16
BYOND account:Bob Schrubbery
Character name:Bob Schrubbery
Ban type:Server Ban
Ban length :Permanent
Ban reason: "As a non antagonist blew themself up and one other in chemistry then disconnected immediately after, has a broad repeated history of doing such and frankly I dont think your going to improve"
Time ban was placed: 2022-6 -14 02:07:47
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed:184878
Your side of the story: This ban was from quit a while ago, but I can still recall the majority of what happened. I was playing as a chemist, non antagonist, and didn't have much to do. I decided to make meth, as one does. I don't fully recall how the explosion happened, but I believe I either over heated something or mixed two beakers that went boom. Either way I died and my lab partner with severely hurt. As for my leaving right after, I was extremely frustrated with dying that quickly and in such a stupid way so I got off the game. (Obviously that does not help my case). I haven't played much SS since my ban since TG was the main server I played on and learning a new servers gameplay or finding a new active server seemed tedious. I ban contested a few times but unfortunately the decision seemed final. I've recently had a lot of free time and I wanted to play again, completely forgetting about my ban. I understand I had a history of using explosives as non antag, which is why situation was taken so seriously. Although it may not mean much, I do intend on playing the game properly. As I said tg was basically the only server I played on and I would love to start playing there again.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I genuinely believe I have changed and don't have much interest in trolling as I did last year. I still love most aspects about SS13 and want to explore more roles that I never learned (Cargo being one). I am willing to prove myself.
[b]References of good conduct: I only played on tg, and have not touched ss13 after my ban over a year ago. I have had plenty of time to reflect and come to terms with why I was banned and I understand that it was completely justified.

Re: [Thedragmeme] Bob Schrubbery

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:03 pm
by Drag
This ban is a year old, and I don't feel like doing mental gymnastics. I'll lift this ban. However, if you fuck around you WILL find out.