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[Omega_DarkPotato] Kyle Konoszewik

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:21 pm
by Goatto
BYOND account: DoggoTheCrusader
Character name: Kyle Konoszewik
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 6 hours
Ban reason: Escalated with a security officer over a valid arrest- although they were only messing around with a borg, it looked as though they were attempting to kill it and they made no attempt to explain this to the officer who was trying to arrest them. Stripped gear from the officer, when they retaliated, decapitaed the officer.
Time ban was placed: 2023-08-14 14:38:26
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 212521
Your side of the story: Starting from why I was chased in the first place, as said in the ban, I was messing around with a clown borg, hit a few times, and ran after them, generally just goofing around (no ill will was held between both parties because of this). This was noticed by a security officer, which caused them to start chasing me with a stunbaton in hand. Me (with dwarf, insulated, and shock touch mutations I obtained from helping the geneticist earlier that round) disarmed them and continued to flee. Eventually, this resulted in me obtaining and throwing away his stunstick, disabler, bola, and pepper spray into disposals (I'm not quite sure about that part; I might've just thrown them on the ground at some point or hid them somewhere). Afterwards, the security officer stopped chasing me, and I went on with my gimmick that round. Some time later, whilst I was walking through the hallways, they found me once again. Immediately, with no words exchanged between us, I was met with gunfire (he started shooting at me with an energy gun set to lethal; after running out of ammo, used the detectives' revolver). I'm not quite sure, but I think during the shootout in the halls, I managed to once again disarm him and take away a telescopic baton they were using after running out of ammo (I'm not quite certain about the order of events here). I continued to flee, eventually ending up in medbay telling people about how a security officer, is trying to murder me, he comes in and continues to take attack me (this time with a stunstick) i continued to flee running around the room and eventually running out, after arriving at medbay lobby, I once again disarm them after which they take out an energy sword, at that point i was nearly dead, bleeding out and with multiple burn wounds, i decide to fight back, i stun them with the stunstick he lost to me just seconds before, they insantly put the energy sword back on their person, after which i only now take off his backpack and empty the pockets to find it and proceed to behead them, i decided to do so as any less would result in him getting back up and finishing me off as i would no longer be able to defend myself at that point due to bloodloss and my severe wounds. I meant to reattach his head back and revive him after getting stabilized, but unfortunately it took quite a while, and after getting out, his head was nowhere to be found and his body was fully stripped and looted. I did not think much of finding his head at the time, as there were more important things happening on the station.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I'm more worried about the note removal than the 6 hours I was banned for. I find this completely ridiculous, as I was left with no choice but to fend for myself during our second scuffle. Even after disarming them many times and them running out of ammo, they continued to chase me and try their best to kill me, even using weapons such as detectives' revolver and an energy sword. I don't think such extremes should have been used in the first place by the officer, ESPECIALLY using lethal weapons the moment they see me. I am almost completely certain that I did not hurt them (besides disarming by shoving or using shock touch) in any way or form until I beheaded them in medbay

Re: [Omega_DarkPotato] Kyle Konoszewik

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:47 pm
by dendydoom
interjecting with relevant policy with regards to escalation:
Escalation Policy wrote:Non-antagonists should not harmfully resist or retaliate against valid arrests, but do not have to simply give up and allow the arrest to happen. They may instead non-harmfully escape or avoid the arresting officer in the spirit of the game.

If an arrest is not obviously valid, it follows standard escalation. Resisting or retaliating against arrests without good reason may break Escalation Policy and be handled administratively. Non-antagonist players may lose any OOC and IC protections if they choose this path and should consider ahelping if they believe they did nothing to warrant being arrested.

In resisting arrest, non-antagonists should not loot officers and should not detain or incapacitate officers any longer than is necessary to escape or explain themselves.

Re: [Omega_DarkPotato] Kyle Konoszewik

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:05 pm
by Omega_DarkPotato
There's a couple of simple reasons here why this appeal's denied, and most of them can be gleaned from that excerpt of escalation policy
  1. The first engagement was a valid arrest - you were seen harming a borg, made no attempt to explain that you were just doing it to goof off, and the officer attempted to arrest you (in a valid arrest)
  2. You break escalation by stripping them of their gear and flushing it- at this point, it's pretty difficult for them to know just how much of their gear you still have, and it's obvious to them that you're quite armed enough to dunk on them if they try to take a nonlethal route
  3. They pursue you into medical bay, and now that you've shown that you can't be arrested non-lethally, they attempt to do so lethally, to which you respond with a round removal from improper escalation to a valid arrest.
If they had opened with lethals, if they had arrested you for no apparent reason, or if they had killed you after you (alternate universe you) let them arrest you, this wouldn't be a note, and I'd likely have bwoinked them instead.
You can run and hide from an officer attempting to validly arrest you, but you can't loot em, show that you're a threat, and when they respond in the only way they can, RR them for it.

Because it's easy to see how it may have looked like valid escalation from your POV (because, again, if you go in thinking it's not a valid arrest this is fine behavior) I opted to give you a 6h ban and a minor note instead of a 1day.
However, I will not be budging further than this, because it isn't valid escalation and you didn't make any attempt to explain yourself.

As always, you're free to request headmin overview if you'd like or think that I'm particularly out of line here.

For additional context: this is your entire set of lines for "telling people how a security officer is trying to murder me"

Code: Select all

[2023-08-14 13:56:05.917] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "bad man" (Medbay Treatment Center (85,102,2))
[2023-08-14 13:56:45.292] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "he attack me" (Medbay Central (96,104,2))
[2023-08-14 13:56:57.411] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "me safe" (Medbay Central (94,104,2))
[2023-08-14 13:57:05.576] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "me die" (Medbay Treatment Center (79,105,2))
[2023-08-14 13:57:09.501] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "sec no like dorf" (Medbay Treatment Center (79,105,2))
I do not think "bad man he attack me me die" is very much explanation either, and have mentally equated the level of information that this transfers to some of your other insightful comments:

Code: Select all

[2023-08-14 13:33:02.717] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "gloob" (Central Primary Hallway (125,128,2))
[2023-08-14 13:33:20.478] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "gloob" (Cargo Bay (75,146,2))
[2023-08-14 13:33:46.747] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "g;ppb" (Central Primary Hallway (98,144,2))
[2023-08-14 13:33:50.020] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "gloob" (Central Primary Hallway (108,144,2))
[2023-08-14 13:34:09.575] GAME-SAY: DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) "gloob" (Genetics Lab (110,85,2))
the gift of language is a beautiful thing, and I highly encourage utilizing it, even if it's just enough to get 1984 enforcers like myself or security officers off your back for future instances.

Re: [Omega_DarkPotato] Kyle Konoszewik

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:48 am
by sinfulbliss
Some relevant rulings/policy:
Timberpoes wrote: Security gameplay with limited meaningful communication in low threat situations can completely remove security meta-protections, falling back to standard escalation rules instead.
viewtopic.php?p=687166&sid=72ba206b80a9 ... a6#p687166

The officer’s say logs reveal no communication with Kyle about the arrest or reasons for the arrest:

Code: Select all

 	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "remember lads, you can call beepsky if you're in a pinch"	(111, 167, 2)	Brig
01:20:14	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "did"	(107, 145, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:20:16	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "you get"	(107, 148, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
01:20:17	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "the boxes"	(107, 147, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
01:20:32	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "those"	(116, 166, 2)	Brig
01:20:38	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "aren't guaranteed"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:20:39	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "traitors"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:20:41	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "they can just spawn"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:20:43	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "around"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:20:48	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "yeah"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:20:52	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "free loot"	(107, 168, 2)	Brig
01:21:00	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "probably toxins"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:21:12	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "ayo"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:21:12	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "nice"	(108, 168, 2)	Brig
01:22:43	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "yeah?"	(139, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:22:48	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "no"	(130, 131, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:22:51	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "regal rat is cool"	(130, 131, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:22:55	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "oh"	(130, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:22:57	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "you're LAME"	(130, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:23:03	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "skill issue"	(131, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:23:06	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "how do you die to the rat"	(131, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:23:07	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wow"	(131, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:23:21	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "talking"	(133, 133, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:23:23	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "about the other people"	(133, 133, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:23:28	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "basic comprehension fail"	(133, 133, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:23:42	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "Captain isn't the smartest tool in the shed"	(131, 149, 2)	Locker Room
01:23:47	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "just letting you know"	(131, 149, 2)	Locker Room
01:23:55	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "rats"	(138, 153, 2)	Locker Room
01:24:17	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "toxins?"	(107, 153, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
01:25:12	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "its toxins testing"	(89, 94, 2)	Medbay Central
01:25:15	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "are you retarded"	(89, 93, 2)	Medbay Central
01:25:33	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "hey Ayden"	(98, 106, 2)	Medbay Central
01:28:17	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wait"	(138, 153, 2)	Locker Room
01:28:19	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "did someone"	(138, 153, 2)	Locker Room
01:28:20	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "say"	(138, 153, 2)	Locker Room
01:28:25	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "trespassing"	(138, 153, 2)	Locker Room
01:28:33	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "Garden is public"	(137, 151, 2)	Locker Room
01:28:37	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "yeah"	(138, 153, 2)	Locker Room
01:29:05	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "WHY"	(146, 173, 2)	Recreation Area
01:29:30	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "no"	(144, 173, 2)	Recreation Area
01:29:33	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "I know"	(141, 173, 2)	Recreation Area
01:29:34	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "what it is"	(141, 173, 2)	Recreation Area
01:29:37	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "you retard"	(141, 173, 2)	Recreation Area
01:29:46	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "yeah"	(147, 175, 2)	Recreation Area
01:30:02	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "stop"	(139, 172, 2)	Recreation Area
01:30:06	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "being"	(141, 172, 2)	Recreation Area
01:30:08	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "a shitter"	(141, 172, 2)	Recreation Area
01:30:19	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "kept shoving me"	(141, 171, 2)	Recreation Area
01:30:21	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "around"	(141, 171, 2)	Recreation Area
01:31:13	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "yea"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:31:17	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "I'll drag him"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:31:18	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "to med"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:31:23	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "he's literally"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:31:24	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "dying"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:31:29	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "i'll get"	(104, 168, 2)	Brig
01:31:32	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "miner's salve"	(103, 168, 2)	Brig
01:32:59	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wow"	(101, 103, 2)	Pharmacy
01:33:01	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "now"	(100, 103, 2)	Pharmacy
01:33:05	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "CHEMIST"	(100, 105, 2)	Pharmacy
01:33:07	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "YOU FUCK"	(100, 105, 2)	Pharmacy
01:33:20	SAY	*no key*/(�Medibot) "Wait Wilhelm Von Clausewitz! I want to help!"	(79, 104, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:33:34	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "BAD"	(82, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:33:40	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wanted paramed"	(82, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:33:49	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "DUDE"	(86, 102, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:33:50	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "HES SET"	(86, 102, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:33:52	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "TO WANTED"	(86, 102, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:33:58	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "I DUNNO"	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:33:59	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "IM DOING MY JOB"	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:34:03	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "ARRESTING"	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:34:05	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "WANTED PEOPLE"	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:34:09	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "WOW"	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:34:12	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "a coroner telling me"	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:34:15	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "to do my job"	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:34:19	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "did you do the dissections?"	(88, 103, 2)	Medbay Central
01:35:18	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "check"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:19	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "prints"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:22	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "DET"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:23	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "YOU LITERALLY"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:24	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "HAVE"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:27	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "THE FUCKING THING"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:31	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "THAT GETS EVIDENCE"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:33	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "YET YOU DONT DO IT"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:51	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "ask people first"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:35:58	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "to come with you"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:14	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "you're the worst"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:16	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "sec ever"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:18	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "det"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:21	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "you're a retard"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:35	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "yeah"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:38	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "just let him go"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:41	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "shitsec"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
01:36:46	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "by who"	(110, 167, 2)	Brig
01:37:05	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "salve"	(113, 165, 2)	Brig
01:37:10	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "should remove the wound"	(113, 165, 2)	Brig
01:37:17	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "go to medbay"	(113, 166, 2)	Brig
01:37:27	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "virus"	(115, 166, 2)	Brig
01:37:32	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "god"	(115, 165, 2)	Brig
01:37:34	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "I'm gonna get"	(115, 165, 2)	Brig
01:37:36	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "some carpet"	(115, 165, 2)	Brig
01:37:41	SAY	Taumanta/(Cedric Haynes) "quit standing next to people wilhelm"	(116, 167, 2)	Brig
01:37:45	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "yeah"	(112, 165, 2)	Brig
01:38:34	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "OH MY GOD"	(93, 103, 2)	Medbay Central
01:38:41	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "can you"	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:38:43	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "open"	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:38:46	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "I need the cure"	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:39:28	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "AI"	(100, 103, 2)	Pharmacy
01:39:31	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "open pharma"	(100, 103, 2)	Pharmacy
01:40:08	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "carpet"	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:40:37	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "you guys are still"	(114, 165, 2)	Brig
01:40:41	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "on Chaplain's dick?"	(114, 165, 2)	Brig
01:40:44	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wow"	(114, 165, 2)	Brig
01:40:53	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wow"	(114, 165, 2)	Brig
01:41:04	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "doesn't understand what i meant"	(114, 165, 2)	Brig
01:41:19	SAY	Taumanta/(Cedric Haynes) "and anyway don't you call anyone gay with that hair Wilhelm"	(117, 167, 2)	Brig
01:41:44	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "sure"	(118, 166, 2)	Brig
01:41:53	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "what's he do?"	(111, 169, 2)	Brig
01:42:02	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "oh"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:42:06	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "well"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:42:09	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "his infection is gone now"	(110, 168, 2)	Brig
01:42:22	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "nah"	(110, 167, 2)	Brig
01:42:55	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "nah"	(115, 165, 2)	Brig
01:42:59	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "just put him"	(116, 165, 2)	Brig
01:43:01	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "in a cell"	(116, 165, 2)	Brig
01:43:04	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "or let him go"	(116, 165, 2)	Brig
01:43:05	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wow"	(116, 165, 2)	Brig
01:43:10	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "he's been here"	(116, 166, 2)	Brig
01:43:11	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "forever"	(116, 166, 2)	Brig
01:43:16	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "we can look for other fish"	(116, 166, 2)	Brig
01:45:15	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "roboticist was in dorm maints"	(147, 163, 2)	Fore Starboard Maintenance
01:46:49	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "KYLE BAD"	(88, 130, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:57	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "well shitter"	(71, 134, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:35	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "god"	(57, 136, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:38	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "can i have that back"	(56, 136, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:54	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "set kyle to arrest"	(77, 134, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:48:08	SAY	*no key*/(�Medibot) "Wilhelm Von Clausewitz, you appear to be injured!"	(108, 159, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
01:48:40	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wait"	(111, 168, 2)	Brig
01:48:42	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "gonna get"	(111, 168, 2)	Brig
01:48:45	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "a new baton"	(111, 168, 2)	Brig
01:48:47	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "shitter kept"	(111, 168, 2)	Brig
01:48:51	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "fucking"	(111, 168, 2)	Brig
01:48:54	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "using shock touch"	(111, 168, 2)	Brig
01:48:57	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "and dropping my shit"	(111, 168, 2)	Brig
01:49:10	SAY	*no key*/(�Medibot) "Wilhelm Von Clausewitz, you appear to be injured!"	(109, 159, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
01:51:01	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "god"	(88, 143, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:51:35	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "HoS"	(63, 169, 2)	Fore Port Maintenance
01:51:37	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "you alive?"	(63, 169, 2)	Fore Port Maintenance
01:51:40	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "HoP,"	(65, 169, 2)	Fore Port Maintenance
01:53:44	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "did you guys see kyle?"	(110, 126, 2)	Command Hallway
01:53:59	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "guh"	(135, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:54:12	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "wow"	(134, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:54:18	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "i look badass"	(135, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
01:55:03	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "honk and i'll make sure"	(111, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:05	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "to rip that thing"	(111, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:07	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "apart"	(111, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:14	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "AI"	(87, 121, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:56:07	SAY	*no key*/(�Medibot) "Hey, Wilhelm Von Clausewitz! Hold on, I'm coming."	(84, 100, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:40	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "FUCK OFF"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:42	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "KYLE BAD"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:44	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "BAD"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:46	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "STOP HIM"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:49	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "HE START"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:49	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "H-HRNK!"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:50	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "LP"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:51	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) "HELP"	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:57:24	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "is it revs?"	(79, 105, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:57:26	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "I STILL DONT GET IT"	(79, 105, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:57:34	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "is kyle an antagonsit?"	(87, 105, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:57:38	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "tf man"	(98, 113, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:58:49	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "guys"	(111, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:58:51	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "is it revs"	(111, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:58:53	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "or what the fuck"	(111, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:58:55	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "I STILL DONT GET"	(111, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:59:03	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "does kyle even have"	(111, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:59:05	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "antag status?"	(111, 115, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
02:00:28	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "I don't even know"	(120, 165, 2)	Brig
02:00:31	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "no one said"	(119, 167, 2)	Brig
02:00:33	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "revs"	(119, 167, 2)	Brig
02:02:51	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "gonna ahelp Kyle, fucker kept griefing me the entire round after i tried to arrest him for trying to kill a clown borg"	(131, 125, 2)	Bar
02:02:57	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "then round removed me"	(131, 125, 2)	Bar
02:03:02	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "when i tried to kill him cause he kept"	(130, 127, 2)	Bar
02:03:04	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "fucking asking for it"	(135, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
02:06:41	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "man"	(120, 130, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:06:45	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "we'll see if he has antag status"	(123, 131, 2)	Central Maintenance
02:06:47	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "after the round ends"	(123, 130, 2)	Central Maintenance
02:07:03	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "oh"	(120, 132, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:07:04	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "there he goes"	(120, 132, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:07:06	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "NOT ANTAG"	(120, 132, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:07:10	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "He's not a traitor"	(121, 132, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:07:12	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "he kept being a shitter"	(121, 132, 2)	Captain's Quarters
02:09:47	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "did anyone ahelp Kyle?"	(84, 119, 2)	Library
02:10:12	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "he got the desword from me, I got it from a tot as a secoff"	(130, 162, 2)	Fore Maintenance
02:10:16	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "esword"	(123, 156, 2)	Law Office
02:10:18	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "yeah"	(121, 163, 2)	Detective's Office
02:10:38	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "you saw how much of a shitter he was right?"	(120, 163, 2)	Detective's Office
02:10:46	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "he was just shock touching me to steal shit"	(108, 160, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
02:10:53	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "and escalation baiting"	(112, 146, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
02:11:16	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "he's probably acting like this cause no admins"	(122, 167, 2)	Brig
02:11:58	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "man"	(110, 160, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
02:12:01	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "i fucking hate kyle"	(111, 160, 2)	Fore Primary Hallway
02:12:29	SAY	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (DEAD) "i'm pretty sure he's metagrudging me from when i cremated his traitor round as a heretic"	(112, 166, 2)	Brig
Additional relevant policy/rulings:
RaveRadbury wrote:[…]Wielding traitor gear during arrests threatens a sec officer's meta protections.
Rule 4 wrote:Non-antags acting like an antag can be treated as an antag.
Kieth4 wrote:Escalating against shitsec is going to be an ic issue- you are free to escalate against security who are acting shitly.

Re: [Omega_DarkPotato] Kyle Konoszewik

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:33 pm
by Omega_DarkPotato
Two takes here:

sinfulbliss wrote:
RaveRadbury wrote:[…]Wielding traitor gear during arrests threatens a sec officer's meta protections.
Rule 4 wrote:Non-antags acting like an antag can be treated as an antag.
Kieth4 wrote:Escalating against shitsec is going to be an ic issue- you are free to escalate against security who are acting shitly.
I'm going to ultimately move to dismiss this argument, since during the first (attempted) arrest there's no indication of traitor gear- and if the first arrest is the issue-causer here (violation of escalation policy lead to the whole debacle for arrest 2) then the usage of the energy sword as a justification to continue resisting isn't as valid of an argument in my mind.

sinfulbliss wrote:
Timberpoes wrote: Security gameplay with limited meaningful communication in low threat situations can completely remove security meta-protections, falling back to standard escalation rules instead.
viewtopic.php?p=687166&sid=72ba206b80a9 ... a6#p687166

The officer’s say logs reveal no communication with Kyle about the arrest or reasons for the arrest (snipped logs)
This one's a little more valid, and if DoggoTheCrusader/Kyle Konoszewik didn't know it was an arrest then this'd kind of be a slam dunk. However, considering they knew it was an arrest (or at least, an intent to arrest) from both their side of the story and the ahelp dialogue, I'm not entirely convinced that this specific argument holds water. Protection against situations in which you're unable to determine what's going on, but Doggo knew what was going on, so... doesn't apply?

now- granted, that's just my take on what's headmin policy from a headmin who's actively around, so in this case I'll just be leaving it up to the headmin(s) in question who passed this one- if Timber & Co(es) think that Doggo's protected by this bit of headmin policy that I'm just misinterpreting, then I'm happy to wipe the note.

Re: [Omega_DarkPotato] Kyle Konoszewik

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:18 pm
by Archie700
Attack logs from Scrubby

Preface: Kyle attacking the Borg over pieing him.

Code: Select all

01:45:50	ATTACK	DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) threw and hit DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the banana cream pie (NEWHP: 96.4)	(77, 162, 2)	Fore Port Maintenance
01:45:52	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the spell Shock Touch.	(76, 164, 2)	Fore Port Maintenance
01:45:58	ATTACK	DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) threw and hit DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the banana cream pie (NEWHP: 96.4)	(85, 156, 2)	Storage Wing
01:45:59	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 85)	(86, 152, 2)	Storage Wing
01:45:59	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 85)	(86, 152, 2)	Storage Wing
01:46:03	ATTACK	DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) attacked DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with air horn (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 96.4)	(86, 147, 2)	Storage Wing
01:46:07	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) with claymore (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 70)	(82, 156, 2)	Storage Wing
01:46:08	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) with claymore (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 55)	(85, 152, 2)	Storage Wing
01:46:08	ATTACK	DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) threw and hit DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the banana cream pie (NEWHP: 96.4)	(86, 149, 2)	Storage Wing
01:46:09	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) with claymore (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 40)	(87, 145, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:10	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked [firelock] with the claymore	(92, 144, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:13	ATTACK	DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) threw and hit DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the banana cream pie (NEWHP: 96.4)	(114, 144, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:18	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) with claymore (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 25)	(126, 126, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:20	ATTACK	DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) threw and hit DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the banana cream pie (NEWHP: 96.4)	(126, 141, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:20	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the spell Shock Touch.	(126, 135, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:21	ATTACK	DinoBoi1222/(Default Cyborg-470) threw and hit DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the banana cream pie (NEWHP: 96.4)	(125, 142, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
Wilhem (security) trying to arrest Kyle over it and getting ganged on in retaliation:

Code: Select all

01:46:23	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) stun attacked DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 96.4)	(126, 137, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:25	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attempted to punch StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 90.2)	(125, 139, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:27	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) attacked [firelock] with the stun baton	(126, 140, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:27	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 90.2)	(127, 141, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:27	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 77.7)	(127, 141, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:27	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) shaken DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) (NEWHP: 96.4)	(126, 140, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:28	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) shaken DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) (NEWHP: 96.4)	(126, 140, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:43	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 77.7)	(89, 126, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:46:43	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 65.2)	(89, 126, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:47:00	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) has thrown the energy bola	(71, 134, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:02	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 65.2)	(74, 134, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:02	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 52.7)	(74, 134, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:03	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) punched StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 47.1)	(76, 134, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:08	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) has primed a flashbang at Port Primary Hallway (66,135,2) for detonation.	(66, 135, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:17	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from [floor] with the pepperspray with a range of [1], containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity).	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:17	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from a pepperspray with a range of [1] and containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity).	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:17	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [newscaster] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity)	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:17	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity) (NEWHP: 96.4)	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:17	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity)	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:18	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from [floor] with the pepperspray with a range of [2], containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity).	(53, 136, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:18	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from a pepperspray with a range of [2] and containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity).	(53, 136, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:18	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [�Arrival Shuttle Hallway fire alarm] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(53, 136, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:18	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [security camera] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(53, 136, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:18	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(53, 136, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:19	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [�Arrival Shuttle Hallway Air Alarm] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:19	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity) (NEWHP: 96.4)	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:19	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(53, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:19	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 47.1)	(54, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:19	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 34.6)	(54, 135, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:20	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) shaken DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) (NEWHP: 96.4)	(53, 137, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:22	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) sprayed StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (10u, 1 purity) (NEWHP: 34.6)	(54, 138, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:24	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) punched Boltamist/(Gremlinium X) (NEWHP: 94)	(54, 136, 2)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
01:47:32	ATTACK	Boltamist/(Gremlinium X) shaken StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 34.6)	(56, 137, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:33	ATTACK	Boltamist/(Gremlinium X) shaken StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 34.6)	(57, 137, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:34	ATTACK	Boltamist/(Gremlinium X) shaken StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 34.6)	(57, 137, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:47:50	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/consumable/ethanol/quadruple_sec (5u, 1 purity)) from the glass bottle to [stomach]	(71, 134, 2)	Port Primary Hallway
01:49:09	ATTACK	TheGhost0fDeath/(Ayden Winters) grabbed StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) passive grab (NEWHP: 60.9)	(111, 167, 2)	Brig
01:49:18	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/consumable/ethanol/quadruple_sec (5u, 1 purity)) from the glass bottle to [stomach]	(92, 144, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:49:38	ATTACK	KickPaw/(Hates-The-Stun) stun attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the police baton (NEWHP: 72.6)	(73, 146, 2)	Cargo Bay
01:49:40	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) suffered: Rough Abrasion to head | Damage: 10.5 (rolled 21/26.8946) | WB: 15	(71, 146, 2)	Cargo Bay
01:49:40	ATTACK	KickPaw/(Hates-The-Stun) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with butcher's cleaver (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 62.9)	(72, 146, 2)	Cargo Bay
01:49:45	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 65.2)	(85, 146, 2)	Storage Wing
01:49:45	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 52.7)	(85, 146, 2)	Storage Wing
01:49:45	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) attempted to punch DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) (NEWHP: 87.4)	(85, 147, 2)	Storage Wing
01:49:47	ATTACK	TheGhost0fDeath/(Ayden Winters) shot StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the laser (NEWHP: 55.1)	(85, 147, 2)	Storage Wing
The second fight afterwards where you ended up decapping Wilhelm

Code: Select all

01:55:20	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired at [floor] with the laser from Central Primary Hallway	(89, 125, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:20	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) shot DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the laser (NEWHP: 100)	(89, 125, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:21	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired at [floor] with the laser from Central Primary Hallway	(88, 126, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:21	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired at [blood] with the laser from Central Primary Hallway	(88, 127, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:23	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired at [Vacant Commissary Shutter] with the laser from Central Primary Hallway	(88, 137, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:24	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired at [�ShadyCigs Deluxe] with the laser from Central Primary Hallway	(87, 137, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:27	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) attacked [firelock] with the telescopic baton	(87, 143, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:28	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) stun attacked DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the telescopic baton (NEWHP: 77.8)	(88, 141, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:29	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) punched StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 93)	(87, 140, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:29	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) got a stun punch with their previous punch StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 93)	(87, 140, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:33	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) attacked DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with claymore (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 44.8)	(89, 141, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:35	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) attacked DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with claymore (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 13.4)	(88, 139, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:36	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 80.5)	(88, 139, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:36	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 93)	(88, 139, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:37	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) shaken DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) (NEWHP: 13.4)	(87, 140, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:38	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) shaken DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) (NEWHP: 13.4)	(87, 139, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:44	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired at [floor] with .38 bullet from Central Primary Hallway	(87, 131, 2)	Central Primary Hallway
01:55:56	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 110, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:55:56	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 110, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:55:56	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 109, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:55:56	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 109, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:55:56	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 109, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:55:59	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 109, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:55:59	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 109, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:55:59	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(101, 109, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:56:00	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [banana peel]	(100, 109, 2)	Medbay Lobby
01:56:08	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [floor]	(82, 97, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:09	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with �shock touch (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 81.7)	(81, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:09	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) cast the touch spell Shock Touch on StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the �shock touch (NEWHP: 69.2)	(81, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:10	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) attacked [holopad] with the stun baton	(82, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:11	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) stun attacked DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 53.5)	(83, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:12	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) kicks StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 69.2)	(83, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:12	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) shoved StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) (NEWHP: 69.2)	(83, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:15	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with stun baton (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 62.5)	(85, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:16	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) shaken Amireo/(Willie Willson) (NEWHP: 100)	(84, 97, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:17	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) has primed a flashbang at Medbay Treatment Center (82,98,2) for detonation.	(82, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:17	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) slipped on the [floor]	(82, 97, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:20	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from [floor] with the pepperspray with a range of [1], containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity).	(80, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:20	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from a pepperspray with a range of [1] and containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity).	(80, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:20	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (5u, 1 purity)	(80, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:21	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from [floor] with the pepperspray with a range of [2], containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity).	(79, 97, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:21	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from a pepperspray with a range of [2] and containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity).	(79, 97, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:21	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [oxandrolone medipen] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(79, 97, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:21	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(79, 97, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:21	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(79, 98, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:22	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from [floor] with the pepperspray with a range of [2], containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity).	(79, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:22	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from a pepperspray with a range of [2] and containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity).	(79, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:22	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [footprints] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(79, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:22	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(79, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:22	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [surgical drapes] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(79, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:22	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (2.5u, 1 purity)	(79, 99, 2)	Medbay Treatment Center
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from [floor] with the pepperspray with a range of [3], containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity).	(91, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from a pepperspray with a range of [3] and containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity).	(91, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [firelock] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(91, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [Medbay] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(91, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [dried footprints] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(91, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(91, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [footprints] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(89, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:29	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(89, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:30	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(89, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:30	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [�Medbay Central omni air vent WOdHR] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(89, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:30	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from [floor] with the pepperspray with a range of [3], containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity).	(88, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:30	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) fired a puff of reagents from a pepperspray with a range of [3] and containing /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity).	(88, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:30	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [blood] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(88, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:30	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(88, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:30	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(88, 102, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:31	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [footprints] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(89, 100, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:31	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) sprayed [floor] with the pepperspray which had /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (1.7u, 1 purity)	(89, 100, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:35	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) stun attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 62.5)	(98, 105, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:35	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) attacked [Pharmacy] with the energy sword	(99, 105, 2)	Pharmacy
01:56:38	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) stun attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 62.5)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:39	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) grabbed StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) passive grab (NEWHP: 62.5)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:40	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) is stripping StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) of the satchel.	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:41	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) is stripping StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) of Big Iron.	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:45	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) has stripped StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) of the satchel.	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:46	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) stun attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 62.5)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:49	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) suffered: Weeping Avulsion to head | Damage: 30 (rolled 92/116.942)	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:49	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with energy sword (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 32.5)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:50	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) suffered: Joint Dislocation | Damage: 18 (rolled 7/57.1981)	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:50	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with energy sword (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 2.4)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:51	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) suffered: Joint Dislocation | Damage: 18 (rolled 20/57.1981)	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:51	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with energy sword (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -27.1)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:52	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) suffered: Joint Dislocation | Damage: 18 (rolled 28/57.1981)	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:52	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with energy sword (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -57.2)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:53	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) suffered: Hairline Fracture to head | Damage: 18 (rolled 38/57.1981)	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:53	ATTACK	DoggoTheCrusader/(Kyle Konoszewik) attacked StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) with energy sword (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -87.2)	(96, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:54	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) suffered: Dismemberment Wound to head	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central
01:56:54	ATTACK	StarrmanN/(Wilhelm Von Clausewitz) has died (BRUTE: 215.2, BURN: 30.3, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0)	(97, 104, 2)	Medbay Central