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[iain0] Bobe Picard

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:00 pm
by ZeQ
BYOND account: ZeQ
Character name: Bobe Picard
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: As a non antag, threw explosive lemons at a passer by dragging a welding tank. Failed but attempted murder. Justification was that some earlier griefing got an IC ruling. This is no justification and the 3rd self antagging in a month. In admin PM player said they will not change their behaviour as they see others doing the same and thus this was escalated to a permaban for intention to continue to rule break.
Time ban was placed: 2022-04-01 17:50:13
Server you were playing on when banned: I can't find this informaiton. But I believe it was Terry.
Round ID in which ban was placed: 180901
Your side of the story: It was April fools day, all the walls were doors, people randomly got teleported around and started exploding. I thought I was moving in the realms of acceptable behaviour considering it was April fools Day. Especially considering the general chaos going on at the station already. At the time I was very frustrated with the moderation, since it seemed like I kept getting in trouble for fighting back against people, when adminhelp would not help me with other players acting out of line. This peaked when a player killed me the round after him and I had an altercation, with the in-character justification that "he doesn't like people named Bobe". This lazy in-character excuse by someone who I knew consistently recognized and targeted me was ruled as fair and in-character. This is vaguely referenced in my Ban Reason. Meanwhile, I was getting in trouble for throwing an explosive lemon at someone on April Fools day? Instead of attempting to resolve the situation, once in conversation with iain0, when asking why I wasn't helped with these issues when I called for moderation, but am now getting in trouble for something I felt was so minor, iain0 was having none of it, and, feeling like this was far from the first time I've had moderation called on me for minor incidents, I got frustrated and said something along the lines of "I will not stop acting in ways I see other players acting towards me without getting punished", and promptly got perma banned. Not sure about exact wording, since this was over a year ago. I have since attempted to log on to another account and play after being confused as to how this forum and filing ban appeals work. I am sorry for that.
Why you think you should be unbanned: The reason this ban was escalated into being permanent in the first place was because I was shaking my fist at iain0 during the conversation. No in-character behaviour of mine was bad enough to warrant this escalation, but I understand the ruling, because it must have seemed like I was not intending to stop causing trouble going forward. I would like to put that worry to rest and promise good behaviour going forward. Again, I am very sorry for losing my temper, and I do not intend to cause any more issues. I promise to keep my temper in check, and not to let in-game grievances out in the ways I did back then. Please consider lifting this permanent ban. Thank you.

Re: [iain0] Bobe Picard

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:26 pm
by iain0
Hi there,

Thanks for the appeal.

I'm not going to post the full ticket because I don't really think it adds anything to the way I'm evaluating this appeal, it's worth a look over if you want to remember the context a bit better though so here on statbus or here on mothbus.

Of note about the ticket, attempting to cite other admin interactions you've had isn't likely to make much ground in a ticket, it's just a distraction and ultimately your actions should be able to stand on their own merit within that round and within the rules.

The incident its self, attempted murder, isn't all that, and in the middle of the ticket I basically tally you up for a 6 hour ban, this in part due to you having had a previous ban for poor behaviour when you were having a "bad day" and this whole ticket seems to be the same thing ; 6 hours is just a "go away, clear your head and come back tomorrow" kinda ban and feels appropriate.

This ends up as a permaban because we can't successfully conclude the ticket ; ultimately if I'm noting/banning someone a key part of this process is to try get them to understand /why/ this is happening, what they should do differently and so on, to reach an understanding and agreement, and thats really not where this ticket goes, with you telling me you're "not stopping acting the way i see others act and get away with for month", I offer you the backtrack option by rather bluntly telling you thats the wrong thing to say and asking if 'you refuse to stop self antagging?', which is basically a warning shot. There's only really one right answer to this kinda question, which is why I ask the question anyway, you kinda have to agree not to take up self antagging when you're having a bad day, and you refuse to do that.

Honestly I expected you to appeal within a few days, even as a permaban its largely still in the vein of "okay go away, clear your head, come back and finish this conversation with me on the forums when you're ready", and I openly invite you to make an appeal in the ticket when you "understand things better", which I never expected to be 16 months later!

Please try avoid doing the 'logging in a new account when banned' thing, it tends to reflect very poorly to effectively try evade, fail, and then go make an appeal. In this case however I'll overlook it completely (no guarantee some other admin didn't pick up on it though) as this ban was never really intended to have lasted this long, and your appeal makes a good demonstration of understanding the original issues of the ticket as well as the failure of the ticket themselves (though I wouldn't really call your behaviour 'fist shaking' personally, maybe more just very frustrated).

So, kinda trivial 'appeal accepted', please try keep your bad days in check.

I've unbanned you on the server, I'll leave this thread open for a couple of days in case you have any issues connecting.

Thanks again, and have fun!