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[<Scriptis>] RobloxDown2021 - just trying to do my job 😃😃

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:27 am
by RobloxDown2023
BYOND account: RobloxDown2021
Character name: Teddy Greyrat
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (RobloxDown2021) is banned from playing here.
The ban reason is: Banbaiting. In R216407, opened a canister of superheated oxygen in the Central Primary Hallway. Was stopped by an assistant, who later killed them. Ahelped next round to complain about the assistant. Appeal on the forums, please.
This ban (BanID #67848) was applied by Scriptis on 2023-10-10 00:02:06 during round ID 216410.
This is a permanent ban.

Time ban was placed: 2023-10-10 00:02:06
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 216410
Your side of the story: aite (prepare for a long story, might turn this into a book at library due to the similarities of an adventure/tragedy story) situation 1: soo 1 shift before this ban i was a scientist, i was making my usual job of hotmix to get my department the juicy points, and to learn it a bit since i started playing scientist recently, it happened that i had a oxygen tank with around 1k oxygen that was heated to 5k (making it 22 somewhat of pressure) (it was 50k but i had transferred it all to the other tank but for some reason those 5k still were at the oxygen tank), soo heres where my torture starts, i go with the tank outside because believe it or not the setup did not have a proper waste i could use to get rid of the oxygen, i would have to link a connector to the fuel tube and then configure the airalarms, etc..., all this burocracy to get rid of a oxygen tank, soo i was at medbay with the tank shielded and i was wondering where i could dispose it of safely, soo i see this paramedic called samantha corlenius (something like that i had the name on chatlogs), she walks up to me and asks "what is in that?" i say "a superheated superpressurized oxygen tank", before she is able to hear my "im trying to dispose of it" she says "im going to space it", grabs the tank, and runs to chapel, i cannot chase her because of space lag but i yell at radio for her to not space the tank because i need it and to return the tank, she just says "do another" and leaves like nothing happened, i was very mad at that and tried to get sec to arrest her which they were going to do if it wasn't for the fight at brig, it couldve ended here but yeah...

situation 1 note: i would like to mention that the room also did not have any scrubbers other than the ones inside the chamber (which still were not connected to atmos waste pipenet) otherwise i wouldve even leaked the gas in there and all this situation would have been avoided

situation 2: soo i returned to ordnance and emptied a n2 tank to use it as a replacement because making machine frames takes forever and i never even made a canister before, still mad i had to quietly accept that i was getting my property stolen because someone wanted to. then i went outside and i see the oxygen tank still full right there on the hallway, remember when she said she was going to space it, well she didnt and i wont assume she put it there but it was there, anyways for context ive already opened (a few shifts ago even) a canister at max release pressure with oxygen at 50k kelvins temp (it was a hotmix), all it did was cause a 30 seconds firelock (due to excess oxygen) until it was filtered out but did not do much else, oxygen is not exothermic like plasma which goes to like 90k kelvins temp and is not even a dangerous gas, anyways, i was already tired of this tom and jerry play like that tank was some kind of maxcap (it was just oxygen it was just 5k temp..., a plasma hotmix burns at around 80k for reference) and after around 30 minutes of having my time wasted i did not even care anymore about where and when, i just opened it, but it was shielded and did not leak anything (i did not realize until now, although like i said 1k oxygen expanded with 5k temp, it wouldn't do literally nothing, and even if it caused a 5 second firelock it wouldn't damage anyone, there was NO threat), soo i just gave up, then the paramedic comes out of nowhere and *sighs* proceeds to pull a bone saw and kill me, no words spoken just chasing me while relentlessly attacking me despite my attempts to flee and tell him to stop, i did not even fight back other than shove, he fireman carries my body and stays near the tank, a assistant comes and asks "what did he do" and the paramedic says i tried to open the can of a "superheated gas" in a way that makes me look like i wanted to start a plasmafire when in reality its just 1k oxygen (it showed 22 mega something because the moles were expanded but it was literally just 1k and would return to it when expanded) with 5k temp, the assistant then proceeds to say "why he is getting robusted" and the paramedic proceeds to chop my head off, again like i said in the ahelp im not 100% sure but i believe he debrained me i dont really remember because i was soo angry and confused i just accepted the shade ghost role at the time and moved on since the shift was already ending but i still wanted to ahelp it to atleast get a explanation

situation 3: soo the shift ends, i try to ahelp but constant lag, i manage to ahelp, im somewhat instantly replied that i had a superheated can in a hallway, i explain my situation, the admin keeps mentioning i had a superheated can in a hallway, i try to explain how 1k oxygen with 5k temp does nothing, he tells me to move on, i mention i was decapitated and debrained (though i later corrected myself that i did not 100% remember if i was debrained and suggested he checked logs, may have been the reason he tought i was trying to ban bait but i was just too angry and confused to think properly) he checks the logs and tells me to take it to the forum because i opened the can at the hallway

tl:dr > paramedic steals my can because he wanted to, then round removes me when i try to free the harmless oxygen, admin bans me because im bad at explaining and he thinks the oxygen was harmful and that im trying to banbait

note: the ahelp made me feel (insert melting emoji here) as the admin did not seem to even have read it and i had to slowly answer the questions already answered in the first ahelp message, i believe this misunderstanding could have been avoided with more investigation of the fact though im not trying to offend or assume anything, just a vent of a tired person that had their experience ruined, i would like also to pick on something the admin said something like "this is a lrp server people start plasmafires with cans", the guy did not even gas analyze or investigate anything and was jumping to extreme conclusions faster than i jump from basil to sybil when low pop

Why you think you should be unbanned: Why should you get this opportunity to return, what value do you bring back to the community? Was your ban unfair? Justify it.

1. i did nothing wrong and i was not even trying to ban bait, i was trying to get answers because the guy literally ruined my shift by stealing the only empty can in there telling me to build another when he couldve just not stolen it, and then he proceeds to decapitate me over opening a can that even was shielded, it was not even escalated properly both times, first time he steals it as soon as i say whats in it, and second time he fakking decapitates me over a opened shielded can (gas did not even escaped and even if it did nothing would have happened from my own personnal experience) (also to mention i did not fight back and was running away the whole time while asking the guy to stop), the escalation was terrible and even if lets say i was wrong he couldve just arrested or cuffed/critted me there was a whole sec team full slots, he just beheaded me right there like i was soo dangerous that i had to be immediately put down, when finnaly after years of playing on tgstation the only time i have to use the ahelp due to a player caused inconvenience, not only the guy is left unpunished after this toxic targetive behavior (he was not even antag) but im also permabanned for trying to ahelp it, though i believe this is all a misunderstood it really contributes to the deeply rooted sensation of "try to ahelp it = get banned, just move on", having to once again appeal a permaban but this time not having done anything with the intent of harm and still being deeply punished for it in both 1, 2 and 3 situations really sucks

2. im the only person in entire tg that can actually revive someone fast because i understand it sucks to wait for revival as a ghost, there was a shift today where i had to abandon my body because the medic that was taking forever to revive, just had decided to go ssd soo i abandoned my body and became a medborg and started reviving everyone, i love helping people in shifts and i dont think there is much to be said about this because everyone knows that even though most of my heroic acts go unnoticed, since my unpermaban i have accumulated a total of 0 enemies (yes i dont consider the paramedic a enemy i just wanted answers though i was mad at the time), and though i have been banned a few times (2-3) i have been learning from my bans and even managed to accumulate a streak of days not getting banned, before well, this

3. it may have been noticed that this time i did not ask sorry and it is because i deeply believe i did nothing wrong in all the 3 situations, may sound arrogant but i really didn't, i cant even say what i did and didn't do of wrong because i cant really think of anything that i did wrong, the most similar thing i could say is that im bad at explaining (mainly because im brazillian and english is not my native language, combined with the fact i was confused and mad during those catastrophic events) but for me i was just trying to do my job, i believe i should be unbanned at minimum because i did not try to banbait anyone and im even the victim as i had my shift ruined by that guy who wasted 30 minutes of his life trying to supposedly get rid of my can just to put it in the hallway in the end, again may sound arrogant but from what i suffered that shift, even my master frank hauberk would not have been able to keep his cool

References of good conduct: If serverbanned and **especially** if permabanned, have you played on other servers during the time you were banned? Name them here, in many cases good references of conduct and character can be crucial to a successful appeal. Otherwise, feel free to remove this portion.
Anything else we should know: If you have anything else you feel is relevant to your appeal, include it here. For example, if you have recently been banned from another server, or have had issues in other communities, it may be a preferable to be transparent and address that here, rather than them being brought up during the appeal process. If this section does not apply to you, feel free to remove it.

Re: [<Scriptis>] RobloxDown2021 - just trying to do my job 😃😃

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:02 am
by Scriptis
admin refs: ticket #1 ticket #2
round logs: attack.txt game.txt atmos.html webmap

relevant logs:

Code: Select all

[2023-10-09 22:57:00.994] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "how can i empty this safely" (Medbay Lobby (100,112,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:04.231] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "pyricc victory" (Aft Operating Room (77,84,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:04.862] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "HAT THE FUCK" (Medbay Lobby (100,112,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:06.700] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "what is it" (Medbay Lobby (101,110,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:06.758] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked *no key*/(mouse) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0)  (Aft Operating Room (75,84,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:14.577] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "overpressurized overheated oxygen" (Medbay Lobby (100,112,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:18.087] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "imma..." (Medbay Lobby (102,110,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:19.438] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "its a waste product" (Medbay Lobby (100,111,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:22.295] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "imma space that" (Medbay Lobby (102,110,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:47.447] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "ah" (Chapel Funeral Room (83,62,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:50.675] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "uhhh" (Chapel Funeral Room (83,62,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:55.762] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "YOU FUCKER I NEED THE CANISTER" (Emergency Shuttle (104,56,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:10.198] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "who&#39;d look there" (Chapel Funeral Room (80,61,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:12.711] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "GIVE ME BACK THE CANISTER YOU FUCKER" (Departure Lounge (103,65,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:13.781] GAME-EMOTE: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) points at Amber Hahn (Bar Lounge (136,129,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:17.665] GAME-EMOTE: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) claps. (Bar Lounge (137,129,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:20.221] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "I DONT HAVE ANOTHER CANISTER" (Departure Lounge (97,68,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:23.220] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) shoved DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100)  (Chapel (94,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:24.141] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) kicks DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 100)  (Chapel (94,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:24.142] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) shoved DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100)  (Chapel (94,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:24.995] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) grabbed DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)  (Chapel (94,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:26.001] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) grabbed DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 100)  (Chapel (94,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:26.864] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "make one" (Chapel (95,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:27.258] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) thrown DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) grab from tile in Chapel (94,67,2) towards tile at Chapel (95,70,2) (NEWHP: 100)  (Chapel (94,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:27.259] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) has thrown Delta Wolfe  (Chapel (94,67,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:30.123] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "FUCK YOU" (Chapel (94,67,2))


[2023-10-09 22:59:53.454] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "sec set delta wolfe to arrest he stole and spaced our only empty tank" (Fore Primary Hallway (107,160,2))
[2023-10-09 23:00:24.403] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "What, the dangerously overpressurised tank you had in the main hall that you can replace?" (Lesser Aft Maintenance (128,66,2))


[2023-10-09 23:01:54.486] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "I WILL GIVE MY ENTIRE BANK ACCOUNT TO WHOEVER BRINGS ME THE HEAD OF DELTA WOLFE, THE PARAMEDIC" (Central Primary Hallway (99,143,2))


2023-10-09 23:06:28 [0x200746d] (113,108,2) || Nitrogen canister was set to 2533 kPa by RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat).
2023-10-09 23:06:29 [0x200746d] (113,108,2) || Nitrogen canister RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) opened a canister that contains the following: Nitrogen: 3743.42 moles.


2023-10-09 23:10:13 [0x2007534] (102,116,2) || The canister RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) opened a canister that contains the following: Oxygen: 705.124 moles. Plasma: 0.00505847 moles. Carbon Dioxide: 389.308 moles. Water Vapor: 143.086 moles. Tritium: 0.00484862 moles.
2023-10-09 23:10:17 [0x2007534] (102,116,2) || The canister valve was closed by Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius), stopping the transfer into the air.


[2023-10-09 23:10:20.906] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 72.3)  (Central Primary Hallway (100,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:10:21.814] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 57.5)  (Central Primary Hallway (100,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:10:24.006] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 42.5)  (Central Primary Hallway (95,115,2))


[2023-10-09 23:10:48.912] GAME-WHISPER: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "your fucking retarded" (Central Primary Hallway (88,129,2))
[2023-10-09 23:10:50.164] GAME: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) was fireman carried by Samantha Cornelius. (Central Primary Hallway (88,129,2))
[2023-10-09 23:10:53.342] GAME-WHISPER: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "kill yourself now" (Command Hallway (90,127,2))
[2023-10-09 23:10:58.900] GAME-EMOTE: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) stares. (Central Primary Hallway (98,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:03.841] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "ah yes" (Central Primary Hallway (101,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:05.466] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "okygen" (Central Primary Hallway (101,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:05.982] GAME-WHISPER: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "do you see any fucking danger in there" (Central Primary Hallway (101,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:06.314] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "at" (Central Primary Hallway (101,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:07.865] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "fucking" (Central Primary Hallway (101,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:12.855] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "4000 degrees" (Central Primary Hallway (101,115,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:15.738] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -26.9)  (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))


[2023-10-09 23:11:15.738] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -26.9)  (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:16.775] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) suffered: Open Laceration to left leg | Damage: 15 (rolled 41/44.3127) | WB: 15 (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:16.779] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -38.2)  (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:17.760] ATTACK: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) attacked RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -53.2)  (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:18.701] GAME-EMOTE: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:18.709] ATTACK: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) has died (BRUTE: 200.8, BURN: 0, TOX: 7.68, OXY: 6, CLONE: 0) (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:18.723] GAME-ACCESS: Mob Login: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) was assigned to a /mob/living/brain


[2023-10-09 23:11:25.063] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "tried to open that can" (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:26.398] GAME-EMOTE: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) points at the canister (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:31.142] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "which he claimed is just oxygen" (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:32.277] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "it is" (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:33.110] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "at" (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))
[2023-10-09 23:11:37.835] GAME-SAY: Castone001/(Samantha Cornelius) "4 THOUSAND degrees" (Central Primary Hallway (100,116,2))

the first canister you opened was outside of the robotic shutters, and the second one outside of the corporate showroom.

my man, you dumped superheated waste gas in the hallway twice and got killed for it. in particular, you were killed while an AI was going delta. when you received judgement for these actions, you doubled down, told the player stopping you to kill themselves, and then ahelped next round.

you are still on probation from a permanent ban in july.

you have more than 300 logged hours. you should know not to do these things. you got banned on fulp on the same day that your last perma appeal here succeeded.

i'm sorry that i sounded tired and distant in the ticket, but i watched you walk through the central hallway, while the AI was about to kill everyone, with a shielded canister with 25MPa of pressure, which i can now confirm you did indeed open the valve on.

i am upholding this ban. please come back with a vouch.

Re: [<Scriptis>] RobloxDown2021 - just trying to do my job 😃😃

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:36 am
by RobloxDown2023
the first canister i opened was literally nitrogen i dumped it in the hallway to get a empty can, it did nothing, the second time, that guy who supposedly had gotten rid of the "hazardous can" didn't get rid of it and instead put it in the middle of the hallway after a while of hiding it,we cant ignore that fact here, and if you read the logs it was not TWICE, it was once, the first one was literally nitrogen, i wanted a empty can, just that, and the second time, i saw the can in the hallway and decided to end this bs of "OMG THIS CAN IS SOO DANGEROUS", like i said from my atmospheric knowledge the gases in that can would do nothing than a temporary firelock, its not even a maxcap, its not a explosive, its just 5k temp gas, since you are not believing me im going to record me playing offline with that exact same combination of gases at 5k temp and open it in a hallway with multiple humans nearby, after that im going to health scan them

[2023-10-09 22:57:18.087] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "imma..." (Medbay Lobby (102,110,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:19.438] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "its a waste product" (Medbay Lobby (100,111,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:22.295] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "imma space that" (Medbay Lobby (102,110,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:47.447] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "ah" (Chapel Funeral Room (83,62,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:50.675] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "uhhh" (Chapel Funeral Room (83,62,2))
[2023-10-09 22:57:55.762] GAME-SAY: RobloxDown2021/(Teddy Greyrat) "YOU FUCKER I NEED THE CANISTER" (Emergency Shuttle (104,56,2))
[2023-10-09 22:58:10.198] GAME-SAY: DarkenedEarth/(Delta Wolfe) "who&#39;d look there" (Chapel Funeral Room (80,61,2))

as you can see here as soon as i said what was in the can he said "imma space that" it was the moment he took it and started running away with it, but heres something that i didn't know and thanks to the logs for showing me, he said "who would look there", this is proof to my previous statement that his behavior was "im going to steal this and hide it for later use" and not "im going to get rid of this biohazard", he was not antagonist yet he stole my can on the first opportunity with little to no reason just because i was doing my scientist job, i was not a assistant, i was not a chaplain, i was just a scientist carrying a can of waste product, i was simply doing my job and he stole it to use as a weapon without even being an antag

the second time i opened the can (this time the oxygen one, the other one was nitrogen), i admit my error i should have infact checked the can to see what he could possibly have added to it and to check its current state but i did not know he was hiding it for later use, but even then, if you look at the logs (although i dont know if it shows temperature), the combination of those gases would lead to a simple firelock due to carbon dioxide which would be rapidly be filtered, and slip some people because of the water vapor, again 5k temperature is nothing and is quickly cooled by the ambient temperature and also would be cycled, in any case it caused a firelock i could just open a can of air in the hallway, science has all of that and more, not only that but we also had atmospheric technicians incase anything went wrong

yea and my behavior has increased alot since then

my ban in fulp was because i tried starting a business of cigars coated in my favorite chemicals and the admins did not appreciate it and the final straw was when i forced my client the cmo to take one while he was in surgery which i do admit i was wrong but it was very funny

i was not a sec, rd or engi soo i didn't go help kill the ai because i did not have the tools to do so, and even then i was having alot of fun making the hotmix and didn't want to stop it to go kill another antag murderboning everyone because that happens every shift and i was just a scientist trying to do their job, that time i walked with the can through the hallway was trying to find a place to get rid of the gas, i did not open it at all, the moment i opened it was completely different, the guy had stopped hiding the can and put it in the middle of the hallway, i decided to put a end to that myth that the can was dangerous and tried to open it to show everyone its a literal oxygen can, with a small combination that i was skeptical he would come back and take it away which was what he did but instead proceeded to decapitate me soo i did not get revived, which as a paramedic is the complete opposite of what he should be doing, also again the can may have been 25MPa but it was still just oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor, the max it would do is cause a small firelock and slip everyone, we cannot act like i was doing a plasmafire or opening a maxcap, ive read some of the ban appeals here yesterday and a guy got banned for a maxcap for 8 days, yet i get perma for supposedly trying to banbait and now the ban reason changes to opening the can, but i didn't kill anyone, no one was harmed, and even if the can was opened it would still not harm anyone, and even if lets say it harmed it wouldn't kill anyone, both the IC punishment and this punishment are unfair and barely have anything to support it since once again the can was not dangerous, im not trying to be offensive but we must understand the fact the can was not even near a plasmafire, weaker than a improvised can bomb, weaker than a c4, weaker than a plasma cigar, the only thing i could say its similar to is sorium but even then its weaker than sorium because it does not push people away as much

but yea your not believing me im going to record in offline that same combination of gases at 25mpa pressure at 5k temperature and open it im going ot stay extremelyyyyyyyyy close to it to show you its not harmful

tl:dr > that can was not dangerous, the guy stole the can for later use, the guy decapitated me because he wanted to, im going to the record the same combinaton of gases and post here, i did nothing in bad faith, i was not dangerous or a criminal to be decapitated, i was just a scientist doing my job

Re: [<Scriptis>] RobloxDown2021 - just trying to do my job 😃😃

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:02 am
by Scriptis
you know what, i'm going to buy into "the can wouldn't have hurt anyone" argument because i don't want to ban you

let me get someone to test it real quick. if it's not that bad i'll lift this

Re: [<Scriptis>] RobloxDown2021 - just trying to do my job 😃😃

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:32 pm
by RobloxDown2023
amen brothas, my whole appeal (and ahelp) centers around that, if u can break it by proving it would have caused a hull breach or hurt anyone then i have no arguments left and will take my ban like a champ if thats the case (i would still take it otherwise but not like a champ)

Re: [<Scriptis>] RobloxDown2021 - just trying to do my job 😃😃

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:18 pm
by Scriptis
i have checked and while it does fuck up everything within like 40 meters (blown lights, firelocks dropped, overpressure and heat damage) it isn't crazy awful bad

that said, literally never open a canister like that again and don't get angry if someone robusts you for doing so during a delta alert

ban lifted

Re: [<Scriptis>] RobloxDown2021 - just trying to do my job 😃😃

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:15 am
by RobloxDown2023