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[Dannno] YouGotStowned - job ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:47 pm
by YouGotStowned
BYOND account: YouGotStowned
Character name: Not too sure, probably John Edward or John Engleman
Ban type: Job Ban - All heads of Staff roles except QM
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Joined as HoS, gathered up all their important stuff (Hardsuit, guns, etc.) and gib suicided to destroy it all at roundstart
Time ban was placed: 2017-03-12 18:27:37
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: Round 0? thats all it says in admin remarks
Your side of the story: So to be honest, I dont even remember doing this. Im not trying to cop out, to be honest if thats what the admin said I did, thats almost certainly what happened. What i am sure of though, is that If i wanted to intentionally grief I would have done it in different ways, not just gibbed myself with hos gear, thats boring. back in 2017 I was a bit of an asshole.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Alright, as stated before, i wont defend my actions, they were what they were. what I will do is say that I have done alot of changing in my playstyle, Ive found a place for myself on Manuel, and Ive found that I highly enjoy playing TG code, and the manny server has grown dear to me. I want to be able to play HoS again, and be able to guide security in making the right decisions for rp and ic reasons. I want to have fun leading sec again. So i figured Id make an appeal.
References of good conduct: As i said above, I play on Manuel, and only manuel now a days. I have been field promoted multiple times to HoS when the station has lacked one, as everytime have done a decent job. I wont say I have been the best, but Ive always done my job to the best of my abilities. Also when i see egregious rule breaking I try to Ahelp, and I also have brought a lighting issue up to one of your admins, one which brought a slight lighting bug to his attention. Wish iI could remember their name, I wanted to ask if they ever figured out the issue hehe. But Id say these are good examples.
Anything else we should know: Nothing else other than one thing, I just want to make TG my home, theyre are not many other good MRP servers out there, and even fewer that have ERP banned. Im the type that doesnt want to see ERP and I like a little higher level of roleplay, and Ive found that in TG, i really like it here. Thats about it.

Re: [Dannno] YouGotStowned - job ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:54 pm
by Rageguy505
Well Danno isn't a admin anymore so ill just take this. 6 years is a pretty long time and you haven't gotten any notes so I'm lifting the ban.

Re: [Dannno] YouGotStowned - job ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:55 pm
by YouGotStowned

Re: [Dannno] YouGotStowned - job ban appeal

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:12 pm
by Rageguy505
theres probably nothing else to say so ill move this to resolved