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[Iansdoor] Waifu_Thread - Note Appeal

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:06 am
by WaifuThread
Before Anything, I'm sorry about the length this ended up being. I just like being detailed with defending myself <3 Spoilers contained are there to simply allow for compactness.

Ban Details
BYOND account: Waifu_Thread
Character name: Dr. Evelyn Vertias
Ban type:Note
Ban length: N/A
Ban reason: "As CMO, consistently calling the shuttle over mild threats with 90% of the crew alive. She kept IC, complaining to her crew to call for her selfish needs.This isn't the first day of her attitude as this behavior is persisting from yesterday shifts."
Time ban was placed: 2023-10-31 02:22:18
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 217837

Reasons for Appealing - Delete irrelevant sections

Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: No.
If no, please provide more details: The note given by the admin is not at all accurate to the actual situation that occurred leading up to the note, and I shall break down my thoughts and (roughly) provide both my perspective & the actual events of the round (Please be patient with me if things arent detailed enough or if some info is incorrect, or some justifications arent properly given, it's the autism leaking through).
Firstly, and importantly to the entire context of this note, the round had 2 known antagonist types prior to shuttle call, A slaughter demon and a Wizard. This wizard had casted the spell that spawned monkeys, the one that revealed ghosts, and had purchased a slaughter demon summon, which a slaughter demon being present alone should be grounds enough to call a shuttle most of the time. However, getting to the note itself, there are several portions that I feel come off as dishonest or embellishment.

Another important thing to note is that, Following the second shuttle call, I communicated my frustration with the recalling with both central & the crew over common, to which the admin applied an IC Chat mute for me without notifying me nor without any kind of real reasoning given at all, even during the following ticket that I was practically forced to open once i realized i was IC muted.

First Part of Note
This note claims I was "Consistently calling the shuttle over mild threats", without giving the real, concrete number of times I called the shuttle nor the reasons given, which implies the idea that i had called multiple times successively, with a seemingly subtle notion that it was an extremely excess amount, even after the admin had recalled the shuttle on their own accord, this is an dishonest way of wording how many times I called the shuttle.

The reality of the situation is that I had called the shuttle Two Times, due to a slaughter demon having had been present on the station, with claims of a Lich roaming the station causing chaos, compounded with the fact that with the visible ghosts, the ghost of the Research Director was visible, and no other heads of staff were replying over radio when addressed, even with a large delay, thus resulting in an idea that i was the last head active/alive, although I had failed to mention that last reason when calling, as I did not wish to cause potential panic within the crew.

Additionally, The admin failed to cite why the shuttle call wasn't warranted given the call reason, with no real attempt to argue against or give reason why the shuttle shouldn't have been sent given the situation of a claimed lich, a confirmed slaughter demon, and unconfirmed remaining primates wandering the station. Pre-Emptive shuttle calls are not something that are vehemently forbidden, especially to the point where admin intervention is required, however, this did not prevent Iansdoor from intervening anyways.

Each call reason, and recall reason is as follows, taken exactly from the logs:
Call 1: [2023-10-31 01:48:50.820] SHUTTLE: Shuttle call reason: Wiz, Monkeys, Slaughter Demon, and NOBODY IS FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION TO THEIR HYGENE.
- Also sus ghost on bridge, im done.

Recall 1: [2023-10-31 01:49:12.404] GAME: Iansdoor/(Vents-Hot-Air) triggered a CentCom recall, with the message of: That is not a reason to call. (Engineering Foyer (160,138,2))

Call 2: [2023-10-31 01:51:17.902] SHUTTLE: Shuttle call reason: A slaughter demon running rampant is absolutely a reason to call. Same with having a wizard running rampant blowing shit up.
- Also, Good luck with that when the demon can show up in a billion places because PEOPLE KEEP BLEEDING. AND SEC IS GETTING SLAUGHTERED BY WIZARD

Recall 2: [2023-10-31 01:52:47.317] GAME: Iansdoor/(Vents-Hot-Air) triggered a CentCom recall, with the message of: Are you staring at your crew monitor? Fix your station. (Bridge (109,137,2)).

Second Part
"She kept IC, complaining to her crew to call for her selfish needs.This isn't the first day of her attitude as this behavior is persisting from yesterday shifts.".

I'm still unsure what this is meant to imply. Is it meant to imply that talking about centcom, the events of the shift, or the reasons for the recall, is not allowed? Or is it meant to imply that my complaining IC was against some rule, which has not been mentioned. Additionally, with the mention of "Behaviour Persisting from yesterdays shifts", I'm unsure what this is supposed to imply while being so vague, is it trying to give off the implication i was excessively toxic or unpleasant yesterday?

What about this behaviour is notable enough for it to even be mentioned in the note? how does my "negative attitude" yesterday relate to me wishing to call the shuttle because of a Slaughter Demon & Wizard being present, and my belief that all the other command may be either dead or incapacitated? In my eyes, and take this opinion with a grain of salt, this section is meant to attempt to portray what i did as being significantly worse than what actually happened. The vague language used is not acceptable for a note (in my opinion), nor is the quite frankly egregious grammar and punctuation seen within the note (again, in my opinion).
With all this out of the way, I do not believe this note is at all justified, and that ALL of what occurred during the round that led up to this note was entirely an IC issue. He also REFUSED to listen to anything i said during the note, and simply kept citing the "90% of the crew was alive" figure he gave as a reason to recall the shuttle, even delaying the reboot when the ahelp could have been simply decided as an IC issue, as it was, then dismissed.

Do you disagree with the admin's interpretation of rules or policy?: Yes.
If no, please provide more details: There were no rules or policies violated by the fact I was calling shuttle. Everything that occurred should have simply been ruled as an IC issue. The Admin failed to cite any broken rules both during the ahelp, and upon giving the note.

Do you feel the ban length or decision to note was unjustifiably harsh?: Yes, everything that occurred was an IC issue. In addition they didn't even try to understand my perspective of anything, they just kept citing numbers of people alive as a reason why my call reason was "Selfish"

Logs for round can be found here

Re: [Iansdoor] Waifu_Thread - Note Appeal

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 12:12 pm
by iansdoor
The note given by the admin is not at all accurate to the actual situation that occurred leading up to the note, and I shall break down my thoughts and (roughly) provide both my perspective & the actual events of the round (Please be patient with me if things arent detailed enough or if some info is incorrect, or some justifications arent properly given, it's the autism leaking through).
Good morning, I am sorry, been thinking a lot about what to write for you and I apologize for being slow. So between that delta round of 217837 and icebox round of 217783, Lets go through the logs.

Delta round of 217837
First off, you made the right call to arm yourself with disabler against the wizard threat and made sure that everyone is on the ball with cleaning. Your announcement did impact to have 16 janitor bots made instantly, and we made note that you ever grabbed a mop to clean up. Meanwhile, the acting captain was on the ball with 5 security officers, not including the HoS, making sure the station was free of magic. You requested Centcom to replace the CE that dusted on accident, so I assume you were checking your crew monitor at one time. All of this is brilliant and what makes for a good head. But, breaking down the issue of mine with you, you shutdown after a bit and just sat at the bridge, screaming at Centcom, over the comms console. While you did good with asking for CE replacement, if you wanted that answer "hire someone onstaff for replacement or let engineering team run engineering via the HoP." I'll state that you have brilliant moments and then are stuck at square one and needing an admin to tell you what the next step. If you don't agree with that step, then you get angry. This bothers me. When you pick a command role, you are an leader in morale as station command and 52 folks were alive because of your excellent approach as Dr. Evelyn Vertias.

I'll also clarify for you that, the CMO’s minimum responsibility is that everyone has suit sensors to maximum and check if the crew is all dying. If they are all dying rapidly, you should get the station hell out of dodge.

You reassuring the robotist isn't wasting their limited metal.
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The early game call of a wizard, you are doing good, asking for things to be done. You are checking your crew monitor sometimes, CE dusted, RD dead. Dissections alone are a thing most CMOs don't do. I am not going to fault you for when you do good. This is a cut above the rest.
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Your shuttle calls
You, the panicked CMO called the first time at 30 minutes, already Human Wizard died the first time to asimov AI and demon hasn’t killed anyone at that point. So to clarify for you, the Admin answer is "no on the shuttle, play on, don’t waste a round that isn’t an issue. You didn’t have the right IC justification to call shuttle when every department has power, clean air and all of station's staff onboard. You don't cut short 55 crewmember's rounds." All of this can be seen IC or heard IC via radio, crew monitor, air alarms, and APC being green. If a vital department was lost, we get that reason, there wasn't any. Centcom sending shuttles are expensive, This must be a good reason to end everyone's rounds.

The second time, you called at 32 minutes, you were requested “Are you staring at your crew monitor? Fix your station.” I dropped a hint that you were looking for. I made the assumption you, the CMO, would check the 52 green alive on crew monitor, this is checkable in person, and only seven deaths in the round's total, this can be guessed in person, and their bodies mostly recovered in medical, this is checkable in person. This is my fault for not realizing that you needed firm guiding hand to play as Dr. Evelyn and not Waifu.

The third time you called at 39 minutes via the acting captain, who was on the ball to kill a wizard, they were instructed with the reply of “there is 54 healthy crew members, figure out with security what needs to be done” At this mark of time, There was only a slaughter demon with one kill and no other threat. I can tell you that is boring round over two threats. A rule of thumb for Sybil is that Sybilmin don't send immediate threat to validate your reasoning to call, unlike Terry, which will force chaos upon the station on early calls.

Moving on logs of what was said.
Centcom's response to the first recall. one wizard, one demon, 7 security hunting, 30 staff are cleaning up the mess.
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Your response to the first recall.
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Centcom's and acting captain's response to the second recall. one wizard, one demon
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Your response to second recall, You gave up on your calling the shuttle, asked the acting captain to call and went back to your job that you signed up for.
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Centcom's response to third recall to your acting captain, who has scry orb and can see threats via ghost. Dead wizard, one intern demon with one kill in it's name.
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Acting captain's response to third recall, he was under the impression that another threat was coming and he went to tell you that he did what you asked of him.
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The overextension by both of us.
Now, I am sorry about muting you IC, you seemed to have a bone to pick with admins. I am not sure what or why. The Ahelp issue took about 3 minutes for you to figure out why this happened, during which you already announced to the crew strangely about "Waifu" being gagged by "Centcom." This "ooc in ic" part is not okay on my end and your end. I mention above, you are good command sense, but you are playing as Waifu Thread, and not playing as Dr. Evelyn Vertias. So I ask for you to separate those two and calm down on being hotheaded Waifu. I am under the impression, Dr. Evelyn is cool and collective and know what she is doing most of the time while Waifu doesn't take risks to learn by risk of making mistakes.
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Icebox round of 217783
"She kept IC, complaining to her crew to call for her selfish needs.This isn't the first day of her attitude as this behavior is persisting from yesterday shifts.".

I'm still unsure what this is meant to imply. Is it meant to imply that talking about centcom, the events of the shift, or the reasons for the recall, is not allowed? Or is it meant to imply that my complaining IC was against some rule, which has not been mentioned. Additionally, with the mention of "Behaviour Persisting from yesterdays shifts", I'm unsure what this is supposed to imply while being so vague, is it trying to give off the implication i was excessively toxic or unpleasant yesterday?

What about this behaviour is notable enough for it to even be mentioned in the note? how does my "negative attitude" yesterday relate to me wishing to call the shuttle because of a Slaughter Demon & Wizard being present, and my belief that all the other command may be either dead or incapacitated? In my eyes, and take this opinion with a grain of salt, this section is meant to attempt to portray what i did as being significantly worse than what actually happened. The vague language used is not acceptable for a note (in my opinion), nor is the quite frankly egregious grammar and punctuation seen within the note (again, in my opinion).
I'll mention this round the night before as I was there. Game admins usually, note people for what you did in that round and notes usually leave a trail of where a player is at. Your continual issue is that you don't play as Dr. Evelyn, you play as Waifu. I am not disagreeing with their two admin approach, but that did not benefit you, the player, if you aren't 100% aware that you are not allowed to do that as Command or as a crew member. They didn't bring down that you don't use barely any "OoC in IC" and I have witnessed that during the Delta round.
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Tldr as I dislike towering text.
Sorry for how situation unraveled. I desire more of Dr. Evelyn, the good command and less Waifu_Thread in rounds. I'll change that note or get rid of, if you can promise me that you are making a conscious effort to be her.
Also, you don't play alone on server, calling and continuously calling as command in a mild threat round is disingenuous to 70 players in a shift. Gimmicks and learning roles take days if rounds last 35 minutes total, other folks cannot go far in the limited time you set. You said it yourself, "I don't do toxins as I scared i'll fuck it up". Now, imagine a time where you were learning, and your round was cut short. Toxins took myself 60 solid hours to learn toxins on Terry's short 20 minute rounds. I'll give you my viewpoint which is, I refuse to have folks be stuck in the grind set that I was trapped in. Short rounds that are basically greenshifts don't get the credit for the learning environment. I'd appreciate if you acknowledge that as well. I'll make more of conscious effort to clarify know where the round stands.

Re: [Iansdoor] Waifu_Thread - Note Appeal

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:06 pm
by Cheshify
Any further comments on this Waifu_Thread? I'll be locking this up in 24hrs or so if you're done here.