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[Cheshify] xPokee - I fucked up.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:42 pm
by xPokee
Ban Details
BYOND account: xPokee
Character name: Marianne Catlay, Rana Catlay, Kira Gadow
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: In an external Discord with friends, shared meta-information about active shifts. Rules 2 prohibits all instances of metacomms, and doing so in a separate discord server is not allowed.
Time ban was placed: 2023-09-05 19:07:41
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 214025

Reasons for Appealing
Are you appealing a validly placed permaban and would like another chance to be unbanned?: Yes
If yes, please explain why you believe it should be accepted: Last November, in a moment of anger, I fucked up and metacommed with a friend of mine in DMs.
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Then in January in another moment of anger I did the same thing again.
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This was very much against the rules and wrong for me to do. I knew it then yet I chose not to come clean about it because I was afraid to face punishment for it because at the time I was unhealthily addicted to Manuel, which can be seen by my playtime.
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Two months ago, everything that had happened between me and the others was exposed. In fact, I was the one who exposed half of it due to realizing the error of my ways, even when that included exposing someone who is like a brother to me and nearly losing that friendship because of it. Yet I did not originally come clean at that time either. Originally when I woke up and realized what was happening, that I was finally about to face justice for my actions, I panicked and deleted the channel to try to protect myself and my friends, which was one of the biggest fuckups I made in that series of events. A fuckup that I then tried to rectify by coming clean, and showing *all* of the evidence, even that not previously known to staff members.

As for what happened after my ban, the part where I spouted nonsense conspiracy theories, that was one of the biggest mistakes I could have ever made, and I want to try to explain why that happened. As I previously said, I was hopelessly addicted to /TG/, and as shameful as it is, being suddenly cut off from it sent me spiraling big time, to the extent that I hit the lowest point I ever had in my life. And I am truly sorry for spreading nonsense like that in my broken state.

Now for why I believe I should be unbanned. At the time leading up to my ban, I had realized how shitty of a player I used to be, due to the metacommunications and metaganging activities that I had done in the past, and was actively trying to improve, even running for headmin with a platform of cracking down on metagangs to try to stop good players from falling down the same rabbit hole that my ex-friends and I had. After my ban, I seeked help, got new medicine, and started getting my life together, as well as drastically cutting back the time that I've been spending on SS13. I haven't talked to anyone from that friend group in two months, with the exception of one or two people, and have otherwise distanced myself from them. I left that server the day I was banned. Since my ban I have started played on Beestation a little bit, playing for about two rounds a day, and could probably get a reference of good behaviour if needed, but have otherwise spent most of my time playing SS13 on Towelstation, where I will not be getting a reference from due to that being bad form with me being the host of it.

If I get unbanned, I will spend significantly less time on /tg/ to the best of my ability, to avoid a situation like this ever happening again. I truly hope you will give me a second chance and have me back, but if not I understand. Regardless of the outcome, I am sorry to everyone I have let down, and to the people that hoped all the rumours about the stuff with the felinid metagang not being true.

Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: Yes

Re: [Cheshify] xPokee - I fucked up.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:04 am
by TheBibleMelts
hey there, just want to give you a quick resolution on this so that the peanut doesn't get too wild and you aren't left in suspense. we're going to be denying this appeal at this time due to your use of metacommunication being one of the more severe that we'd banned for, as well as being the figurehead of the group itself as it were. additionally, as you noted yourself, your outbursts following these bans were not reassuring that you had, or will have if unbanned, a healthy relationship with this server or its staff. i'm sorry gamer, i do hope you're in a better headspace than you were, but more time needs to pass.