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[TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:25 pm
by Sk1Wass3r
BYOND account: sk1wass3r
Character name: Phoebe Mehlmotte
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Quality Control - Has demonstrated over the course of their time here that they're not here to play well with either fellow players, or staff members. By accounts of several members of the team who have watched his playstyle on the server, as well as his actions taken to maliciously antagonize staff members without provocation, we don't feel like you're here in good faith. This QC ban was placed with unanimous headmin support, so an appeal is not recommended this term unless you have sizable reasoning to provide that you've changed.
Time ban was placed: 2023-11-05 00:03:21
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 218153
Your side of the story: My main reasoning for this appeal is that I want to discuss; TheBibleMelts joined the server and messaged me about the QC ban but then banned me without responding to my messages.
First of all, I want to ask what behavior in my playstyle is meant in the ban? how have I demonstrated I don't play well with other players? whats meant by "actions taken to maliciously antagonize staff"? the ban reason doesn't really explain to me what I did wrong so if anything I just want to clear up the reasoning and how I can improve.
I've gotten a mostly OOC IC notes before this and iain0 talked to me about the amount of notes I've been getting during my last note 2 and a half weeks ago, I've been trying to be a better player since then
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I haven't gotten any notes or admin PM's since that note, so this ban is kind of out of the blue in my opinion.

Are you appealing a validly placed permaban and would like another chance to be unbanned?: Yes
If yes, please explain why you believe it should be accepted: I've been trying new jobs and to interact with other people more and in general be a better player since my last note.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:38 am
by TheBibleMelts
hey, sorry for the late reply. it's been a busy couple of days. your unprompted antagonism toward staff, as well as general quality of play on the servers have led us here - you've racked up about 9 OOC in IC notes in the past few months, on top of other bans and notes that displayed disregard for the people you share this server with, and seemed to have had no indication of wanting to change your playstyle to be more in line with the minimum that is enforced for our sybil/basil/terry servers. this QC ban was discussed for a while, and opinions were gathered from administrators who have spent many rounds with you first-hand, and we ultimately came to a 3/3 vote as a result of it.

i'm sorry you feel this is out of the blue, and i thank you dearly for your contributions to my love of our TTS system, but you were given more than enough time and chances to improve over the last few months and simply did not take it. we're denying this appeal.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 6:19 pm
by Cheshify
Opening this up for more discussion, if it needs to be had.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:08 pm
by Sk1Wass3r
Alright, thanks for reopening this.

My main question still is the reasoning for the ban, how is my playstyle is below the minimum for LRP servers? is it my recent history of OOC IC or is there more to it? and for the antagonizing staff part, I don't recall ever being overly rude in admin PMs so I assume its related to my note about telling centcom to kill themselves (due to all of the threads talking about this). i admit this isn't the best thing to do, but it was never meant to be harassment or targeted at anyone in specific. i've seen other people tell centcom to kill themselves before without it being actioned while admins are online, so I assumed it wasn't something people get noted over. i wasn't trying to be malicious and was under the impression that this was okay to do as a joke, it was genuinely never my intention for it to be taken personally but i've given it more thought and now understand that it can be hurtful no matter what the intentions behind it are.

if this is instead about what i recently said in OOC and not the note itself then i'd like to explain myself; I was looking through my note history and saw this specific one, and as previously mentioned I was under the idea that it isn't something people usually get noted over. at the time i didn't fully understand justice's side of things and felt dissatisfied with the note because of how i had perceived it as inconsistent moderation. I do agree that telling justice to retire was a dick move. I let my dissatisfaction affect my judgement and made a mistake, I really do apologize if my actions hurt justice or any admins in general and I realize now that I should have brought any dissatisfaction up in a more civil and healthy way such as through an appeal. this isn't something I have a pattern of doing so I can say with absolute certainty that this won't be repeated. the entire situation has genuinely made me more considerate of the admin's side of things, so all things considered, it has actually been pretty educational for me.
TheBibleMelts wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:38 am on top of other bans and notes that displayed disregard for the people you share this server with
Whats meant by this other than the note two weeks ago? I discussed about the OOC IC with Iain0 and haven't been messaged or noted about it since then.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:59 am
by TheBibleMelts
Sk1Wass3r wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:08 pm Alright, thanks for reopening this.

My main question still is the reasoning for the ban, how is my playstyle is below the minimum for LRP servers? is it my recent history of OOC IC or is there more to it? and for the antagonizing staff part, I don't recall ever being overly rude in admin PMs so I assume its related to my note about telling centcom to kill themselves (due to all of the threads talking about this). i admit this isn't the best thing to do, but it was never meant to be harassment or targeted at anyone in specific. i've seen other people tell centcom to kill themselves before without it being actioned while admins are online, so I assumed it wasn't something people get noted over. i wasn't trying to be malicious and was under the impression that this was okay to do as a joke, it was genuinely never my intention for it to be taken personally but i've given it more thought and now understand that it can be hurtful no matter what the intentions behind it are.

if this is instead about what i recently said in OOC and not the note itself then i'd like to explain myself; I was looking through my note history and saw this specific one, and as previously mentioned I was under the idea that it isn't something people usually get noted over. at the time i didn't fully understand justice's side of things and felt dissatisfied with the note because of how i had perceived it as inconsistent moderation. I do agree that telling justice to retire was a dick move. I let my dissatisfaction affect my judgement and made a mistake, I really do apologize if my actions hurt justice or any admins in general and I realize now that I should have brought any dissatisfaction up in a more civil and healthy way such as through an appeal. this isn't something I have a pattern of doing so I can say with absolute certainty that this won't be repeated. the entire situation has genuinely made me more considerate of the admin's side of things, so all things considered, it has actually been pretty educational for me.
TheBibleMelts wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:38 am on top of other bans and notes that displayed disregard for the people you share this server with
Whats meant by this other than the note two weeks ago? I discussed about the OOC IC with Iain0 and haven't been messaged or noted about it since then.
i appreciate the recognition of hurtful behavior and owning up to your actions in general with this post - the conversation you had with iain0 is mostly what i meant, the ticket you shared with him specifically mentioned a QC possibility, and we hadn't seen any sort of change in your attitude/will to to improve from that ticket onward. i've been asking more people about how you used to play, and it seems like you were a genuine positive influence on the server until you started getting overly familiar/metafriending with some other folks who may have influenced some sort of decline in your general ability to keep that healthier playstyle up. i'm not really great with appealposting with leading questions, so i'm mentioning this more to see if you had any thoughts on that or can offer me any more insight regarding that extra context i've since learned in the last few days.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:30 pm
by Sk1Wass3r
I was told that my notes were for the most part not very serious during the conversation I had with iain0, and that it was mainly the rate of which I was getting them that was a little concerning. I have been trying to tone down the OOC IC stuff after having this convo, and thought that I'd have at least been messaged about this again if I wasn't doing a good enough job. Most of my recent notes are also strongly connected to my speaking habits around friends, so I understand what you mean by the metafriend influences. I feel like this is one of those things that is easier for people on the outside to notice while it is happening. I didn't give much thought to how strongly the people you surround yourself with can affect your behaviour and the way you talk because of how gradual this effect was on my way of interacting IC, and after comparing my IC interactions from the past with more recent ones, I don't think most of my "metafriends" have been good influences on me after all.

Some of it is a little confusing for me because I feel that I've not really gotten much clarity on what I'm doing wrong outside of the OOC IC stuff. I did not think that my playstyle as a whole was genuinely bad. I play a range of different roles on the server I frequent, where it isn't exactly uncommon for people to just go assistant round after round doing nothing else. Other than my recent ways of speaking in-game, I'm not entirely sure how I play worse than the average person on terry. It would be really helpful to get some examples on the other aspects of my playstyle that are too low quality for the server, so that I can know what else needs improvement.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:21 am
by TheBibleMelts
hey just wanted to update you on this one since it's been a few days - i agree that it was pretty sudden to have this happen, because it was sudden. i brought up the idea of lifting this on a probationary level to see if your intent to improve is genuine, and both chesh and fikou were receptive to it. you'd be under more scrutiny for some time, but if you really do think you're capable of a turn around, i would 100% support giving you the chance.

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Sk1Wass3r - QC Ban

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:08 pm
by Sk1Wass3r
sounds good, thanks for giving me another chance.