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[Thunder12345] Coolguy64 - sexual harassment

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:44 pm
by coolguy6446
My Byond Account: Coolguy64
Character name: Darnold Carpenter
Admin: Thunder12345
Punishment: Permaban
Reason: Sexual harassment on an MMI of the captain. Warned of previous actions.
Ban date: 2022-12-28 12:20:50
Round ID: 197164

Before I go into any reasoning on why I should be unbanned from TG, I'd like to state that I truly am sorry for my actions and any discomfort I caused other players, including Frylock M.D, who I had harmed the most, and if I could speak with them, I would apologize for what I did to them, I am very disappointed in my past actions, and I hope that I could be forgiven.

I believe I've learned my lesson with the time that has passed and allowed me to move on from my immature antics that have gotten me where I am currently. With the time that has passed I am confident that I can once again join the TG community and contribute to what makes it what it is; amazing.

I hope that you will take the time to consider my appeal and thank you to whoever does.

Re: [Thunder12345] Coolguy64 - sexual harassment

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:34 pm
by Vekter
Actual ban reason:
Banned from the server permanently - Round 197164, going around propositioning people and asking them things like "you wanna fuck sometime?". In one case carried a person's brain around in an MMI while continuing to be extremely sexual and creepy towards them. Has already been warned about rule 8 issues.
Thunder has been notified.

Re: [Thunder12345] Coolguy64 - sexual harassment

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:27 pm
by coolguy6446
I only said the messages that broke rule 8 to a close friend of mine (ckey Allrager), we would occasionally joke about these things and I understand now that this was unnaceptable no matter the circumstances.

Re: [Thunder12345] Coolguy64 - sexual harassment

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:16 pm
by Vekter
Hey, sorry for the delay.

Thunder says they do intend on responding to this but have been busy with the holiday.

Re: [Thunder12345] Coolguy64 - sexual harassment

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:32 pm
by Thunder11
It's been almost a year, and you seem to have largely stayed out of trouble since then, so I'm happy to remove this.

Remember though, second chances are free, third chances aren't. If anything like this happens again, you're going to have a much harder time coming back from it.

Re: [Thunder12345] Coolguy64 - sexual harassment

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:29 am
by coolguy6446
I appreciate it and I promise I won't let you down, thank you.