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[TBM] Britgrenadier1 - Indiana Jonesing a heretic

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:37 am
by britgrenadier1
Ban Details
BYOND account: Britgrenadier1
Character name: Culls-The-Leviathan
Ban type: Note
Ban length: Note
Ban reason: RPR 6 - Spaced a heretic immediately off of the security shuttle when they used a funnyhand on another officer (Checks-Your-Health). Assumed that they had re-alignment or other tools to have made the arrest impossible to do (the heretic was stamcritted at this point), but the heretic did not - and had not openly done anything to warrant what ended up being an immediate execution.

Time ban was placed: 2023-10-28 01:18:12
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 217632

Reasons for Appealing - Delete irrelevant sections

Supporting logs: I’ve got a video, but I have no idea how to embed it

Do you disagree with the admin's interpretation of rules or policy?: Yes

If no, please provide more details: I really hate long appeals. During this round myself and my patrol buddy dealt with a wizard, two heretics, and a revenant. The wizard ascended and completed their final objective, which made everyone immortal. Heretic one had teleport spells on their focus and constantly escaped arrest with the help of a revenant who was pulling them away from our grasp (While incorporeal). They also critted me with cold at one point while they were in cuffs. Mind you this is after everyone was made immortal, so execution wasn’t an option. We stick him in a 1x1 walled in with girders after stripping him because the shuttle is here and about to leave. On the shuttle is heretic two, who is sitting in his seat with a rotating blade path parrying blade. His parrying blade is burnt on something, or dissipates, and he walks over to us and wordlessly funny hands my patrol buddy. I give him a double shove and 4 disabler shots then toss him out an airlock.

Here's the two legs I think I’ve got to stand on besides what was discussed in the ticket. Wizards are generally considered code red threats, especially when they’re gunning for ascension (not being friendly). Couple that with unkillable heretics and I think that I can say we were in code red territory with a straight face. Generally speaking when you’re in those scenarios the bar for field execution is much lower.

Leg two: I don’t think this qualified as an execution. He was immortal. This was effectively the same as leaving him on station in perma when the shuttle leaves. I also still stand by me assuming that he could easily escape cuffs. We’d seen heretics do it all round, and they also had a revenant helping them.

Re: [TBM] Britgrenadier1 - Indiana Jonesing a heretic

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:02 am
by TheBibleMelts
my memory is pretty fuzzy on this one, so I'll have to dig back into the ticket when I get some time. if I remember right, we'd both agreed that with the information provided for MRP's ruleset, a precedent of field executing restricted antagonists without a proportionate crime committed wasn't great - can I ask what has changed between your views then versus now? i don't recall anything about the wizard invincibility this round off of the top of my head here either, but if true would certainly lessen the impact of your actions.

Re: [TBM] Britgrenadier1 - Indiana Jonesing a heretic

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:27 am
by britgrenadier1
yeah I think we did, the ticket was mostly about the heretic abilities and if he was uncontainable or not. As far as what changed between now and then, I was just going through old clips and had one of those 'Huh, maybe I should think about that one some more' type moments. You chat with some friends about it, look up sec policy, and formulate a better response when you're not under the gun of a bwoink/chaotic round. As for MRP's ruleset, I think that RPR 6 is great, but that it doesn't do what we need it to to foster better RP on manny. "Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crimes" should probably be "Deal with the player in proportion to how they are playing the antag." If speedtot No. 6 is gamering objectives and not doing anything outside of their progtot script, then IMO its off with their head. If a player is using their kit to do interesting things beyond just playing the game as a game, then they ought to have safety from the validhunting crowd. We're in a ban appeal not a policy thread, so my soap box ends here.

Re: [TBM] Britgrenadier1 - Indiana Jonesing a heretic

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:39 am
by TheBibleMelts
if you manage to get the video uploaded I'd like to see how the scenario played out and looked from your perspective.

the note was made of the core of the rule I cited in it, where the intent is to prevent a restricted antagonist from being RR'd as though they were an imminent mortal threat. i think in this situation you had three things going for you that disqualified that. still just going off of memory here, but you had him downed, cuffed, and had backup right next to you.

combining those with no prior actions from the heretic that you'd known of that called for treating him to a trip to the vacuum of space, i felt like rpr 6 had been infringed on at the time.

Re: [TBM] Britgrenadier1 - Indiana Jonesing a heretic

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:48 am
by britgrenadier1
Just downed, no cuffs and backup was in stamcrit from the funny hand. Plus he was immortal, airlocking him is the same as leaving him on the station permabrig. As an aside we knew that the heretic had been drawing runes and doing stuff during the round. We ran in to him a few times. Also yeah I need to figure out the video

Re: [TBM] Britgrenadier1 - Indiana Jonesing a heretic

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:57 am
by britgrenadier1 its unlisted but I think you can still view it.

Re: [TBM] Britgrenadier1 - Indiana Jonesing a heretic

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:59 pm
by TheBibleMelts
sorry for the delay, had some things pop up - i'm going to go ahead and lift this. circumstances were pretty unique with the whole invincibility thing going, and i think your video paints enough of a picture to this having needed to have been a pretty snap decision made before you yourself may have been similarly yeeted out of that airlock.

good toss btw.