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ban appeal followup

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:31 am
by Lurzik
Ban Details
BYOND account: Lurzik
Character name: Ric Lars
Ban type: Note
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: I have permanently banned you from antagonist until you can play for a month or more without egregious antag rolling. Appeal that ban when you can show you can play the game normally.
Time ban was placed: 11/19/2023 02:28:37
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil

Reasons for Appealing
Are you appealing a validly placed permaban and would like another chance to be unbanned?: Yes
If yes, please explain why you believe it should be accepted: I understand that antag rolling is bad, and I'm technically not an intern anymore but I never received a warning or anything. And in fairness I wasn't playing a crucial role like medical or engineering, I was just playing geneticist. I know how to play the game normally, but I just wanted to try something dumb, and the problem is is that I could only do it by being traitor geneticist. Obviously I didn't realize it was an offense let alone a permaban offense.

Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: No
If no, please provide more details: I think given the context of my ignorance and that I was playing a role I would consider somewhat disposable compared to others, I think not. Otherwise the note was justified.
Supporting logs: My ban was justified, but the time for being banned I would argue was overkill.

Do you disagree with the admin's interpretation of rules or policy?: No
If no, please provide more details: I completely understand the idea of enforcing this rule but how harshly is the problem. I never even got a warning or anything, just a straight permaban.

Do you feel the ban length or decision to note was unjustifiably harsh?: Yes

(FOLLOWUP) This post is a followup to a previous appeal, the appeal is here --> viewtopic.php?p=712110#p712110

Re: ban appeal followup

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:34 am
by Vekter
Hey, Scriptis retired since your last appeal so I'll take over on this.

Let me look at your playtime over the last week and I'll get back to you.

E: I'm seeing 18 hours since your ban and not seeing anything that looks like you've bailed early on a round. That works for me. I'll lift the ban.

Re: ban appeal followup

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:03 am
by Lurzik
Thank you <3