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[Timberpoes] Lokep - Ban appeal

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:23 pm
by Lokep
BYOND account: Lokep
Character name: Canelo Gonzalez
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: "Since August 2022 you have racked up 14 bans for tiding, poor sec play, self-antagging and poor escalation and like a dozen other assorted notes for poor play. Your record is so bad that an admin has asked the headmin team to consider placing a discretionary quality control ban. Having looked into your history, I am indivudally granting that request. Your history over the past year reveals a gameplay pattern that repeatedly and consistently falls below even our lowest standards, and I think our servers are better off without you playing on them.''
Time ban was placed: 2023.05.13 17:01:24
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 205608

Reasons for Appealing - Delete irrelevant sections
Are you appealing a validly placed permaban and would like another chance to be unbanned?: Yes
If yes, please explain why you believe it should be accepted: At the time of my ban i wasnt in the best place in my life. I was going through hard break up and i projected it into my playing style which made me act like shitter. I miss playing tg and the tg community. After my permaban i think i acted accordingly. I accepted my ban and retreated from tg community altogether. I have been gone for 7 months and now that i think i have bettered myself and i do think i deserve another chance. After my ban the only ss13 community that i was active in was civ 13 which i played for propably for 1 month after my ban. I played mostly steam games after my ban. Mostly Sub rosa which i have over 1000hrs in and mordhau. I was never hateful to community, i have no dramas, no hate speech, i mostly did stupid actions in my gameplay for which i payed for.

Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: Yes

Supporting logs:Not applicable it seems.

Do you disagree with the admin's interpretation of rules or policy?: No
If no, please provide more details: They were right about my bad actions which affected other players.

Do you feel the ban length or decision to note was unjustifiably harsh?: no
If no, please provide more details: I think the ban made me think and review my actions. I do however think that it was little too harsh for someone with 30 notes. Ive seen people with 50 getting much better treatment.

I just want to add i have never posted on any forum in my life and i do not understand how to make letter thicker and custom the text so i rather didnt do it as i dont wanna mess it up.

Re: [Timberpoes] Lokep - Ban appeal

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:27 pm
by Timberpoes
This was a discretionary QC ban I placed as a headmin, so there was no major inciting event that caused it other than an admin request for me to look into your history and consider one.

Gimme a day to mull this over, I'll need to go back and refresh myself on your note history and consider your words in light of that.

Re: [Timberpoes] Lokep - Ban appeal

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:57 pm
by Timberpoes
So here's the deal.

You could (and should) have been permabanned long before I came along.

You had repeated notes for the same behaviours and repeated daybans that some admins refused to actually escalate up.

All those past decisions to note plus all of those short ban lengths were massively lenient. Almost to the point of being a genuine admin skill issue.

My true fear about unbanning you is that you go back to the same behaviours and the same admins go back to giving you 40 notes for doing the same stuff or repeated daybans. As if that actually did anything except tell you that the occasional day off was a small price to pay for the freedom to consistently break the rules.

But that's really not fair to hold against you here. Admin skill issues aren't your problem as a player.

So I'm going to unban you, but be warned that this doesn't erase your past history and it's up to you to actually change and follow the rules.

If I look back in a couple of months and unbanning you appears to have been a mistake then I will reban you myself.

Before I go ahead and actually unban you, do you understand what I've said, do you have any questions and are you okay with it?

Re: [Timberpoes] Lokep - Ban appeal

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:43 pm
by Lokep
Alright sounds good

Re: [Timberpoes] Lokep - Ban appeal

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:28 pm
by Timberpoes
You're now unbanned on Terry and should be able to connect there.

You may need to wait for other servers to restart after their shifts end due to ban caching if you want to connect there.

Can you let me know if you connect to Terry okay so I can safely lock and resolve this appeal?

Re: [Timberpoes] Lokep - Ban appeal

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:44 pm
by Lokep
i have been able to connect thanks

Re: [Timberpoes] Lokep - Ban appeal

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:49 pm
by Timberpoes
Awesome, thanks. Welcome back!