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Sightld2 - Rhodes2716 - Punched HoS Before End

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:50 pm
by Rhodes2716
Ban Details
BYOND account: Rhodes2716
Character name: Jace Oogle
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Randomly attacked the HoS
Time ban was placed: 2023-12-23 22:43:56
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 221014

Reasons for Appealing
I am new to SS13 and was playing as a Medical Doctor who turned into a gorilla later into the game. We were on the evac shuttle towards command and I saw a fellow gorilla being attacked by a person, I (A fellow gorilla) stepped in to defend them and punched the person away in defense of them once. I sat for what felt like minute after, I thought the whole fight had ended and didn't think much of it. After the round end popup showed I started to participate in the deathmatch and attacked the nearest person which in hindsight happened to be the same person from the earlier engagement. I was tabbed out after death waiting for reset and was not paying attention to the game. It was only after I was disconnected that I realized an admin was trying to communicate with me.

Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: No
If no, please provide more details: I only attacked him once before the round had ended and it was it was in defense of a fellow gorilla. All other attacks happened post round-end and were not related to the initial encounter. I am a new player and was not trying to break any rules amongst the chaos. I am sorry if I caused any problems.
Supporting logs:

Re: Sightld2 - Rhodes2716 - Punched HoS Before End

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 12:07 am
by Sightld2
The gorilla was not being attacked, the HoS was defending themselves from the Gorilla which started the fight. In fact the gorilla wasn't even a person, it was an NPC simplemob. Please be careful about which fights you jump into. Apologies for the trouble, your account seemed suspicious. As of posting this, you are unbanned and the note is more accurate.