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[thatslyfox] kaernk - multi-account misunderstanding

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:50 am
by kaernk
Byond account and character name: kaernk - lolorin mcfaggen

Banning admin: thatslyfox

Ban type (What are you banned from?): TGstation servers

Ban reason and length: "obvious metagrudge" - indefinite

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2015-5-30 17:11:24

Your side of the story: I got on another account after I got killed by what appeared to be a traitor blindly killing bystanders because I wanted to keep playing. Didn't really know it was considered verboten. Out of irritation I named myself after him, but I didn't really intend to do anything else or I'd have started screeching he was a traitor the second I got in. Not a few dozen steps from the shuttle the same traitor guy pops out and runs toward me. I didn't seek out another encounter with the guy, he came after me, so I beat him with a toolbox.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I was on the station about thirty seconds before I got accosted by that guy. Ganking fresh arrivals is pretty lame. Had I gone looking for him I wouldn't have any defense, but he kind of forced a confrontation. It's not 'metagrudge' as much as me breaking the apparent rule about using other accounts and getting forced into a situation that would get me in more serious trouble.

Re: [thatslyfox] kaernk - multi-account misunderstanding

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:53 am
by ThatSlyFox
You made a new account, called metagams, after a traitor kills you and proceed to log on with a IC name very similar to his. You then see him in arrivals and decide to attack him using knowledge from another account/character. If I recall correctly you logged out soon after before I could talk to you.

I don't know man, it looks like you knew this was a shit thing to do but did it anyway. This ban is staying in place, for a while, unless a headmin disagrees.

Re: [thatslyfox] kaernk - multi-account misunderstanding

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:32 pm
by whodaloo
>he kind of forced a confrontaion
I saw this whole incident as a ghost. You were playing some mononame with an atmos suit who Olorin killed and spaced. You joined the station as Lolorin Mcfaggen, immediately ran into Olorin, toolboxed him, told a bystander 'he was a ling', and dragged him to try and space his corpse. He didn't force a confrontation of any kind, you multikeyed after you died and killed the guy who killed you without being provoked.

Re: [thatslyfox] kaernk - multi-account misunderstanding

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:09 pm
by peoplearestrange
OP hasn't replied for nearly half a month.
Considering this resolved.
PM me if this was done in error.