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[aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:03 am
by Leon454
Byond account and character name: Leon454, Clover punne

Banning admin: Alieannera

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server, permanent

Ban reason and length:Shitty escalation by going in and entering robotics when the roboticist would not make him a medibot, ended up murdering the roboticist. Also feel it was metagruding for being murder last round by the same person. Was on a last-chance basis.

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 1:54 AM est

Your side of the story: This was in no way metagrudge and i didn't even mean to kill the roboticist. I was geneticist and like to use a medibot to keep toxin damage down, so i go over to robotics at round start regularly to get one. When i went over the roboticist (not sure what his name even was) told me to fuck off and closed his shutters. I walked over to the RD and asked him to ask the robo to make a medibot and he said over science radio to do it. I went to do some genetic stuff and when i get back the medibot is still not made, i asked the ai to open the door for me so i can do it myself and when i walked inside the robo disarm-shoved me and threw me against a wall. After him shoving me over for almost a full minute i managed to make the bot and i went to leave, but he continued shoving me. I went to shove back and hit him with a toolbox i had grabbed while trying to get away from him. He responded by going and grabbing the circular saw, clearly to kill me. I knocked him out with a toolbox and dragged him to cryo, by the time we got there he was dead (not sure if it was from the damage or a succumb) and i took him to cloning instead.

I did not intend to even kill the guy, i just wanted to do my job without running for anti-toxin every 5 minutes. This was more an IC issue than anything and it was in no way meta-grudge, i've never meta grudged anyone.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I didn't do anything unprovoked or with the intent to ruin anyone's round, i had ic reasoning to do what i did. The roboticist would have been back in the round within minutes if he had let me clone him.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:37 am
by Xhagi
You murdered someone because they would not make you a medibot. In the long run that's what it comes down to. It was a real shit case of escalation. I also do believe some metagruding was involved - just the round before you complained that a rev'd roboticist had killed you, the same one whom you killed, and then told me you were going to 'murderboner people you hate next time you became a rev.' I think it played a part in your behavior.

The reason for your permaban was not because of that, as this would normally warrant a slight tempban, but because of all your prior notes indicating some really shitty behavior and that you were on your last chance. For that reason, I'm going to ask the others to comment on the appeal who made the notes in question.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:42 am
by Leon454
Aliannera wrote:You murdered someone because they would not make you a medibot. In the long run that's what it comes down to. It was a real shit case of escalation. I also do believe some metagruding was involved - just the round before you complained that a rev'd roboticist had killed you, the same one whom you killed, and then told me you were going to 'murderboner people you hate next time you became a rev.' I think it played a part in your behavior.

The reason for your permaban was not because of that, as this would normally warrant a slight tempban, but because of all your prior notes indicating some really shitty behavior and that you were on your last chance. For that reason, I'm going to ask the others to comment on the appeal who made the notes in question.

I know i have shitty notes, but those aren't going to go away. They add up over time (granted mine were added kinda fast) and end up making me look like i'm not even trying. You're admins so you probably understand this happens and takes notes with a grain of salt. I've been trying to improve on basil and i jumped onto sybil to start working on being less shit on an actually populated server.

I do not meta-grudge, i was mad about that situation because i've gotten in trouble before for murdering for no reason as rev, i felt that was unfair, but when the round ended i dropped it. I didn't intend to kill him and when i did i rushed over to med-bay as fast as i could trying to get him back up. The only problem i had with the roboticist was that he was incredibly rude for no reason when i had a simple request.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:34 pm
by Tsaricide
You ran in after the RD came in so I told you to get out and pushed+dragged you out, I told the RD I would build your medibot after the syringe guns and borg suit.

You later came back and got the ai to let you in so after you wouldn't get out I shot you once with a shotgun and dragged you out again but the ai let you back in, I punched you once and you grabbed a toolbox and hit me.

You were in my workplace annoying me and trying to do my job because I wasn't doing it fast enough for you so to defend myself I grabbed by saw and you then beat me into crit and didn't stop hitting until I was at -70hp, you tried to drag me to the medbot you made but I ended up dying from my injuries and then you dragged me to cloning but once I saw the blob was eating science I lost interest in the round.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:05 pm
by Leon454
Tsaricide wrote:You ran in after the RD came in so I told you to get out and pushed+dragged you out, I told the RD I would build your medibot after the syringe guns and borg suit.

You later came back and got the ai to let you in so after you wouldn't get out I shot you once with a shotgun and dragged you out again but the ai let you back in, I punched you once and you grabbed a toolbox and hit me.

You were in my workplace annoying me and trying to do my job because I wasn't doing it fast enough for you so to defend myself I grabbed by saw and you then beat me into crit and didn't stop hitting until I was at -70hp, you tried to drag me to the medbot you made but I ended up dying from my injuries and then you dragged me to cloning but once I saw the blob was eating science I lost interest in the round.
I'm sorry i was annoying you but i wanted to get on with my job, and a medibot cuts the time it takes down by a large precentage, i tried asking nicely and you were incredibly rude, the escalation didn't feel shitty at all, we both took elevating steps that started with you shooting me, and ended with you dying while i dragged you to cryo to save your life. If i was intending to just murder you i would have left you or hid your body, but i saw i went a little overboard and rushed to med-bay. When i saw you grab the saw, it was either i defend myself or die, and i fucked up by hitting you too many times. The only reason i was even mad was that it takes less than 20 seconds to make a single robot arm and throw it at me. You have two exosuit fabs and the cyborg suit was done for a while by the time i had the AI let me in, i was able to make the arm and build the bot in the time between you shooting me, and me toolboxing you. Last time i checked geneticists were part of the science department too, there was no reason to be so rude to me when my request was polite and not very big.

I didn't even intend to kill you, and was going to apologize and leave you alone when i cloned you, but you wouldn't clone.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:10 pm
by Tsaricide
The amount of times you beat me seemed like you wanted to kill me, I was dead before you even dragged me off the operating table and you never tried to inject me with your morphine pen.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:14 pm
by Leon454
Tsaricide wrote:The amount of times you beat me seemed like you wanted to kill me, I was dead before you even dragged me off the operating table and you never tried to inject me with your morphine pen.
My previous experiences with fights have made me tend to assume everyone is wearing brute protection armor, i said i know i went overboard. I also only use my epi-pen when i'm stuck in space, it tends to be useless for me otherwise, i don't think i've ever used it on someone else before. I should probably fix that but there's a reason i don't play medical very well, i am very forgetful and whenever i need to do anything medical its either straight to cryo or cloning.

Like i said, i'm sorry i fucked up and that was not a valid kill, but it was an almost entirely IC issue that could have been solved if you had accepted the cloning, i was fully prepared to sit in the brig for the rest of the round for murdering you.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:25 pm
by PickleInspector
I had a talk with you upon discovering that, ontop of your pile of notes accrued over a short period, you were permabanned from /vg/ for the same things. During the talk, I said to not continue doing the shit that earned you the notes, or face a similar server boot. I'd say you should wait a minimum of a month before trying to appeal this one.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:31 pm
by Xhagi
Regardless of if you were willing to brig yourself or not, you still murdered someone because they wouldn't make you a medibot for your job. Which, by the way, you don't need a medibot for. You have chemistry to ask, you can ask the CMO to give you more access for the antitox from the vendors in medical (if the geneticists don't start with this access). You kept breaking into someone's workspace and did not get the hint that you really should not be there and are not welcome there when you were shoved out and then shot out with non-lethal shotgun rounds. You had to have known that eventually it would lead to a fight, so either you wanted it to or just really don't get when someone is trying to say 'fuck off.' I don't see how this conduct is in anyway acceptable, given the other options you had or the fact you could have, you know, waited till people dealt with the blob going on next door and he was finished what he was working on before letting him get to your task.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:39 pm
by Leon454
Aliannera wrote:Regardless of if you were willing to brig yourself or not, you still murdered someone because they wouldn't make you a medibot for your job. Which, by the way, you don't need a medibot for. You have chemistry to ask, you can ask the CMO to give you more access for the antitox from the vendors in medical (if the geneticists don't start with this access). You kept breaking into someone's workspace and did not get the hint that you really should not be there and are not welcome there when you were shoved out and then shot out with non-lethal shotgun rounds. You had to have known that eventually it would lead to a fight, so either you wanted it to or just really don't get when someone is trying to say 'fuck off.' I don't see how this conduct is in anyway acceptable, given the other options you had or the fact you could have, you know, waited till people dealt with the blob going on next door and he was finished what he was working on before letting him get to your task.
He was done with his task, he had built the robot suit and was only using one exosuit fab to make the last piece, he could have made the arm and throw it at me and i would have been gone. I also had NO way of knowing his shells were non-lethal, i didn't even act aggressive until he decided to start shooting me and throwing me. I'm sure you've all done genetics, so you should know that the walk over to chem is a hassle that would be very nice to just completely avoid by walking ten feet and having an infinite automatic antitox dispenser that sits on you and heals you and your test subject as you get rads. Why is it fair that i get in trouble for aggressive escalation when he was doing the SAME thing. as soon as i did something, he one-upped it. I hit him with a toolbox one time and his FIRST reaction was to grab a circular saw, which of COURSE i defend myself from.
PickleInspector wrote:I had a talk with you upon discovering that, ontop of your pile of notes accrued over a short period, you were permabanned from /vg/ for the same things. During the talk, I said to not continue doing the shit that earned you the notes, or face a similar server boot. I'd say you should wait a minimum of a month before trying to appeal this one.
That's the thing, i don't think i did anything that was even ban worthy. The escalation was not unreasonable and i wasn't trying to fuck up anyone's round. I didn't space his corpse, strip him, or do anything to permanently alter his round. I immediately took him to cloning to make sure he got back into the round quickly. If he had stayed in his body he could have been back in the round within minutes and could have had me punished IC instead of perma banned.

Re: [aliannera] Leon454 ban appeal

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:44 pm
by Scones
Leon454 wrote:My previous experiences with fights have made me tend to assume everyone is wearing brute protection armor
This is an awful excuse.

You have a horrible history and this situation really does seem like a final straw. You don't seem to learn after repeated warnings or actually being permabanned from /vg/ with a similar history.

YOU were the one in someone else's workspace. Play somewhere else, take some time off, and come back when you can be a decent player.

2015-08-02 00:00:00 | Bagil | thelongbowman [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
HELP: Leon454/(Razzle Dazzle) (?) (PP) (VV) (SM) (FLW) (TP) (REJT): Also i should let you guys know i'm here waiting out a ban on /vg/. Tell me when i fuck up please, i would really preferr to not ruin any fun but i get a little too into the game sometimes.
2015-08-02 00:00:00 | Bagil | shadowlight213 [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
[16:45:03]SAY: Jinx/Leon454 : Wags i'm going to chloral you and then drag you into the dorms for some sweaty maid action. -Warned not to make creepy rape jokes again.
2015-08-04 00:00:00 | Bagil | saegrimr [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
DEAD: Shay Parker says, "next round i'll play a head role and boot her ass to assistant." -- Mmmm that metagrudge.
2015-08-04 00:00:00 | Bagil | saegrimr [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Warned for OOC in IC.
2015-08-04 00:00:00 | Bagil | niknakflak [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
"Pranked someone" by attempting to shave people's heads. Got attacked for it, attacked people back for it. Got arrested and given to the chef to be killed, and he killed the chef, and then was killed back for it. Shitty escalation but IC, just noting it here.
2015-08-06 00:00:00 | Bagil | niknakflak [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Emagged the shuttle as a non-antag as soon as it docked, dicking over anyone who wanted to board
2015-08-07 00:00:00 | Bagil | niknakflak [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Shitty escalation again with a varying number of people on the server. I'm done with this bullshitness. If they have any kind of shitty escalation again, I dont care what happens, they are getting permabanned
2015-08-12 00:00:00 | Bagil | saegrimr [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 30 minutes - IC in OOC fight with Alarmclock. Both of you need to chill.
2015-08-12 00:00:00 | Bagil | saegrimr [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Responded with IC in OOC about the above fight, accuses everybody of metagrudging him although its likely he is as well, especially against Alarmclock.
2015-08-13 00:00:00 | Bagil | summoner99 [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 1440 minutes - Murdered the Warden and spaced them for a empty threat of being gulaged next time. Take a break for the day and calm down.
2015-08-18 00:00:00 | Bagil | pickleinspector [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Is on a last-chance basis.
2015-08-24 12:30:56 | Bagil | lollerderby [Remove Note] [Edit Note] Last edit by lollerderby (Click here to see edit log)
2015-08-26 23:28:51 | Bagil | saegrimr [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Warned to not spam chat.
2015-08-30 14:58:33 | Sybil | [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from Assistant - Disarmed the HoS fnr, stunned him, and tried to strip him, later robbed detective and used his gear to 'get revenge' on the HoS by stunning and cuffing him for arresting him and trying to execute him over the earlier tidey nonsense. Round was nuke ops.