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[Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:41 pm
by Y0SH1M4S73R
BYOND account: Y0SH1_M4S73R

Character Name: Speaks-Her-Mind

Banning Admin: Shaps

Ban Type: Operative, Revolution, Gang, and Shadowling

Ban Duration: Permanent

Ban Reason:
"As nuke ops leader, demanded via prayer to exchange their antag status that round for an antag token, said "fuck you" when told they couldn't. Was given minor brain damage which was then healed when it became clear they couldn't work the TC console, then they killed themselves via microbomb a few minutes later to "spite the gods". Constant awful attitude when it comes to antag roles and begging."
Ban Placed On: 2015-11-29 20:55:[Multiple bans, second mark varied]

My Side of the Story:
I admit, I've done all of the things Shaps banned me for. I did these things, not because of truly malicious intent, but because I was not comfortable with circumstances that twisted an identity outside of my comfort zone. My bad behavior revolves around one single individual. That individual, is my "primary" character, Speaks-Her-Mind. I enable all my antag preferences because I want the greatest possible chance of getting antag, but when I get it, often times, I'm not happy about it. When I'm a nuke op, I want the team to include "Speaks-Her-Mind", not "Kekkus-Tit Dankmeme". When I'm a blob, I don't want that role, because I want the victory to go to "Speaks-Her-Mind", not "Blob Overmind (28)". I could go on about different antag roles, but I won't. It all boils down to the fact that I have built up an idea incapable of naturally withstanding the ebb and flow of servers like /tg/, and I wanted the admins to put braces on it to keep it from toppling on a round-to-round basis. I won't even go into how badly I took the ban itself.

Why I Think I Should be Unbanned:
I expect this plea to fall on deaf ears, but I am willing to admit that I made a mistake. On the other hand, being banned from team antags like this is like giving painkillers to a cancer patient without treating the tumor. In this case, the tumor is "meta-snowflakey" characters like Speaks-Her-Mind. That's why I believe that instead of being banned from team antags, I should be banned from using custom characters. Speaks-Her-Mind is better suited for HRP servers than for /tg/, and if you unban me from team antags and ban me from custom characters, I expect you to see significantly improved behavior from me.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:46 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
Maybe you should blame yourself not "snowflakey characters" learn some self-control next time. The tumor is you.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:49 pm
by Zilenan91
Yeah you got some problems man. If you really think the character isn't a good thing just delete or randomize everything to pseudo-delete it.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:41 am
by Saegrimr
This is the kind of autism that needs an identity ban.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:27 am
by Hibbles
2015-06-22 00:00:00 | Sybil | ausops [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 5 minutes - IC in OOC- OOC: Y0SH1_M4S73R: Lol feminist AI.
2015-06-25 00:00:00 | Sybil | peoplearestrange [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Icky Ocky, again... warned.
2015-07-03 00:00:00 | Sybil | brotemis [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Seremingly asks for antag a lot
2015-07-17 00:00:00 | Sybil | aloraydrel [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
He likes getting cookies when asking for antag!
2015-07-17 00:00:00 | Sybil | ausops [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Given this particular warning after a string of ahelps/prayers 'Please don't ask for antag roles, especially if you specifically chose to observe. Admins also generally don't reveal antag types over ahelp, if you're observing, you could try asking deadchat.'
2015-07-22 00:00:00 | Sybil | aloraydrel [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from Warden - Wanted to be jobbanned. Remove when he asks for it to be removed.
2015-07-24 00:00:00 | Sybil | technoalchemist [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Warned for abusing the pipe bucklecuff bug.
2015-08-09 00:00:00 | Sybil | vekter [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Uploaded a shitty NTSL script that spammed up the log, was warned
2015-08-19 23:28:25 | Sybil | scones [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Don't bother giving this guy antag for events or otherwise, he abuses the status to deal with random salty bullshit from other rounds/earlier in the round.
2015-10-11 23:01:32 | Sybil | saegrimr [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Started the round screaming "METAGAME!", "I dunno if rev or gang, but lynch chaplain!" and various other extremely ooc in ic things. Doesn't seem to understand I wasn't joking when I told him to stop, so apply bans if this doesn't stop.
2015-11-07 03:33:45 | Sybil | tsaricide [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from Cyborg - requested
2015-11-07 22:41:29 | Sybil | hotelbravolima [Remove Note] [Edit Note] Last edit by hotelbravolima (Click here to see edit log)
Begged in prayers to go from ling to traitor. Was given name-appropriate custom objectives. Complained about that. Great player, 9/11. DEAD: Alphys says, "Giving me a shitty RP objective instead of actual greentextable legit tater objectives is grounds for filing a complaint."
2015-11-25 02:16:06 | Sybil | hotelbravolima [Remove Note] [Edit Note] Last edit by hotelbravolima (Click here to see edit log)
DEAD: Stowaway says, "Admins, I have this to say. Do some adminbus where I'm the one fucking everyone else in the ass instead of the other way around, and I'll forget everything that you've done to me since the blob confusion." DEAD: Stowaway asks, "So what, an admin orbited me, making me think they were going to do SOMETHING, but then they stopped. Was that a deliberate attempt to spite me?"
2015-11-27 02:59:37 | Sybil | hotelbravolima [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
So salty he pizza-bombed the brig as non-antag Assistant.
2015-11-27 21:02:30 | Sybil | shaps [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
DEAD: Speaks-Her-Mind says, "Next time I'm a tator, I'm praying to make my objectives to kill everyone I would otherwise metagrudge, which right now is Dante and Emily." Either extreme saltiness or potential for metagrudge?
2015-11-29 20:19:50 | Sybil | shaps [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
[Common] Speaks-Her-Mind yells, "I AM NOT A TRAITOR!! I HAVE NO REAsssON TO LIVE!!" Warned for blatant OOC in IC
2015-11-29 20:54:49 | Sybil | shaps [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from operative - As nuke ops leader, demanded via prayer to exchange their antag status that round for an antag token, said "fuck you" when told they couldn't. Was given minor brain damage which was then healed when it became clear they couldn't work the TC console, then they killed themselves via microbomb a few minutes later to "spite the gods". Constant awful attitude when it comes to antag roles and begging.
2015-11-29 20:54:49 | Sybil | shaps [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from revolutionary - As nuke ops leader, demanded via prayer to exchange their antag status that round for an antag token, said "fuck you" when told they couldn't. Was given minor brain damage which was then healed when it became clear they couldn't work the TC console, then they killed themselves via microbomb a few minutes later to "spite the gods". Constant awful attitude when it comes to antag roles and begging.
2015-11-29 20:54:49 | Sybil | shaps [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from gangster - As nuke ops leader, demanded via prayer to exchange their antag status that round for an antag token, said "fuck you" when told they couldn't. Was given minor brain damage which was then healed when it became clear they couldn't work the TC console, then they killed themselves via microbomb a few minutes later to "spite the gods". Constant awful attitude when it comes to antag roles and begging.
2015-11-29 20:55:40 | Sybil | shaps [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned from shadowling - As nuke ops leader, demanded via prayer to exchange their antag status that round for an antag token, said "fuck you" when told they couldn't. Was given minor brain damage which was then healed when it became clear they couldn't work the TC console, then they killed themselves via microbomb a few minutes later to "spite the gods". Constant awful attitude when it comes to antag roles and begging.
2015-11-29 20:55:40 | Sybil | shaps [Remove Note] [Edit Note] Last edit by shaps (Click here to see edit log)
Banned from cultist - As nuke ops leader, demanded via prayer to exchange their antag status that round for an antag token, said "fuck you" when told they couldn't. Was given minor brain damage which was then healed when it became clear they couldn't work the TC console, then they killed themselves via microbomb a few minutes later to "spite the gods". Constant awful attitude when it comes to antag roles and begging.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:30 am
by Docprofsmith
Are you seriously blaming your behaviour on an individual that doesn't even exist?

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:31 am
by Shadowlight213
Identity Ban applied. However, the team antag ban is up to Shaps.

Re: [Shaps] Y0SH1_M4S73R - Permaban from all team antags

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:38 pm
by Shaps-cloud
I'm not buying that your tumor of a character was the reason that you were acting like a dick, so the identity and team antag bans can stick. Try again in a few weeks when you've proven you can handle yourself