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[peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of staff

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:19 am
by icecreamcohn
Byond account and character name: IceCreamCohn - Kevin Owens
Banning admin: peoplearestrange
Ban type (What are you banned from?): All heads of staff
Ban reason and length: Not fit for head roles right now. Keeps line toeing with "gassing the liggers" and generally beign a shit
Time ban was placed (including time zone):016-01-21 21:45:16
Your side of the story: So that round I was an Antag HoP. Hell the first thing I did was make my self one human.
Why you think you should be unbanned:

I also did not start the gas the liggers. I said the HoS Jane Isola if she want to start an old fashion " Ligger round up ". The CE of the round Reece Dempsy said if we are doing this then he wants to do it right and build a Gas chamber.

Not once have any admins told me to chill out in a warning about my head of staff style play.

Seeing this and what happened to today with peoplearestrange and me I can kind of see this admin has issues with me.

Why am I being punished for doing this on a Antag round?

i know for a fact Jane Isola does this shit all the time with the ligger round up. I know I have in the past at most tried to round up liggers and job change them to mining or as HoS said they will get double time.

MODERATOR EDIT: Ban Duration: 10080 minutes (1 week)

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:24 am
by icecreamcohn
Why would you not talk to me first and see whats up?

I know every other admin does this. Even today when you BSA'd me because you did not like the way I played your event and you BSA'd me for "greifing" instead of talking to me.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:34 am
by peoplearestrange
This was added before what happened today, and after many other admins had said your playing of captain and HoP (which apparently you had been choosing a lot) was extremely poor and line toeing with the whole "gassing" routine. I myself witnessed you set up and order a gas chamber, which was funny the first time Lizards were new to SS13, about a year ago. But this was more applied after their comments.

The reason I did not talk to you was that this discussion was had after you were banned from the server for 24 hours because of:
Kill the other lawyer (as non antag lawyer) in cold blood because "He was making fun of my space paper work! But this is a rp moment!" Please read the rules and understand why this is wrong. Particularly rule 1.
This is only a temporary ban and unless the other admins/headmins suggest otherwise I think it should stick.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:37 am
by Zilenan91
>gas teh liggerz rac war naow!

I don't think you realize just how shitty this is if it's meant to be taken seriously.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:40 am
by icecreamcohn
No you in fact DID not witness me set one up as I was killed by the mime in the round and then came back as a Xeno. I was not even the one who suggested the gas chamber.
I was an ANTAG that round.... I have every right to kill who I want Murderboning is not against the rules... Infact I did not even Kill any one that round.

I also have my setting for Job to be turned on low for everything. The heads of staff are all Never except for HoP.

I admited my wrong doing killing the Lawyer... But how are you punishing me for that.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:44 am
by icecreamcohn
What i also think is funny. I just said Ligger Round up...

The killing of them was brought on by the HoS who I see is still a Captain right now. The Gas Chamber was brought up by the CE.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:46 am
by peoplearestrange
Discussed it on adminbus, which I said:

Hmm fair enough, I don't feel I have enough information here to warrent the ban, other admins can overturn this and such, but seeing as I wasn't in the other rounds that people had talked about it seems unfair that I should be the banning admin. I'll remove it.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 2:51 am
by icecreamcohn
whoa whoa whoa whoah...

You litteraly said
peoplearestrange wrote:This was added before what happened today, and after many other admins had said your playing of captain and HoP (which apparently you had been choosing a lot) was extremely poor and line toeing with the whole "gassing" routine. I myself witnessed you set up and order a gas chamber, which was funny the first time Lizards were new to SS13, about a year ago. But this was more applied after their comments.

am I not reading it correctly?

If you have watched me order and setup a gas chamber it had to have been recently as i only have been playing basil for a few weeks.. So tell me when was this and please provide the logs.

Also if you did not have enough info Why did YOU provide the ban?


Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:02 am
by peoplearestrange
Logs are public, do your own digging.

I put the ban in place after I banned you for attacking FNR as other admins then came to me with how terrible you had been recently and that the ban should be more. I agreed with what I had witnessed and read in the notes so therefore applied the job ban. Again on seeing how incredibly hostile you have been in every encounter towards pretty much every admin, I don't doubt we'll be seeing you again here.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:03 am
by Zilenan91
Aren't public logs gone?

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:06 am
by peoplearestrange
Aparently they're broken right now... gorram. I'll dig them out in the morning... They take ages to go through and remove CKey's & IP's and such... And its 3am right now for me.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:09 am
by icecreamcohn
peoplearestrange wrote:Logs are public, do your own digging.

I put the ban in place after I banned you for attacking FNR as other admins then came to me with how terrible you had been recently and that the ban should be more. I agreed with what I had witnessed and read in the notes so therefore applied the job ban. Again on seeing how incredibly hostile you have been in every encounter towards pretty much every admin, I don't doubt we'll be seeing you again here.

I have never dealt with you before since yesterday I do not believe. I 100% admitted my ban for the lawyer attack was warranted. I admit when i do wrong.

When have I been hostile with admins other today and with you.

I mean when a admin response is this..

Admin PM from-Peoplearestrange: You took the situation because you didnt want others to have nice things is the way it looks right now
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: OKay.. First off.. I was not randomly griefing... the sec officer and i made a plan to get you guys.. his plan Gratian Sandys says, "You can distract them"
DEAD: ADMIN(Peoplearestrange) says, ":salt:"

How else am i too respond. I was already pissed you used your powers to kill me instead of doing it Ic and then you are acting like a fucking douche.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:15 am
by peoplearestrange
I'm gonna get someone else to look into this. Right now you're quoting select bits out of context. Also from a situation not related to the ban, and honestly all my replies are starting to sound like a shitposts because i'm way to tired to think straight and just trying to defend myself right now...

So either I'll deal with this tomorrow, or another admin will jump on... (please...)

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:19 am
by icecreamcohn
I really am not that was how the start of the conversation went down... Here is the unedited part.

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Peoplearestrange: Ok honestly, you died because of your stupid mistake, which was fine, soemtimes in this game you die and you have to deal with it. I have NO idea how you became a shade right now, Ill look it up. But randomly griefing the windows is nothing but a dick move
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
Ian yaps.
Poly looks in the pen's direction and takes flight.
(F) DEAD: Jaiden Rhea says, "damn you too Noah"
Ian chases its tail!
(F) DEAD: Jaiden Rhea says, "sorry he got me first"
Pun Pun (413) jumps!
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Peoplearestrange: You took the situation because you didnt want others to have nice things is the way it looks right now
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: OKay.. First off.. I was not randomly griefing... the sec officer and i made a plan to get you guys.. his plan Gratian Sandys says, "You can distract them"
(F) DEAD: Sarah Hooker says, "Admins r cucks tbh"
(F) [Common] Johnn Capiton says, "SECURITY"
(F) [Common] Johnn Capiton says, "ENGINEERING"
The monkey (696) jumps!
Gratian Sandys seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
Featherbottom flaps its wings viciously.
OOC: Anonmare: This song upsets me
(F) [Common] Johnn Capiton exclaims, "Ricky Well was killing someone!"
The monkey (309) jumps!
(F) DEAD: Shade of Kevin Owens says, "oh fuck yeah they are"
(F) [Engineering] Reece Dempsey says, "What's this I hear"
Pun Pun (413) jumps!
DEAD: ADMIN(Peoplearestrange) says, ":salt:"

But you are right this is not the place to have this conversation.

Sleep well

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:13 pm
by Pascal123
I think i was the player who originally admin-helped this kind of behavior. Simply because i was refused an answer as to why i was being stripped naked, brigged, and flashed repeatedly by the HoS/AI. He was an Antagonist HoP turned Captain and had subverted the Borgs/AI and convinced the HoS to go on some "Kill all Lizards" "Space Nazis" Crusade.

How is that his fault? Antagonists can do as they please, can't they? Originally the borgs were the ones capturing the "Liggers" and "Ligger Lovers" and dragging them to the brig to be stripped naked, brigged for 10+ minutes, and repeatedly flashed, He barely did any of the work himself... If anything it's the nonantag HoS's fault for getting onboard without questioning it simply because OOCly they do genuinely have a dislike of lizard players.

In my experience, he has never really been a douchebag ICly and that was the first time he's ever done some "Kill all Lizards." Thing. He usually just plays CMO/RD and is fairly chill person to be around.

I can't speak for that lawyer thing, I'm pretty sure he was a Revolutionary's shade. Isn't murder traditionally a one day sentence? Either way, that first thing shouldn't count.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:22 pm
by Wyzack
My biggest problem with the lawyer incident was that the round prior we were talking in ooc about giving admin tokens as a reward for good roleplay.
Icecream goes off the handle about how this is terrible and we shouldn't do it because it will encourage special snowflake characters. The very next round he murders his Co worker and when asked about it says "he insulted my paperwork, it was rp!"
Blatant shit behavior to try and prove his point I guess?

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:51 pm
by icecreamcohn
Wyzack I fully deserved the 24 hour ban for the lawyer incident. There is no way around it.

Re: [peoplearestrange] Kevin Owens - Banned from Heads of st

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:49 pm
by peoplearestrange
I'm going to be frank, your ban appeal was approved, this thread has served its purpose. If you still feel that this is not enough and wish to make an admin complaint so be it, but this is too many issues and points being thrown around like angry words in a playground.
