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[technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:16 am
by ArseNugger1996
Byond account and character name: ArseNugger1996, George Zimmerman

Banning admin: Technoalchemist

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Permanent, Sybil and Bagil.

Ban reason and length: Rolling engineering and rushing/tiding Captain's office with Sharkfreak, confirming metacomms(???)

Time ban was placed (including time zone):January 28th 2016 21:02:54 (idk timezone but around 4pm on eastern standard)

Your side of the story:Alright. Firstly, I have never talked to sharkfreak in my entire life. Not in OOC not in real life. At the beginning of the round 4 rounds before the one I was banned on, Blet Nerb ( sharkfreak apparently) broke into Captain's office early in the round. The next round he did the same thing. Same thing next round. The round before I was banned I went to join him along with a small crowd to watch him be stupid. We talked IC a little after the event and the round ended as usual. At the beginning of my last round, I ran straight to captain's quarters with him (so did like 6 assistants who had caught on at this point) and was part of the mosh pit that ensued. I was in captain's office along with everyone else, yet because I was an engineer, the same job as blet, I was metagaming with him? The ban said confirming metacomms but really there is no evidence of metagaming whatsoever, accept for the fact that I assisted blet when an assistant tried to robust him right before I was banned.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I was banned because Technoalchemist thought I was metagaming with sharkfreak. I am 100% sure that I wasn't. I can see how he would think we were, since I was there the last two times he broke in, but I can - HONESTLY - say that I was not in contact with him at all, and have never met him in my life.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:20 am
by NikNakFlak
Man, that sure is weird how you guys also have a ban on yog with the same exact person...? Man that sure isn't suspicious at all, gee willickers man

sharkfreaks ban list on Yog wrote wrote:Metagaming with Nah1999. Also asked to be debrained as a thrall, claims he didnt know how the thrall buisness works.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:25 am
by ArseNugger1996
NikNakFlak wrote:Man, that sure is weird how you guys also have a ban on yog with the same exact person...? Man that sure isn't suspicious at all, gee willickers man

sharkfreaks ban list on Yog wrote wrote:Metagaming with Nah1999. Also asked to be debrained as a thrall, claims he didnt know how the thrall buisness works.

> implying I am Nah1999

deze assumptions man. Seriously where does it say Nah1999 on my anything?


After some investigation it looks like sharkfreak was accused of metacomms with Nah1999 on yogs. I can see why you would think it was me but that doesn't change the fact that I am now permabanned for not metagaming...

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:27 am
by NikNakFlak
It's an alt account of yours that's linked in our database.....?

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:31 am
by Ahammer18
Arsenugger, do you know who Nah1999 is?

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:34 am
by ArseNugger1996
Ahammer18 wrote:Arsenugger, do you know who Nah1999 is?
Not in real life, no.
HE'S 16

Well shit this is a bad situation for me. You aren't going to believe that so I guess I'm not getting unbanned. Assuming this is false ( it's not hngfghfghjkfd ) what are my chances exactly? This is some bullshit right here.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:38 am
by NikNakFlak
Your story smells like bullshit tbh

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:39 am
by Ahammer18
So what you're saying is that you were doing suspicious shit with Nah1999's cousin completely coincidentally?

I don't buy it.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:43 am
by ArseNugger1996
NikNakFlak wrote:Your story smells like bullshit tbh
I'm aware. I have a sereous question. If this were the situation it is, and you were me, what the fuck would you do? I like /tg/ and yogs is cancer. The thing is I'm using the harddrive, motherboard, and windows 10 from his pc that he took apart recently to sell because he decided he liked XboxOne more. I was building mine and thought, hey, cheap pc parts from a person I kinda know. I built this thing and bought the rest off of amazon/newegg. My neighbor ( who is friends with noah and me because he's 17 and whatever ) showed me ss13 and I just recently started playing on /tg/. Believe what you will, but this is completely true. I don't want to be banned and I'm typing it all out because if I don't you guys will just keep me banned forever. Goon is alright but compared to /tg/ it's absolute cancer.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:46 am
by ArseNugger1996
ArseNugger1996 wrote:
NikNakFlak wrote:Your story smells like bullshit tbh
I'm aware. I have a sereous question. If this were the situation it is, and you were me, what the fuck would you do? I like /tg/ and yogs is cancer. The thing is I'm using the harddrive, motherboard, and windows 10 from his pc that he took apart recently to sell because he decided he liked XboxOne more. I was building mine and thought, hey, cheap pc parts from a person I kinda know. I built this thing and bought the rest off of amazon/newegg. My neighbor ( who is friends with noah and me because he's 17 and whatever ) showed me ss13 and I just recently started playing on /tg/. Believe what you will, but this is completely true. I don't want to be banned and I'm typing it all out because if I don't you guys will just keep me banned forever. Goon is alright but compared to /tg/ it's absolute cancer.

Also the reason he was selling it in parts was because his dad wanted the r9 380 from his pc to put in his own office pc, so he sold the SSD and power supply to his cousin (sharkfreak) who is also building a computer and needed those parts.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:49 am
by Ahammer18
Fuck, where do I even begin...


Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:51 am
by IrishWristWatch0
Your computer specs add nothing to this.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:54 am
by ArseNugger1996
Ahammer18 wrote:Fuck, where do I even begin...

First: Nah1999 is connecting from a completely different state than you, yet he has used your PC.
Second: Sharkfreak is also in a completely different state. Either you make a habit of traveling thousands of miles to keep up friendships, or there are some proxies in the equation.
I live in southwest florida. Noah lives in north florida/panhandle. Sharkfreak lives in north/south carolina I'm pretty sure. It's unlikely and hard to believe I know, but keep in mind the SS13 community is in the low thousands, and active /tg/ players are in the hundreds. I want you to believe but because of all the lies that can be told over the internet you are pretty much never going to believe my story unless I provide physical evidence of some kind. I have a camera, what do you want from me?

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:57 am
by ArseNugger1996
If you want an easy to believe but bullshit story here's one: I know sharkfreak we are neighbors i talk to him on steam we metagamed please forgive me. I can't stress enough how true my story LITERALLY is but I just can't give you anything more than words at this point.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:59 am
by Ahammer18
As none of us that have commented are the banning admin we'll have to wait for Technoalchemist to come and weigh in.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:02 am
by ArseNugger1996
Alright. I'll wait. If I'm kept banned keep in mind, you aren't just banning me from this server, you are banning me from the only popular staight /tg/ build. If it were Rust or Garrysmod or whatever, I could easily find a new server because there are so many. But on ss13 there are like 6 or 7 servers with more than 30 people at any one time, and more than half of those are shit. I'm typing all this because I genuinely want to be part of the community and play ss13 as opposed to playing goon or hippy.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:50 am
by TechnoAlchemist
Appeal denied.

Re: [technoalchemist] ArseNugger1996 - accused metacoms

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:36 am
by ArseNugger1996