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[bgobandit] Steve Leaf - Accidental OOC

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:16 pm
by The_Dreamweaver
Byond account and character name: The Dreamweaver - Steve Leaf
Banning admin:bgobandit
Ban type (What are you banned from?): The server
Ban reason and length: ICC on OOC chat, repeated warnings
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 26-02-16 21:59:53 PST
Your side of the story: I accidentally hit O when i meant to hit T and as result accidently said what was meant for dead chat, in ooc chat. It was an honest mistake, and it wasnt like the comment had anything to do with the other players so it didn't spoil or anything. I immediately apologized. As for the repeared warnings part, I don't have a clue what the fuck that means, as it only happend once and then I was banned, so i dont get what the warning thing means.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a simple mistake due to miss type (something that my poor typing skills allude too), and it didn't effect the gameplay (because as I said, the comment had little to do with the what was currently happening in the round, and the round was about to end too). I apologized right after, making clear it was a mistake, and the warning part is complete bullshit.

Re: [bgobandit] Steve Leaf - Accidental OOC

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:23 pm
by tedward1337
It's a 30 minute ban, with repeated behaviour from before
Just sit it out

Re: [bgobandit] Steve Leaf - Accidental OOC

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:25 pm
by The_Dreamweaver
Repeated behavior? I might have accidentally mistyped one or two other times before, but I know for certain no intentional OOC, and never anything round crucial, otherwise, I wouldn't bother even appealing this one. Also, the reason I wanted a fast appeal, is because I'm leaving for the weekend (starting in less than 15 minutes) and wanted to get a round or two in before leaving.

Re: [bgobandit] Steve Leaf - Accidental OOC

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:52 pm
by bandit
Re: "warned before":
2015-08-24 02:19:56 | Sybil | hotelbravolima [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 15 minutes - IC in OOC. Was warned but hey.
2015-10-12 05:29:48 | Sybil | saegrimr [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Really bad at this whole ic/ooc divide thing.
2016-02-08 01:06:33 | Sybil | tkdrg [Remove Note] [Edit Note] Last edit by tkdrg (Click here to see edit log)
Warned - IC in OOC. Claimed he didn't know it was cult, despite having been a ghost for a while, and that he was "suggesting it for next round". Got really annoyed and logged off during questioning.
2016-02-26 22:00:06 | Sybil | bgobandit [Remove Note] [Edit Note]
Banned for 30 minutes - IC in OOC, repeated warnings.
This is in the span of 6 months or so. Obviously it doesn't include cases no one made a note of. I understand that people make mistakes, but IC in OOC is still against the rules and standard policy is to increase the ban length for each instance. At any rate, it's only 30 minutes.

Re: [bgobandit] Steve Leaf - Accidental OOC

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:15 am
by lzimann
Just a 30 minutes ban that has expired already. Moving this to resolved, PM if you think something is wrong, etc