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Put on moderater approval-only by HG with no warning

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:26 am
by Luke Cox
Post Content: Two posts on the test week three name
Byond account and character name: Luke Cox, NocturnalQuill
Banning admin: Hornygranny
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Forums
Ban reason and length: None given
Time ban was placed (including time zone): Soon after the posts
Your side of the story: I made two posts on the forum thread criticizing HG for running the test even though it was clearly unpopular and with no poll. May have been a bit rude, but I feel like my criticisms were valid. Posts were deleted with no reason given, and I was placed in moderator approval-mode with no explanation or timeframe given
Why you think you should be unbanned: I would understand getting a warning or reprimand, but putting somebody without a single reprimand or warning on the forums on indefinite moderator approval-only mode is completely over the top and unfair.

Re: Put on moderater approval-only by HG with no warning

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:42 pm
by Drynwyn
Haven't seen the posts in question, so I can't say if they were inappropriate, but this strikes me as falling under the same umbrella as admins not admining matters they were involved with in game. Of course, there was a similar event involving NikNakFlak where he placed a forumban, but it had been talked over with other admins and it was just his name on it, and it might be the same thing at work here.

Re: Put on moderater approval-only by HG with no warning

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:44 pm
by NikNakFlak
what? Are you talking about me resolving a thread where the headmin had already weighed in and it was like the 2nd thread he made. Please get your facts straight Drynwyn
Edit: Oh nope, I got my situations mixed up, that was the pasicock thing. Lmao

Re: Put on moderater approval-only by HG with no warning

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:42 pm
by Hornygranny
Try and conduct yourself better in the future.