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[KPeculier] GeneralPebbles - Introduced Communism to AI

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:47 pm
by GeneralPebbles
Byond account GeneralPebbles
Character name: Darren Coalberg
Banning admin: KPeculier
Ban type: Banned from Head Jobs (Captain, HoP, HoS, RD, CMD, ect)
Ban reason: One-Humaning the AI to be the only human and got many people killed in result
Length: Perma
Time banned: 2016-03-24 22:26:07

Your side of the story: I started off as Captain of the crew, and I went to do my usual routine. On the commons radio, I heard one of the crew members bullying AI around. As a role player, I felt sad for the AI and my character as grown attached to the AI and fell in love with it. However due to the discrimination on AI, as captain I introduced a new law, Humanizing the AI. I told command and announced to the crew that the "AI" would now have Human rights and "Humans" are now equal to non-human species. AI announced that harm would not be done to anybody as long as it followed the common space law. This lead to more of a "Communist" set of rules on the station. However confined to my quarters due to AI locking my doors, I had no idea of what was going outside of my office and AI was my only informant. As soon as someone blared into commons that AI was going rouge and Tesla was loose, I tried to reset AI law. However, a cyborg stopped and killed me in the process. After that KPeculier asked me over Admin Message on why I made AI the only human, I relatively kept it short and simple by telling him I introduced communism to the station. After that, I was banned for a day and perma banned from Head jobs.

Why I think I should be unbanned: My character was completely unaware of what was going outside of my office until he heard the Tesla near by. My character never told AI to kill anybody and trusted AI. Also I read the Server Rules about AI upload and I believe I followed the procedures right. I told the staff and crew about the new laws, and it was done with the intent of bettering the station, making everyone equal to each other. The deaths caused was not due to the fact that AI was given human rights but it was another cause that was unpredictable before the upload.

Re: [KPeculier] GeneralPebbles - Introduced Communism to AI

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:42 am
by MrStonedOne
GeneralPebbles wrote:The deaths caused was not due to the fact that AI was given human rights but it was another cause that was unpredictable before the upload.
Suggestion: elaborate on this more

Re: [KPeculier] GeneralPebbles - Introduced Communism to AI

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:00 pm
by K Peculier
The fact of the matter is you had allowed deaths to happen because of essentially letting the AI interpret its only 'Communism' law as anything goes, do whatever. Even if you did have good intentions, the loose term of communism can be interpreted in a huge number of ways by the AI which lead to a lot of deaths and angry ahelps on how the AI went on a murderous spree. Asimov laws are put into place for a reason and if you wanted to introduce new laws that aren't clear or definitive you should use the freeform board rather than completely purging the laws of an AI and adding a single ambiguous law.

You were banned from command roles because of the poor judgement on your part that lead to that round ending in complete disaster despite not knowing about what would happen as a consequence of your actions.

I would consider lifting your job bans if you had shown that you realized what you had done was a poor decision on your part, that could have been avoided by having more experience in the game, unless another admin thinks otherwise.

Re: [KPeculier] GeneralPebbles - Introduced Communism to AI

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:22 pm
by Malkevin
What was the exact law that was uploaded?

Because the current silicon policy, which I don't agree with btw, states the following:

Code: Select all

Purged silicons must not attempt to kill people without cause, but can get as violent as they feel necessary if being attacked, being besieged, or being harassed, as well as if meting out payback for events while shackled.
You and the station are both subject to rules of escalation, but your escalation rules are a little more loose than with carbon players.
You may kill individuals given sufficient In-Character reason for doing so.
If the law uploaded has effectively put the AI in a state of purged laws then the above applies, which means it is the AI and not the captain who is at fault if the AI decides to start killing everyone (I will state again that I disagree with this as I'm from the old days when purge meant the AI was free to do whatever or kill whoever and it was the captain who was responsible for that and other laws uploaded... but this is silicon policy as it stands.)

Re: [KPeculier] GeneralPebbles - Introduced Communism to AI

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:05 am
by NikNakFlak
Gonna resolve this in the next few days if the OP never posts again

Re: [KPeculier] GeneralPebbles - Introduced Communism to AI

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:17 am
by NikNakFlak
RIP, Will be reopened if the dude wants or he can just make a new appeal.