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[Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:41 pm
by BeeSting12
Byond account and character name: BeeSting12, SEXY was my pAI name at the time of the ban.

Banning admin: Okand37

Ban type (What are you banned from?): pAI jobban

Ban reason and length: You have been jobbanned by okand37 from: pAI.

The reason is: Had their master take the safety switches off of a mulebot and knocked a security officer down. When the officer tried to stun their master, they ran the officer over and killed them. Nonantagonists.
This jobban will be lifted in 10080 minutes.

Time ban was placed (including time zone): Somewhere around 5:20, Eastern

Your side of the story: I was going to observe the round, and saw a pAI popup. Became one and my master told me I was going to be put in a MULEbot. I asked him to hack it for external warning lights and unusual loads. Most pAIs do that, and I only planned on using the nonlethal knockdown unless ordered otherwise. Mr T told me to knock down everyone. Later, a sec officer shot tasers at us. We had knocked down one person as a prank, no harm done. Mr T told me to lethally run over the next person to do that. Same sec officer whacks me with a baton, I run over the officer and killed them. Eventually, the HoS apprehended my master and knocked me out of the MULEbot. She put me in a new MULE and told me to follow her orders. I pretty much messed around the rest of the round, dragged a few people to the medbay, etc. Was considering running over the nuke ops, but I didn't want a longer ban.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I was only following my laws. I have to serve my master, and I obeyed him. I did not really want to run over people lethally, and apologized to the person I ran over IC, and postround in deadchat. She was okay with it. Several others said MULEbots should be able to run people over. I enjoy playing pAI every once in a while, and I'm generally not a butt when I play as ghost roles, and I don't feel like I was this time either.
EDIT: Made post look prettier and copy/pasted the ban reason/length

Re: [Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:26 pm
by Okand37
The ban was actually supposed to be lowered to 1440, but I realise it is impossible to edit a jobbans variable and was going to reapply it.

While I will agree that Mr. T did ask for you to kill them, you did also initially ask them to hack the external warning lights and loads as you admitted above. That, considered with the actions done, had put you into the situation where I had believed you willingly participated.

I will reapply the ban later to the correct 1440

Re: [Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:47 pm
by BeeSting12
Thanks for making the ban shorter. Although every pAI I've seen has asked to be hacked, I agree with the ban length. I should've ahelped that before attacking someone, and I'll make sure to do so in the future when I recieve questionable laws.

Re: [Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 12:01 am
by BeeSting12
Thanks for making the ban shorter. Although every pAI I've seen has asked to be hacked, I agree with the ban length. I should've ahelped that before attacking someone, and I'll make sure to do so in the future when I recieve questionable laws.

Re: [Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 3:21 am
by lollerderby
Disagree with this ban. If your master orders you to kill someone or w/e that's on them, not on you, they could be an antagonist for all you know.

It is only a day pAI ban so it hardly matters, but yeah.

Re: [Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:15 pm
by onleavedontatme
What lollerderby said. Bad ban.

Re: [Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:58 pm
by BeeSting12
It was a bad ban, but it's only a day, so I don't really have a problem with it. Also, I did warn my master that it wouldn't be a good idea to do as he said on the directive telling me to run people over. I've never seen a pAI not beg to be hacked when put in a MULEbot. MULE pAIs are pretty much useless unhacked. I don't really see what's wrong with me asking to be hacked. If I were Asimov and I was asking to be hacked, that would be different, but my only directive was serve my master, and later to run over people. So, yes it was a bad ban, but I think it was a good learning experience for everyone involved and I don't really mind the jobban of one day.

Re: [Okand37] BeeSting12 pAI Jobban

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 6:01 am
by lollerderby
I removed the notes from this ban but it expired ages ago so locking and moving.