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Admin: Okand37 Player:Streex- Ban Appeal

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 4:54 pm
by streex321
[admin name] player name - fluff text

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: Streex - Robert Santos
Banning admin: Okand37
Ban type (What are you banned from?): The Server
Ban reason and length: Permanent - Blew up a bomb in the Chapel killing Three people. Logged off after. (Shortened since I can't seem to copy/paste the ban text.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2016-05-10 Not entirely sure what the exact time was since I am not sure what timezone the ban lists but it was mid evening for me. Time listed on the server was 14:33
Your side of the story: Hey guys, sorry for the late post for this, I knew about the ban two days but tried to get in touch with Okand37 to clear things up but realized there was a proper method of appealing so went to using this instead.

I was not the one who set off that bomb, nor did I intentionally log off to avoid an admin confrontation. The actual culprit of said bomb is the guy called Staliminium XVII or whatever Roman numeral goes after his name. The guy came into my research lab in the midst of what was literally turning out to be an apocalypse with demons and shit (Admins online can probably clarify I think someone found an anomaly and crazy stuff started happening) and started acting super shady and trying to convert me to whatever cult he had going that was embracing the apocalypse as apposed to trying to stop it. He noticed I was making bombs so in the hopes the insane dude wouldn't outright kill me for calling him batshit (I felt as though the likelyhood he was a traitor was super high concidering what I heard about him through the round) I went along with it and gave him one of my bombs in appeasement. When he left I went to medbay to go fix myself up after walking into an electrified door two times when a guy with an esword jumped out of the cloning pod and insta killed me. Logged off soon after due to a case of the rage quit, didn't hear anything about the bomb prior to me logging off so what I assume is that either he or someone else set it off.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Sorry for the confusion, I would have usually stayed on to see the rest of the round but the way I died was just so damn annoying haha. I think I should be unbanned as I did not set off the bomb or try to avoid talking to an admin, if you guys still have the logs it will confirm it.

Re: Admin: Okand37 Player:Streex- Ban Appeal

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 5:40 pm
by Okand37
After looking back through the logs I see where I error'ed.

[16:36:14]ACCESS: Logout: Streex[DC]/(Robert Santos)

[16:39:50]GAME: Bomb valve opened in Chapel(77,64,1) with <A HREF='?_src_=holder;secrets=list_signalers'>The remote signaling device</A> attacher: <a href='?priv_msg=streex'>Streex[DC]</a>/(Robert Santos) Last touched by: <a href='?priv_msg=stephenissupercool'>StephenIsSuperCool</a>/(Stalininium MCCCXXXVII)
[16:39:52]GAME: Explosion with size (2, 5, 11, 0) in area Chapel (91,70,1)

When looking through the second part in actual adminlog format, I didn't notice the latter half of it stating that stalinium had touched it as well, as I was currently in the middle of another admin related situation. I had saw the first half of it and jumped to you to talk about it, but you were offline. I see the problem was that I jumped to the conclusion that these were connected and it resulted in this-though it stated to explain on the forums-unfortunate ban.
After looking and verifying chat logs and admin logs, while you did assist in creating a bomb for his use, you weren't the one to detonate it.

In any case, a learning experience results from this. Your ban is lifted, just try to stay around if possible till the end of the round if you're making bombs or dealing with shady people to see the end result. Thanks much.

Re: Admin: Okand37 Player:Streex- Ban Appeal

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 6:01 pm
by streex321
Thanks a bunch for the help, not to worry I will make sure to remain conscious that these things can happen and try to stick about even once dead.